Magic With You

Chapter 70 - 70

With a heavy heart, Calter exited the City Lord's Magic Tower. Outside is the never changing ice and snow land. Calter's heart was as cold as his surroundings. Somehow, the cold environment did no good to his aching heart

Calter's footsteps were heavy as if he is shouldering a whole mountain on his shoulder. Calter's heart is in turmoil and his environment amplified the depressing aura that he is exuding

Instead of returning above ground like he planned, Calter instead changed his direction. He continued walking around until he reached the area where Kence built a snowman

Calter went in front of the snowman and gently touch it. As soon as he touches the snowman, it was like the loneliness and sadness of Kence was absorbed by the snowman. The snowman then transmitted those negative feelings to Calter

Kence's sadness and loneliness enveloped Calter's whole being and he can imagine how much Kence yearned for a company. He might not be in Kence's side the past week but he made sure that he's updated on things regarding the person he loves

There are servants that will report to him every single day. Calter knew that for the past week, Kence was just always on his room. The youth almost didn't go out at all. At most, Kence will wander around the tower. Only today that Kence exited the tower and that might be because he really became too lonely without anyone accompanying him


The sound of something breaking entered Calter's ears. The young master turned his head and saw a young woman a bit far from him. The distance is far and Calter can't recognize the woman's face. However, the clothes that she is wearing is something familiar to Calter

Even though he can't see her face, Calter is sure that the woman is Caizha

"It seems like her disagreement with the City Lord is quite deep" Calter said to himself. He then decided to talk to Caizha. She is Otto's true disciple and although he doesn't show it on him, but Calter really felt grateful to the old man. He might be able to help Caizha and that means he'll also help the City Lord

His plan was to leech off on the City Lord's power and influence while he's still weak. But when the time comes that he finally becomes strong, he would surely repay the old man for all the help he did

Calter differentiate his gratitude and anger well

Along the way, Calter watched as Caizha shoot spells after spell. Of course, there's still a big difference to her and Calter's spell casting speed

Calter can cast spells in less than a second while depending on the spell she will use, Caizha's speed range from one second to a couple of seconds

In front of Caizha is a boulder like block of ice. The ice was pretty solid and even after casting a few spells, Caizha only managed to chip away small pieces of ice from it

She's different than normal angry people who will act hysterically. All she did was cast spells on the ice boulder. If one didn't look at her closely, you wouldn't see that she is angry

Her face still wore than indifferent expression but frustration will sometimes flicker on her eyes. Calter can't help but be amaze at the young woman. She's only a year older than the current Calter but her maturity is top-notch. Not many people have this kind of temperament

Caizha was too focus on venting her frustration and only noticed someone walking closer to her when Calter is only a few meters away from her

The young woman turned her head and saw her 'crush' but aside from slight bit of expression, there's nothing else that you would see on her that will make you think that she has taken a liking to Calter

"Do you really want to enter the Enchanted Academy?" Calter directly asked. After all, he's not someone who like to beat around the bush and always directly said what he wants

The only exception was Kence, he can't rush that fragile bunny after all. If he scared the youth away, he won't have anyone to cry on

Caizha took a deep breath and calm herself. This is her first time talking to Calter with just the two of them. Even the surroundings only contained her and Calter. She can't help but feel nervous but didn't let it show on her face

"I want to" she answered while nodding her head. Calter nodded too as this is an expected answer. She won't argue with the City Lord after all if she doesn't really want to

"Do you know what you will be facing in the Academy without any backing?" Calter asked calmly which the woman nodded her head as an answer

"You know what you are going to face but do you really understand it?" Calter asked and looked straightly at Caizha's eyes

The young woman can't stop a slight blush from appearing on her cheeks and her eyes flickered with a strange emotion. Nonetheless, as she really doesn't want to strain her relationship with her junior brother by letting Calter know that she's interested in him, she still didn't show much emotions on her face

"What do you mean?" Caizha asked in confusion. She's not the smartest but she still knew how the world works. The strong and those who have the backing of the strong can bully those who are weak! And the weak can only calmly accept the bullying if they don't want to lose their lives

"I bet on your mind you have the thought of getting bullied, humiliated, and belittle without anything that you can do right?" Calter has a lot of life experience and can guess what's inside this woman

Although she showed talent and smartness but she is still the City Lord's disciple! She was pampered all her life. Caizha merely understood things but not really experienced them

"I know what I'll be facing but I'm not afraid!" Caizha said in a serious and determined tone

To become something in this world, to repay her master, and not make any mistake by falling in love with Calter she needs to enter the academy!

