Magic With You

Chapter 83 - 83

The surroundings turned oppressive and the weak willed people was forced on their knees. The sudden changed on their surroundings and the dark clouds floating in the sky made them feel as if they are angering the world itself

They had the feeling that this kind of thing is a taboo. The prisoner's body was trembling from pain but as this is his master's order, he didn't dare disobey and continued chanting

This just made the sky to turn angrier. From the sky, a snake like red lightning descended in a fast speed and strike the prisoner's body

The prisoner was not even able to utter a scream before he died. Only ashes was left on his body that the raging winds carried away

Kence's hairs were fluttering because of the wind and his eyes widened in shock. To see an alive person suddenly turned into ashes brought great fear on him. He covered his mouth with his hand to stop himself from puking

As soon as the prisoner died, the sky calmed down and the black clouds turned back to their normal color as if nothing happened. Even the winds turned calm again

"H-how could this be?" Calter literally took a step back. When he was the one that did it, nothing like this happened. The red lightning has a powerful and majestic aura on it. Everyone on the scene felt that the lightning's level was beyond them and transcended all kinds of power in the mortal world. Even the God of Order's power paled in comparison with it

However, such a powerful lightning didn't caused any damage on the surroundings. It just hit the prisoner trying to become a core mage and killed him but nothing else was harmed

Even the ground was perfectly normal and wasn't damaged at all

"C-could it be that those who failed will be struck by that lightning? But this is suspicious. If he cannot take the will inside the Dungeon Core, he would still die even without the lightning. Not to mention....." Calter looked at the scared prisoners

Normal people would not have enough willpower to succeed but these prisoners chances are higher than normal people! Unlike the Nobles, they lived their whole lives in danger and that naturally honed their willpower

"This is too abnormal" Calter muttered and chose another prisoner to try. The prisoner of course wants to refuse but the God of Order's power prevented him from disobeying

No matter how unwilling he is, he doesn't have any choice but to obey. The prisoner took the core with his trembling hands and did the same thing that the first one did

As soon as he starts, the sky turned dark again with ear piercing sound of thunder. The winds rage and blew away everyone's hair and clothes

Calter focused on the prisoner, he won't believe that no one of them will succeed. There should at least one that will succeed!

But the same thing repeated all over again. The second, third, fourth met the same fate. Dying from the red lightning that descended from the sky

As of now, only five prisoners were left including their captain. All of five them were looking at Calter with fear. They are afraid that they would be the next one that will turn into ashes

Calter's face paled as he had a bad feeling about this. He clenched his fist hard that the veins on it were popping. At the very start, he knew that a Core Mage is no normal magician but he didn't expected it to this extent!

Even the heavens were angered and made sure that no one will travel this path

"But why did I succeeded? Because I travelled back in time? If so, how did I return from the past?" Calter started questioning things

At first, he was shocked to return back on the past. But after the initial shock, he immediately accepted it without much questions. A person like him, how can he not question it?

He only knows that he lived for ten years after Kence died and became a Rank 3 Mage. After ten years, a Rank 4 Mage descended down in the real and enslave the inhabitants in the Enchanted Star Realm

He even heard a rumor that the mage was using humans and magic beasts as sacrifices. He only died because the Rank 4 Mage and its underlings were especially hunting Rank 3 Mages like him

He was caught and outnumbered by the enemies and died

Calter put his hand on his head as it started to hurt. It's like he was forgetting something that happened after that. Something that he should remember to know the truth

Calter tried his best to remember what happened but the more he tried, the more his head ache

"B-Big Brother?" Kence meekly called out and went on Calter's side to see what is wrong with his master. He saw Calter's face filled with pain. This made Kence scared and started hugging him

Kence's hug brought some comfort to Calter but it wasn't enough. No matter how painful it is, he wants to remember what really happened

"AAAHHHHHH!!!" Calter roared from the pain and started scratching his head due to the pain. This made Kence more scared and hugged Calter tightly while tears were coming out from his eyes

"M-master!" Calter's slaves panicked but they didn't know what happened. There aren't any enemies nearby and was clueless at why this is happening

After some time, Calter finally remembered something. But all he remembered is that he was in a place filled only with darkness. It's like no other things existed there

The dark place was devoid of all elements including space and time. It's like other things are unnecessary in that world and only darkness existed

However, that's what all Calter remembered before he lose consciousness

Calter's body become heavier and landed on Kence's body. Kence almost lose balance because of how heavy Calter is. Fortunately, Calter slaves helped them and carried the man inside the house


After a few hours, Calter slowly regained his consciousness. He slowly sat on the bed while holding his still aching head

