Magic With You

Chapter 86 - 86

November 23 Year 9000

Calter is currently alone on his and Kence's room. The young master was not wearing any upper clothing and his toned body is open for everyone to gawk at

"70, 71, 73" Calter counted how many pushups he did as sweat rolled from his body. Since he wants to make Kence salivate from his body, he made sure that he's always at top condition

"89, 90, 91" Calter continued while his arms are already burning for being used like that. He's still only fifteen years old and for him to complete that many pushups is already amazing

Suddenly, the door was open gently. Calter stopped and saw Kence entering the room. The young master had a mischievous plan on his mind and stood up

His upper body that he's proud of was proudly showing its magnificence to Kence. Sure enough, the innocent bunny was taken aback

Kence took a step back as his face turned red from shyness. He started becoming fidgety and didn't know where to look at. Kence was conscious on seeing his master's body and can't look at the other man. However, he also don't want to look 'weird' by not looking at Calter

The youth is currently in a dilemma and doesn't know what to do. Calter is liking Kence's reaction and wanted to tease the latter more

He took a step forward and Kence unconsciously step backwards. Calter took another step and Kence wasn't able to stop himself from taking another step backwards

The two looked like set of predator and prey where the former is slowly cornering the latter

"U-umm... B-Big Brother...." Kence felt weird and doesn't know why he's acting this weirdly.

"Yes?" Calter purposely made his voice manly and seductive. Kence blinked his eyes repeatedly as he wondered why Calter's voice turned like that

However, what he was really wondering about is why he wants to hear it once more. Lately, a lot of things were happening on his body whenever he's with Calter

As Kence didn't know what to do, the two continued their little charades until Kence's back reached the wall

Kence raised his head a bit to look at his master who was grinning at him. He can also smell the manly scent that Calter's body is exuding. Maybe, because Calter is drenched in sweat as he was working out, that's why it amplified his normal manly scent

The young master wasn't like other people who smells horribly when sweating. His natural body scent was enough for all ladies to get 'wet'

Kence bit his lip and his nose unconsciously take another sniff. The subtle movement from Kence's nose didn't escape Calter's eyes. The young master panicked, he forgot that he's still covered by his own sweat

Calter thought that he smells horrible and was terrified that maybe Kence smelled it

Calter backed away from Kence as if his body was electrocuted. This made Kence to think of it as 'a pity' because he likes Calter's scent

"I-I'm sorry, d-did I smell horrible?" Calter asked while his face reddened a bit

Kence tilted his head on the side "Nope, Big Brother smells nice" For Kence, it's a normal thing to compliment his master and wasn't ashamed of saying such a thing at all

The innocence from Kence's eyes made is so that Calter knew that the former wasn't lying. In fact, it's not like Kence will ever lie to him

Calter covered his face with his palm as his red face turned even redder. For the nth time, he teased Kence again but he was the one that become so flustered like this

He knew that this scenario has an extremely high chance of happening but he never learned his lesson at all

What's more hateful about it is that Kence doesn't even know what he did! He complimented Calter on something like that as if it was nothing and just a natural thing

"Eh? Big Brother, what's wrong?" Kence asked in confusion and hold Calter's arm to see what's wrong on the latter's face

Kence saw that Calter's face is extremely red and become worried. The youth put his palm on Calter's forehead and was surprise

"Big brother, do you have a fever? You're burning up!"

'And whose fault is this?' Calter complained on his mind

"N-no, I'm fine" Calter shook his head and took a deep breath to calm himself

"W-we don't need to enter the dungeon today. Big brother, rest here if you're not feeling well" Kence said in concern

For the past week, they are always entering the dungeon for Kence to have more battle experience and the youth improved a lot

As overprotective as Calter, he always have the Shan Clan's 'Big Three' to accompany them every time that they will enter the dungeon. This made the three and the City Lord to sigh helplessly at him

"No, it's fine. I'm not sick"

In this past week, Calter saw how Kence loves fighting. No, more like, the youth was enjoying having progress. Kence loves being powerful as for him, if he's powerful enough, no one will be able to harm his master

That is the reason why Kence enjoyed fighting

"Big Brother, please don't push yourself too hard. Stay here, I'll cook you some rice porridge!" Kence always do what Calter wants but when it comes to his master's safety, he can become really stubborn sometimes

Kence even thought that maybe Calter got sick because of him. His master always accompanied him inside the dungeon and it might have affected Calter's health

Calter was left on the room alone as he scratched the back of his head. Who knew that his teasing would have this negative effect

He was clear at how much Kence wants to fight inside the dungeon but the youth didn't think twice to decide on not entering it today because of him

"Argh, stupid me!" Calter scolded himself. Even though it was a bit dangerous, Kence enjoyed fighting and Calter wants the former to do things he enjoyed

But now he ruined it

Calter shook his head bitterly before following Kence on the kitchen

Kence noticed someone following him and turned his back to see his master "Big Brother, why are you following me? You should rest in our room"

"Hmm when I thought of it, ever since we started living here we never cooked together again. I want to help you!"

