Magic With You

Chapter 74 - 74

Instead of cultivating like what Kence said to the City Lord, the youth just laid his body on the bed. His soft and white hands were gripping his chest as it feels too painful for him

Kence didn't know if it was because he pushed himself and run a lot before but even after he rested for some time, he was still panting hard for some air. Even his body started heating up and red patches of blush formed all over his body

His head started having a dizzy feeling and his mind felt heavy. But as he's also away from his master now, sleep eluded him. Even though he felt tired from both his body and mind, he still wasn't able to sleep

In the end, although Kence is not feeling well, he was forced to endure the uncomfortable feeling while still being conscious


Back at Calter. It took him some time before he steeled himself. Caizha is right, the assassin brought physical pain to Kence but he on the other hand, gave the youth emotional pain

Calter vowed to always protect Kence and not let him get hurt in any way but here he is, being the very reason of Kence's pain

What's the point of overthinking? Of being scared? He won't achieve anything by having those negative feelings

Calter's emotions cleared up. There's no point being affected like this by what happened in the past. Isn't he doing his best to be strong for the sake of Kence? But strength doesn't necessarily mean combat strength, he also needs to have a strong mind

This is Kence that we are talking about after all. How can he not know how fragile the youth is?

Even after having an additional ten years of life experience on his past life, Calter realizes that he's still actually immature. He knew that he'll always be with Kence and he can't be afraid of being with his beloved

Thinking of this, Calter immediately stood up from the ground and charged back to the Magic Tower. He was running as if his life depended on it

For Calter, there is no time to waste. He badly miss Kence now! In his past life, he was separated to Kence for ten years. But now, it's only a month that he returned in the past yet he's avoiding Kence like this. Just what is the extent of his stupidity?

Fortunately, although Calter's physique is not the best out there but it's still better than Kence's. He was tired yet wasn't as tired as Kence when he reached the Magic Tower

Calter quickly entered inside and asked the first servant he saw. The servant answered that Kence was with the City Lord before and pointed at the direction the two went

Without saying even just a 'thank you' Calter immediately run to where the servant was pointing. He badly wants to see and hug Kence now!

Only he knows, how much he was holding back before. However, when Calter reached outside the room where Kence is, the only person he saw was the City Lord that is in deep thought as if something is bothering him

"C-City Lord" Calter called out while panting hard. Although the temperature inside the tower was not as low the outside, but it was still a bit cold. But even though that's the case, Calter is still sweating heavily and his clothes were drenched in sweat

Hearing someone calling him, Otto turned his head at the panting Calter

The old man nodded his head as an acknowledgment to Calter's presence and waited for the youth to speak

"C-City Lord, where is Kence?" Calter asked directly and the City Lord pointed at the door on his back

"Kence went into seclusion for training. He said that he doesn't want anyone to disturb him. Please do respect his actions" Otto simply said and started walking away

Although Otto wants to help the two to reconcile but for him, people will mature the most if their matters were resolved by themselves

"S-seclusion?" Calter said to himself unbelievingly. It was fine if Kence is a Magic Warrior or above, but a Magic Apprentice entering seclusion? There's surely something fishy about it

Calter wants to tear down that door and talk to Kence but the City Lord's words echoed on his mind

If he wants Kence to stop treating him like a master, then he naturally also needs to stop treating him like a servant. A master will directly enter the room. But someone you love, like what Otto said would respect your decisions and actions

Although Calter doesn't know why Kence will enter a seclusion like this, but he still needs to let Kence do what he wants. In fact, in some ways this is also a good sign. Kence is starting to have his own will now. Not like before where his every actions were in consideration for his master

This eased Calter's uneasiness a bit. However, if he knew that Kence did this in consideration for him and Caizha's 'blossoming feelings' just how would he react?

Calter sigh bitterly and decided to just let Kence do what he wants. He missed the youth a lot but he can't do anything

With a sour feeling, Calter decided to continue his original plan today. He went outside the Tower again and returned above ground

He asked someone to call Kel for him. Calter arranged it so that, Kel will start living in the City Lord's Manor. But of course, even though he's a Magic Knight, his living arrangement wasn't any better than the servants in the Manor

Below ground, Calter is safe as few people knew of that place. But above ground, true danger will emerge. Who knows when an assassin will try to kill him. Because of that, he badly needs a bodyguard

And Kel is perfect for that! That's a Knight we are talking about! At least while inside the Soaring Magic City, only few will be able to defeat Kel

As fast as he can, Kel headed to where Calter is. It was disgraceful to panic this much when a fifteen year old youth called him but this youth is a demon!

Who knows, maybe he will get punished if he let Calter wait for too long. He can't risk anything when it comes to this demon!