Calter, however, shook his head. "That is the problem, you know it but you don't really understand it. Simply knowing is not enough!"

"Your point is?" Caizha asked but as she is smart, she's slowly having an idea on what Calter really meant. However, she was subconsciously rejecting the thoughts on her head as like what Calter think, she is also a genius that was pampered since young!

"You know that you will be bullied but does it really sinked on your mind? You are thinking that you can endure until you become strong enough but let me tell you what you are really going to face!"

"I'm going to be frank here, you are a beautiful woman. Men out there would want to have you. Of course, if they are weak, they can't do anything to you that you don't like. Visible at how no men in the City dared to force their selves on you because of the City Lord!"

Caizha bit her lower lip as she already knows what Calter's next words are going to be. As of now, it doesn't matter to her that Calter said she is beautiful because of Calter's next words that she anticipated. Those words are something that she doesn't want to accept

"However, in the Enchanted Alliance the strong there are uncountable. Any of them will have a better backing than you. Sure, the academy won't let you die or be harmed on their watch but there is no place in the world that doesn't have a corruption!"

"The Academy will give you protection but it won't be 24 hours a day! Some lecherous men will find loopholes and exploit someone as weak as you. I won't sugar coat my words but there is a high chance that you'll be **** there!"

Caizha's heart trembled and the things she slowly understands before were laid bare on her.

"Toying with a beautiful yet weak woman like you is something those deprive people with power will enjoy!"

"Besides, it's not just the men that you need to be wary of. Even the girls! Women are petty and jealous creature. In the beginning, only few of them will hate you for being more beautiful than them. But your plan is to endure the bullying there until you become powerful right?"

"However! When the time comes that you gained power and was slowly being recognized by the academy, the girls that will hate you will multiply! They will think things like how can someone like you that came from a lowly birth not only was more beautiful than them but also more talented. Those girls can pull the strings behind and destroy your pretty face or worst help those lecherous men to have their way with you!"

Every single word that came out from Calter was the hard reality that Caizha thought of previously but decided to push aside. She wanted to refute but she knows that Calter is only telling the truth!

She gritted her teeth while clenching her fist as she continued listening to Calter's words that are brutal but only contained the reality of life

"Also, do you think you are the only one that will be affected? If you really do manage to keep yourself safe from any harm but what about the Soaring Magic City?"

"If they can't touch you, then why won't they think of threatening you using your home city? If they can't be direct then they will use underhanded tactics! Not only you yourself that your putting at risk but also the City Lord and his whole City!"

"Sorry to be blunt but you are still too naive to think that you'll become the protagonist of a weak to strong novel!"

Caizha can accept the other things but to be called naive? She didn't become arrogant but she's extremely proud of her brains and maturity! She thought that she can see through things with her intelligence, but who would have thought she would be belittle like this?

She still has her own pride!

"You may be right but you still can't be too sure that I won't become strong while keeping myself and the City safe!" Caizha bite back in an attempt to save her pride but Calter once again spoke out loud her thoughts

"You might be thinking that somehow you will have a friend that will come from a powerful family and protect you right? Or maybe, there will be an influential figure in the academy that will like you and take you as a disciple? Or maybe, you think that as long as you have access to the Enchanted Academy's resources and knowledge that you will become someone talented in the whole realm, right?"

"You might even be thinking that the geniuses in the Academy only became geniuses because they have the help of their powerful family or organization! Do you really think that you are some protagonist in a novel?!"

"If you think like that then what about me? I came from a Baron Clan that just in the Soaring Magic City is insignificant but I am sure I can defeat you!"

Anger flickered on Caizha's beautiful face. Calter's words were all true but although she normally has a flexible mind but this time, she can't accept the reality. You can't blame her though, it was already surprising for her to achieve a mindset and maturity she has despite her age and upbringing. But a young master will always be a young master!

"Oh? How can you be so sure you can defeat me? Aren't you too arrogant?" Caizha said with a cold as ice tone while staring straight at Calter

Calter gave her a devilishly handsome smirk that affected Caizha's heart although she is extremely agitated. "Do you want me to show to you the reality?"

Caizha raised her brows a bit as her fighting intent was ignited. She knew that Calter won from a modified human from the Shan Clan that is bordering the power of a Magic Warrior although he's only a Level 4 Magic Apprentice. However, Caizha is the official number 1 genius in the City! She won't back down on this

"Show me!" Caizha said before a crystal blue wand appeared on her hand and she pointed it at Calter's direction

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