The two started living on the City Lord's property when Kence was almost killed and even when the youth woke up, Calter avoided Kence for a while

After they made up, the two become busy on their own things and never had a chance to have a bonding in the kitchen again

Kence also realized it after Calter mentioned it. "But Big Brother you might worsen your condition" Kence was still having some second thoughts as he wants Calter to rest

"Don't worry about me, I'm very healthy because I have you!" Calter said shamelessly and Kence can only sigh

"Alright, but if you become too tired, rest immediately okay?" Calter happily nodded his head and went on Kence's side

Along the way, Kence suddenly remembered the chefs back at the Sternix Clan

"Too bad, I like the chefs back at the Clan. They are kind and also funny but sometimes they are weird" Kence said while chuckling a bit

Sometimes he don't understand what the chefs are saying making him to label them as weird. The chefs would sometimes ask him questions like "Did you do the young master again?" Or "How is the young master in bed?" which are all things that brought question marks all over Kence's face

The shameless chefs that are very nosy on the things between Kence and Calter all sneezed at the same time

The chefs looked weirdly at each other as them sneezing at the same time like that is very suspicious

"W-who's thinking of us?"

"Who made a strong impression on someone causing that person to think of all of us?!"

"Hey, who put pepper on the air?!"

The chefs started rioting inside the Sternix Clan's kitchen and making a mess inside. Wondering who might be thinking about them at this time

Calter pursed his lips. His pettiness kicked in again and was jealous at the chefs. Calter doesn't like that his beloved is missing other people and was possessive on all of Kence's affections

Calter wrapped his arms on Kence's shoulder and brought the youth closer to him

The two finally entered the kitchen causing the chefs to stop what they are doing. Just like what he always did at the Sternix Clan, Calter glared dangerously at the chefs inside

The chefs were instantly covered by their own sweat and fearfully exited the kitchen

"Eh?" Kence was oblivious of the reason why the chefs went out and was puzzled by it

"Are all chefs this weird?" Kence muttered and on his mind, he labelled all the chefs in the world as 'weirdos'

Kence retrieved his pink apron that he didn't used for quite some time from his spatial ring but before he managed to wore it on himself, Calter beat him to it

Calter grabbed the apron and he was the one that wore it on Kence's body before taking his own from his spatial ring

Kence grinned and just like what Calter did, he grabbed the apron from his master's hand and wore it on the man

The two laugh lightly at how silly they are before starting to cook. Just like before, Calter was responsible for preparing the ingredients while Kence is responsible for the cooking part

Kence's original plan was to cook rice porridge for his master but his plan deviated quite.....a lot

Only when they finished cooking did Kence realize that he cooked all sorts of dishes. The City Lord's food ingredients are much more diverse and numerous than those in the Sternix Clan and Kence got carried away

"Ahh, I cooked too much! How are we going to finish it?" Kence said while pouting

He's someone that doesn't want to waste food and immediately regretted cooking this much

However, Calter just gave him a sheepish smile. "My Kence cooked these foods and I'll surely be able finish them all!" Calter 'flirted' but Kence was oblivious about it as always

"Big Brother don't! You'll have a stomachache if you do that"

Black lines appeared on Calter's forehead as Kence was being Kence again

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened and one man and one woman entered

The woman looked at all the delicious looking food on the table and her eyes lit up

"Wow! What's the occasion?" Emily asked while looking at all the foods

"Mother!" Kence immediately greeted the woman but unlike him, Calter grumbled in dissatisfaction

This was suppose to be his and Kence's bonding moment but with his parents here, how can he solo Kence?

"You ungrateful child, how dare you look annoyed at seeing us?" Emily scolded to her son. Calter was about to ignore her but Kence seconded

"Big Brother, don't be like that to Mother" Calter gritted his teeth while looking at his vicious mother

In the past months, Kence and Emily become closer to each other. Emily even 'brainwashed' Kence as the youth will always side on his mother

Calter doesn't know how his mother did it but how can he make Kence dissatisfied? Without a choice, he was always forced to compromise

"F-fine! Tsk"

Emily looked at her son with a triumphant smile and gave Kence a hug which made the latter to smile warmly

"Mother, come eat. I accidentally cooked a lot!"

Calter stared dagger at his mother. He was supposed to be lovey dovey with his beloved but now, all of Kence's attention is on Emily

Narry went to Calter's side and sympathize with him. Even he, will always be neglected by his wife whenever the two are meeting

Maybe because Emily is still a mother, no matter how badly she treated Calter before, seeing another person saved her son made her very gratified to Kence and treated the youth with warmth and care

Kence and Emily sat side by side with Kence putting food for Emily on the plate he originally prepared for Calte

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