Magic With You

Chapter 85 - 85


Without a warning, tens of snakes fell down from the trees. Calter was about to use his spell to protect Kence but the City Lord only pointed his finger above. Multiple icy light was shot from the old man's finger and it froze all the falling snakes

Otto waved his hand and the frozen snakes flew in the air and landed in front of the old man. Kence's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. He does not even notice the snakes before and only saw his teacher making a move and easily froze tens of snakes. This made him amazed

"Disciple, come here. Fight one of the snakes" Otto controlled the ice that froze the snake to move it

"O-okay!" This is Kence's first time fighting a Magic Beasts, the only one he fought before was Calter who wasn't much of help for him as the man always hold back. This made Kence nervous as he doesn't want to make a fool out of himself

However, Calter hold his hand and squeezed it. Kence look at his master who gave him an encouraging smile and the youth nodded his head

To make sure that his dream of becoming strong to protect Calter will come into reality, he needs to do this. He was having second thoughts about killing something but Kence still steeled himself

Kence pointed his wand at the snake and readied his spell. Otto controlled the ice and it broke down into smaller pieces freeing the snake inside

Seeing the terrifying snake's appearance this close made Kence flustered but he still bit his lower lip and activated a spell

"[Ice Magic: Ice Nail!]" A five inches long nail of ice formed in front of Kence's wand and it advanced on the snake that shot its body on him

Although they are accompanied by Rank 3 and 2 Mages, Calter still readied his spell in case the snake would harm Kence. His mind would never be at peace as long as they are inside a dungeon

As Kence is flustered, he wasn't able to properly control his spell and it only graze the snake. The snake on the other hand wasn't stopped by that spell and continued advancing on Kence's directions

Calter was about to shoot a spell to prevent the snake from harming Kence but Otto was faster than him. The old man froze the snake and moved it farther away from Kence

The youth clenched his fist as he messed up on the first try. "Don't be impatient, this is your first time battling a magic beast. It's natural to makes mistakes but make sure you will learn" Otto said to comfort Kence. However, just like what he said, it's alright if Kence made mistakes but he should improve overtime and not be stuck at square one

Kence took a deep breath and nodded his head. If he can't even defeat a low-level Magic Beasts while he's already at the mid-level, that would be a huge shame!

Kence's eyes flashed with a blue light and his face turned serious. The Calter watching on the side can't help but blush a bit. Kence's appearance is normally cute and innocent as if he's a fragile flower in a garden

But to see him this serious.... Calter can't help but admit that Kence become handsome on his eyes. It gave Kence a bit of manly charms but it just made Calter to want to dominate the youth further more

Calter shook his head from that thought as this is not the time for that. Ever since he got his first kiss with Kence, it made him to want more. Too bad that in these two months, nothing changed much on their relationship as they become busy on their own matters

Kence become even more diligent on his cultivation while Calter got a full plate on him. He's writing cultivation manuals, overseeing the nurturing stage of his force, and even taught the darkness type mage prisoners

"[Ice Magic: Ice Nail!]" Kence used the same spell but this time he put all of his focus on the spell and made it sure that it would hit the snake

To the snake's bad luck, when it opened its mouth Kence finally finished forming his spell and it flew straight on the snake's mouth

Thus, the snake was killed by an ice nail destroying its inner organs. As they are inside a dungeon, the dead snake didn't leave any corpse. Its body was dissolved into mana particles that become part of the dungeon

A huge adorable smile formed on Kence's lips. He thought that it will affect him negatively as he would be killing something but it didn't. Maybe, it was because the snake didn't leave a corpse for Kence to feel guilty

"My Kence is so powerful!" Calter can't help but hug Kence from the back while stroking the latter's hair. Kence's already big smile deepened even more. It's like he's a puppy being praised by his owner

Their guards have an awkward expression on their faces. These two are really shameless, can't they see where they are currently? How can they act like this inside a dungeon?

"Should we go back outside now? You must be tired!" Although Calter wants Kence to have a power of his own, but the thought of his bunny getting hurt won't calm him down. His overprotectiveness kicked in and he wants Kence to go back in the 'safe zone'

Kence's joyful expression vanished and he pouted. "C-can I fight more?" The youth asked unsurely. He really wants to continue and clear this dungeon. Kence wants to have more fighting experience!

Calter's face twitched and can only nod his head pitifully. How can he say no when Kence is being this cute? Besides, the serious Kence when fighting is also.... loveable

Otto shook his head helplessly. Calter is being too paranoid, he's a Rank 3 Mage while there are three peak Rank 2 Mages with them. Why should they be scared of a mere Rank 0 Dungeon?

"Don't be afraid. I'll naturally protect my disciple" Otto said to Calter. Unlike Calter, although he's also worried on Kence but as a teacher, he still wants the youth to become powerful. Just always being on his tower while peacefully cultivating is not enough. Kence needs to taste a true battle!