Calter nodded in satisfaction at seeing Kel. The man was fast. Calter likes people with efficiency and decided to reward 'Kel'

"What a good servant!" Calter said while slapping Kel's face lightly as if he was just playing with a pet

Anger flashed in Kel's eyes but the negative thoughts about Calter immediately vanished as soon as it was formed

"Oh? Are you angry?" Calter said with a playful smile and Kel furiously shook his head. "Of course not, m-master!" Kel replied in panicked. He's angered but how will he dare say it?

"Stupid, do you think I don't know it?" Calter said and rolled his eyes

"Anyways, as my servant I will naturally use you. Does the Shan Clan has a property with a big house and wide open space in a rather isolated part of the City? I don't like it if many people will pass by that area"

Calter asked and Kel went into a deep thought before answering. The man was clearly afraid that he will answer incorrectly. But no matter how much Kel thinks, all of the Shan Clan's property boasted arrogance

They will only buy land and houses in a good district where many Nobles live. They like showing off and their lands were always located at a place where many people can stare at it with awe

After all they are a Marquees Clan, even the other two Clans equal to them won't easily offend them. Even the City Lord won't easily exterminate such Clan

Kel fearfully shake his head. "I apologized master, I fear that we don't have such property"

"Tsk useless!" Calter said in disdain and Kel can only lower his head. He's afraid that he will be punished now that his master's mood is not good

"Then think of a place like what I describe in the City! I want you to buy it for me!"

The gears of Kel's mind worked furiously. For him, every second counts! And sure enough, he only thought of it for a bit before Kel gained an answer

"M-master, I remembered that the Hale Clan has a property like that. But that land is barren and was mostly ignored. It's not in a bustling part of the City and also not a good place to plant crops. The mana in the air are also too low"

Calter's eyes lit up hearing that. This is a perfect place for him. He exactly wants a place where not many people will go to. And what does he care about raising plants? He don't need to sell goods as the Shan Clan themselves is his money factory. And maybe, the mana wasn't as low as people described

"Hmm accompany me, we'll go to the Hale Clan now. I want the property as soon as possible!" Kel obediently nodded his head. Calter started walking to find another servant to ask them to prepare his carriage

What a pampered young master! Every single troublesome and menial task for him will be given to the servants. But of course, those servants won't disobey or disrespect him

Thus, in a short time. Calter along with Kel entered the carriage while a coachman went to ride on the Cloud Stepping Horse. The carriage also has the City Lord's emblem. Otto was afraid that another Noble will offend Calter and will be forced to exterminate such a Clan and arranged things beforehand

Calter cannot let Kel go too far away from him as he is still to weak and the Knight needs to accompany him inside the carriage. He's not afraid of death but he can't die and needs to protect his life

Kence might be safe with the City Lord but in the future, a Rank 4 Mage will descend on the realm!


In the Hale Clan, seeing a carriage with the City Lord's emblem, the guards panicked and immediately contacted someone on the Hale Clan

The Hale Clan hearing this, naturally ordered to let the carriage enter their Clan. Whether it be the City Lord himself or his representatives, it won't do good to the Hale Clan to offend either of them

Marquees Tem even personally patiently waited for the people inside the carriage to go out. The Hale Clan out of the three Marquess Clans have the most number of business

They are a strong Clan but their powers were at the bottom compared to the Khan and Shan Clan. But neither of the two will underestimate them as they are the riches of the three. Hale Clan can recruit much more mages on their side

Even the Academy that Calter previously attended was owned by them. But of course, the top instructors there are also only Knights. But to lower Nobilities, entering the academy is beneficial to them

Even the descendants of Marquees Clan would sometimes enter there. After all there are different elements in magic, even if your Clan has a cultivation manual or Knight of your type it doesn't mean that the focus will be the same

For example in Ice Magic, once can specialize in maybe sealing magic or the hardening part of their ice for direct attacks. At Magic Apprentice level, it still wasn't clearly seen, but Magic Warriors will slowly focus on a single path to maximize efficiency

Kel was the first one to exit the carriage much to Tem's surprise. But his next humiliating actions shocked Tem more

After he step out on the carriage, he actually went on the side and bowed respectfully to the other person going out in the Carriage

And that person was none other than, the fifteen year old youth Calter!

Of course, rumors of the Shan Clan becoming slaves of Calter was already known by powerful Nobles. But knowing and seeing it directly is an entirely different thing!

Kel has the same standing as Tem and to see him act so subservient like this will naturally make Tem uncomfortable

"The God of Order's power is really too powerful!" Tem said to himself.. Out of all Nobility Clans, the Shan can top the list of the most arrogant along with the Khan. So you can't blame someone from being this shock when they saw Kel's current state!

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