"Big Brother!" Kence was relieved to see that his master is awake now. What happened earlier was so fast and it made Kence very scared

Kence cannot stop the waterfalls again and went to hugged his master. He doesn't want to soak Calter's clothes with tears but he's just so glad that nothing so bad happened to his master

Calter was shocked from the sudden hug before he happily hugged Kence back while stroking the latter's hair. Things like this is what made him very happy. He can feel how much Kence cared about him

"Ssshh, sorry to scare you like that. I'm alright now" However, no matter how much Calter comforted Kence, the youth just won't stop crying on him

Calter shook his head helplessly and just let Kence cry to pour out all of his fears. Kence only stopped when all of his tears were used up

Calter called his slaves to ready the carriage and he rode inside it with Kence that has puffy eyes from all the crying he did

Along the way, Calter finally had the chance to organize his thoughts. He wasn't able to do it before as he needed to comfort Kence. But now, the youth was resting his head on Calter's shoulder while feeling a bit tired

Calter looked outside the carriage and started thinking

"Just what is that dark space? What's stopping me from remembering it? Did I successfully become a Core Mage because I returned on the past? If yes, then why and how? Is it connected to that dark space? But why me? Because I was the one that discovered the manual explaining how to become a Core Mage?"

Various questions popped on Calter's head. What happened to him is too suspicious. Just what is a core mage and why is the world stopping the mages to become one?

"Now that you mention it..." Calter remembered how he got the manual. It came from an ancient ruins in the 'Forgotten Lands' but he didn't went too deep on it as that place is the most dangerous place in the whole Enchanted Star Realm

Even Rank 3 Mages can die easily there. However, Calter doesn't think of himself as some kind of protagonist in a novel. He just found it by luck

He knows that there are a lot of Rank 3 Mages that are far more powerful than him. But if that's the case, why they didn't discover the ruins?

No, it was impossible that they didn't discovered it. Mages already explored that part of the Forgotten Lands and not much was there to see

He just step on something and a passage opened up for him. When he entered the passage, the only note worthy thing is that manual

For thousands of years, Rank 3 Mages who wants to gain some treasure or find a hope to further advance will enter the Forgotten Lands. Why did they not discover it before?

Why Calter? What is unique on him? This fact made Calter suspicious

"Why me.....?"


At the Hale Clan, Halli is inside on one of the rooms on his Clan. The youth was just staring at the man sleeping on the bed. The person that saved his life was injured severely and is still unconscious

Halli brushed away the hair that fell on the man's forehead while smiling like a fool. After his savior was washed and clothed, it brought out more of the man's charms

His savior was both cute and handsome. Halli can't wait for the time that the youth will wake up and talk to him

Halli was wondering what kind of personality his savior has. Is he the energetic and jolly type, the cold and distant one, or maybe the shy and timid?p

No matter what, Halli will accept him as he fell at first sight on his savior. He was determined to make his savior his!

Halli felt some movements on the bed and saw that the youth on the bed was moving his hand slightly. It filled Halli with anticipation, will he finally be able to chat with the one he loves?

To his delight, the youth slowly opened his eyes while sitting on the bed. Halli naturally helped him and has a face full of smiles

Finally, he can start pursuing the love of his life!

The youth with difficulty, opened his eyes and saw himself in an unfamiliar room. His mind was still in disarray but when he regained his senses, the first thing he did was to touch his neck

As he didn't feel the pendant that should be there, the youth panicked immediately and looked at the man supporting his body

"M-my pendant...w-where i-is it?!" The youth' voice was hoarse as his throat felt dry. He's having a difficulty speaking because of that

Halli sensed this and gave to the youth the glass of water on the side of the bed. However, his savior's next actions surprised him

The man slapped away his hand and looked at him while being a bit hysterical

"P-pendant....m-my p-pendant!" The youth shouted but coughed as he just made his throat's condition to worsen

Halli panicked and immediately retrieved his savior's pendant from his spatial ring. The youth forcefully grab his pendant from Halli's hand and secured it on his body

As he finally had his pendant, the pain that he should be feeling finally assaulted his senses. The youth's face twitched from the pain and he gritted his teeth

"Don't make any sudden movement! You'll open up your wound!" Halli said and planned to help his savior but the other youth slapped his hand again

"D-don't touch me!" The youth shouted angrily and glared at him. The youth's glare was quite scary from all the horrible experience he had just to survive till this day

But it seems like Halli is too whipped and the scary glare looks cute on his perspective. He can't stop himself from wanting to pinch his savior's cheeks but when he tried to, the youth just slapped his hand for the third time

Halli pouted as he finally know what kind of person his love is. But he doesn't care much, on his perspective, his savior is still cute!

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