"Here's another one" Otto controlled the frozen snake and moved it a few steps away from Kence and unsealed it

Just like the first one, the snake immediately attacked the closest to it which is Kence

"[Ice Magic: Ice Nail!]" Kence used the same spell again to defeat the snake

Time passed with Kence fighting the snakes that Otto froze and the youth's improvement speed shocked everyone. Aside from the first snake that was coincidentally one shot killed by Kence, the others took more than a single spell to be defeated

At first, Kence needs two to four spells to defeat a single snake but the more fought, the more skillful he become. His control on his spells improved at an astonishing rate and it wouldn't be long before he can always one shot kill the pitiful snakes

Kence only stopped when his mana run out. As the goal of them entering the dungeon is to have Kence some fighting experience, they didn't continue exploring the dungeon and rested with Kence

Calter guided Kence on one of the trees around. Calter sat on the ground and rested his back on the three while he made Kence sit in front of him to let the youth lean on him. The young master made the excuse of "the tree is cold and Kence might get sick again" forgetting the fact that Kence is an ice type mage and the trees aren't that cold

However, to his dissatisfaction, Kence didn't rested his head on his chest. The youth actually meditated to recover his mana faster

Calter pursed his life and just continue guarding Kence for any possible danger. On his hand was his wand and Calter is ready to defend from any unexpected situations


"[Ice Magic: Ice Assault!]" Multiples pieces of ice were shot from Kence's wand hitting the vines attacking him. The ice cut the vines causing green juices to fall on the ground

The vines are actually one single entity and was only at low level Apprentice level. However, its body is composed of multiple vines making it harder to kill. The vines won't be killed by a single low-level spell and Kence was forced to use his strongest spell

However, the vines are really too many and even a spell at that caliber was not enough to kill the vines

"Kence, focus your attack in one spot. Destroy its core not the vines coming to you" Calter gave his advice

The vines are coiled into a ball shape and if there are enemies, it will unfold some of its vines to attack. But this vine has a core inside it, if the core was destroyed, the vines would die too

Calter wants to take Kence away from a dangerous place like a Dungeon and intended to help the latter to speed things uppl

Kence nodded his head taking Calter's advice. His face now has a serious expression. Kence channeled his mana on his wand and used his spell. "[Ice Magic: Ice Assault!]"

This time, the pieces of ice only has a single target. It targeted the main body of the vines. The vine monster seemingly panicked and retracted the vines advancing on Kence's direction to protect its core and weakness

However, it was too late. No matter how troublesome it is to deal the vine monster, it's still low levelled and Kence's spell is at mid-level

Kence's ice cut the vine monsters until its core was exposed. The remaining power in Kence's spell managed to destroy its core thus killing it

The vines uncoiled and turned into a pile of messy vines before turning into mana that became part of the world inside the dungeon

Kence heaved a sigh of relief and put his hand on his thigh for support. The vine monster was the most powerful enemy that Kence encountered. It put a lot of burden on his soul to defeat it

Calter immediately moved and supported Kence's body with a bit of worry. "Don't push yourself so hard" Calter said in a bit of complaining tone

Kence wants to continue fighting enemies in the dungeon but sensing the dissatisfaction on Calter, he decided to stop for the day

"T-teacher, can we go back outside for now?" Kence asked Otto and the old man immediately agreed

Otto's goal is for Kence to have some fighting experience but the youth's improvement today was more than satisfactory. The Kence before and after entering the dungeon are miles apart already

Calter wrapped Kence's arm on his shoulder and their team continued deeper on the dungeon. The dungeon will only let them exit if they cleared it

With Otto leading the way, their travelling speed increased a lot. Before, they need to give Kence time to fight the magic beasts but Otto nonchalantly killed the beasts they encountered

No beast was able to resist from his power. Every attack of the old man is a sure death sentence for them

In no time, their group entered the boss' room and saw a giant lizard inside but Otto killed it with a single attack just like the other beast in the dungeon

As soon as the boss was killed, a portal appeared inside the room leading to the outside world. Only when they exited the dungeon did Calter become a bit relaxed

As Kence is extremely tired now, Calter didn't waste any time and guided Kence back to their room

As soon as they entered their room, Kence immediately spread his tired body on the bed feeling comfort from the soft sheets

"Look at how tired you are, you pushed yourself too hard this time" Calter scolded like a mother

"S-sorry" Kence looked at his master with an apologetic look which was very effective. As long as he acted docilely like this, it was easy to make Calter to give in to his charms

"I need a kiss if you want me to forgive you" Calter said with a cheeky grin. What he meant is kiss on the lips but Kence can't possibly understand that and gave the young master a kiss on his cheeks

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