Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 43: World will

"Bi Chi!" Morgana scolded severely when she saw this, but she was powerless.

In a short while, the nightmare disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace. After the nightmare was eliminated, the divine light gradually dissipated.

At the moment the nightmare disappeared, suddenly, a vast and majestic aura appeared throughout the laboratory, Morgana's complexion changed, and she appeared so small under this aura, like an ant.

Lu Yang's expression also changed. He was able to bear this breath of will more directly than Morgana. Such a vast but unforgiving will made Morgana unbearable just because of the lingering power, let alone face it. Lu Yang of this will.

"Ultimate fear!" Morgana also knew that she was only suffering from Yu Wei, and she had already felt that the real goal of this will was Lu Yang. At this moment, she suddenly thought of something and said in horror.

Lu Yang struggled to support him. Hearing Morgana's horrified cry, there was a wry smile in his heart. He knew that this was not the ultimate fear at all. This was the will of the world, the will of the entire Super Seminary.

It didn't matter if Lu Yang changed the plot before. As long as the final result was the same, the World Will did not interfere at all, but Lu Yang directly killed the Nightmare, which made the World Will unable to help.

In Morgana's horrified gaze, Lu Yang began to vaporize.

Lu Yang gritted his teeth, and a hostile spirit rose in his chest. If you want to destroy me, I won't make you feel better. If you can't fight, you will die! Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Yang glanced at Morgana, who was full of horror, and said with difficulty: "Help me like Lena and say, I have returned to my original world and will not come back again."

Lu Yang took a deep look at Morgana, and said: "It's better to look better with cold ice." After speaking, Lu Yang suddenly flickered and disappeared in front of Morgana, and then disappeared with the panic that frightened Morgana. Breath.

Morgana watched the disappearance of Lu Yang in front of her. She was taken aback, her expression suddenly changed, and she cursed, "Bi Chi!"

It turned out that in Morgana's feelings, that breath did not disappear, but appeared hundreds of thousands of meters away from Morgana Castle.

Obviously, Morgana knew that this was Lu Yang's desperate plan, he was afraid of hurting himself, so he ran to such a far place, but just now Lu Yang had difficulty speaking under that will, and left at once. Even though he didn't know what method Lu Yang used after this far, he must have paid a great price.

Gritting her teeth, Morgana cursed: "Asshole! Idiot! did you know my name tens of thousands of years ago. You actually took my safety into consideration and ran away forcibly. You really want to Die!!"

For some reason, Morgana's heart, which had been frozen for tens of thousands of years, suddenly had a tendency to melt.

Let's talk about Lu Yang at this time. He had just forcibly moved the battlefield. At this time, blood poured out of his mouth without money, as if he had opened the gate. There was a hint of madness in his cold eyes.

A mouthful of blood came out again, and his body tended to decompose. Lu Yang let out a deep and hoarse laugh like a night owl, and said, "Let's die together!"

The huge power in the whole body exploded suddenly, and slammed away against the vast and ruthless will, and the two collided.

The heaven and the earth seemed to have stopped for a moment, and an invisible energy spread from between the two. And Lu Yang, who was in the center, had already turned into countless molecules, and then countless molecules burst out brightly. Jin Guang violently impacted the weak world will.

Countless molecules burned out, and the weak world will was scattered by the final blow, disappearing without a trace. Even so, the will of the world has not disappeared, it is just extremely weak, falling into a deep sleep, waiting for countless billions of years of recovery, then can wake up from the deep sleep.

The sleep of the will of the world is both good and bad. The good thing is that the creatures in this world have truly gained a kind of unspeakable freedom. What is not good is that in the future, there will be inexplicable changes and will not follow the direction of the plot again. Maybe the original plot characters will never meet again. Bad luck.

Maybe a small dragon set will counterattack, killing the characters of the plot, the whole world is no longer monitored and controlled by the will of the world, naturally no one will modify all of this, everything is full of variables.

But he said that at the moment when Lu Yang burned himself to fight the will of the world. The people of the whole world found that the sky was suddenly surging, and there was no dark cloud under the clear sky, but there was real lightning, accompanied by rumbling sounds.

The clouds under the sky kept tumbling, forming a huge vortex, and the sight of the apocalypse made everyone panicked looking at the dancing electric dragon in the vortex.

On the Juxia, all were standing on the ship at this time, looking up at the strange scene in the sky.

"This...what's wrong..." Ge Xiaolun muttered looking up at the sky.

"Lianfeng, what is the situation, what has been detected?" Du Kao said to the communication.

"The huge energy detected before, there is an incredible energy that converges and explodes in the sky. The data shows that if this energy explodes, it can destroy several galaxies, but this energy seems to be restricted by something, so it caused it. The current scene." Lian Feng said.

"Destroy several galaxies..." Du Kao only felt a huge rock pressed in his heart, making his heart beat strongly.

Among the crowd, Rena's heart seemed to be held by a hand. Suddenly she remembered something and started looking for Lu Yang's figure, only to find that her sight was blocked by the crowd. She pushed away the crowd like crazy, shouting frantically Lu Yang's name.

Rena's strangeness attracted everyone's attention. When Ge Xiaolun and others heard Rena's yelling, they were taken aback, and then they looked around, but did not find Lu Yang.

Du Kao heard Lena's yelling, he was taken aback, suddenly seemed to understand something, and took a breath.

"Where is Lu Yang? Why isn't Lu Yang on board?"

Du Kao asked, plus Lena's madness, it seemed that Ge Xiaolun and others had been stunned by what they said. This... has something to do with Lu Yang?

At the moment, Qilin and Du Qiangwei were also feeling tight, and the two of them also had a bad feeling.

Sky City, Demon Castle.

Morgana looked at standing outside the castle, looking at the place where the energy exploded in the distance, she was a little lost, she didn't know what she was thinking. ..


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