Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 44: Keisha comes

After a long time, the vortex in the sky gradually dissipated, and the raging thunderbolt had calmed down, and all the fear left to people still remained.

In the center of the energy explosion, where Lu Yang and the will of the world were confronted, a pure black molecule appeared from the void in full, slowly absorbing the energy in the world.

On the Juxia, everyone was still standing on top of the ship, Rena knelt on the ground blankly, her eyes dull, full of despair, and a sorrowful atmosphere filled the surroundings.

Suddenly, the clouds and mists in the sky changed again, thunder bursts, dark clouds shrouded, covering the golden light, but compared with the doomsday scene just now, they looked so immature.

The scene in the sky recalled Lena's mind. She raised her head and looked at the sky, expecting Lu Yang to fall from the sky. But when she saw the figure appearing in the sky, she seemed to be hit by a fatal blow, and her body's strength seemed to be taken away in an instant.

At some point in the sky, more than a dozen women with white wings appeared. One of them was sitting on the throne, with a person on each side holding a sharp sword guarded by the side, and the rest scattered around.

The people in the sky slowly descended, allowing everyone to see their appearance clearly. A uniform, armor, holding a sword that emits flames, like a legendary angel.

Dukao looked at the angel above the throne in the sky, frowning and said: "It's a big show, Keisha."

"Who are you?" The angel above the throne in the sky said lightly, without any emotion or ups and downs in his voice.

"Oh, isn't this Nuoxing's war madman, General Ducao?" Kesha seemed to think of something. She was like a divine residence, with a daunting temperament, plain and ruthless.

"Oh, that's the case. It seems that I am still the last **** to reach the earth. It seems that you guys have already planned the future of the earth." Although it was a surprised word, there was still no ups and downs and emotions in the tone.

"I'm afraid that only if you guys write, will you think about how to plan other people's future." Ducao pointed to Kesha on the throne.

"Who are you? Oh, yes. Ducao. You have waged wars that even we can only read in books. With you in this world, I am afraid that even we have to be in awe of three points, huh? Huh. "Kaisha said.

"I admit that I have made an irreparable mistake, and I apologize to the civilization of the universe. Despite this, it cannot change the fact that I was wrong. But, do you want to follow in my footsteps?" Dukaao said.

"Don't think I'm talking to you, just think I care about you, follow your footsteps? Do you consider yourself a god?"

"What do you want to do? For Morgana?"

"What's the matter with the energy that even scared me just now. Does anyone know." Keisha's tone was still calm.

Du Kao frowned: "What? Didn't you do it? Is it really Lu Yang..." The voice said, it was already invisible. If the word Lu Yang wasn't close to him and listened carefully, he would never hear him say it. Of what.

"Lu Yang?" Kesha in the sky was able to hear Du Kao's words, and said lightly: "After talking with you, I want to talk to someone who is equal to me."

After speaking, Keisha glanced across the crowd, and the first thing she saw was Lena with a dull and desperate look: "Leina, too young to understand anything."

Then look at Cheng Yaowen: "Cheng Yaowen, the bloodline of the Light Shield family, very good. You fought against the fighters of Morgana."

Cheng Yaowen stepped forward two steps, and Keisha suddenly said: "Hmm, don't move, don't move, that's it, very good."

"Capture Morgana's specific coordinates and request the execution of the big trial." The angel guarding Kesha's left suddenly said.

"Yeah." Keisha replied lightly.

The angel on the left got the answer, and brought a blue ray to a high place, through the clouds, and flew out of the earth.

Everyone on the ship looked at each other and didn't know what the big trial was. After a while, the angel on the left came to the outer space of the earth and raised the long sword in his hand.

Devil castle.

"Queen, we were captured Keisha, she...they are about to execute the big trial." The devil's tone was full of panic and fear.

Morgana looked at the image on the big screen with a calm expression, a little lost, did not speak, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Sitting on the throne, Keisha raised her head slightly, and said: "Morgana, a bitch, dare to read our field data. I said that people on earth, your system has been invaded by Morgana like at home, you Is that how you fought with them?"

Ge Xiaolun looked at Kesha in the sky and asked Dukao: "What do they want to do?"

"To be honest, I really don't know, the angel civilization is originally the most remote civilization." Dukaao said.

"Can I say something to her on my own behalf?"

"If she wants to listen."

Ge Xiaolun stepped forward two steps and shouted at Kesha in the air: "Hey! Sitting on the sofa! What are you doing? I'm sick!"

Keisha saw Ge Xiaolun: "I'm sorry, the power of the galaxy. Since Ultra Theological Seminary has done so many things here, I won't mix it up. I have reservations about Principal Kieran’s philosophy, but we are against traitors. The trial may hurt the innocent."

"Oh my god, I think something big is going to happen!" Liu Chuang looked at Kaisha blankly.

"I can't let him execute any trial, God knows what to do! This is the earth, not her home!" Cheng Yaowen shouted.

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop Keisha, this is the earth..." Dukao shouted angrily.

"Please authorize me, the power of the galaxy." Kesha ignored Du Kao, but looked at Ge Xiaolun.

"What are you asking me for?!" Ge Xiaolun was speechless.

"You can't give her authorization, no one should agree to her. If you don't understand, we will go to war!" Dukao said to Keisha in the last sentence.

"You see, the war madman is like this, it's hard to change your nature! Please authorize me, the power of the galaxy!" Kesha said.

"Even if I am a war madman, Ge Xiaolun, never agree to her!" Du Kao firmly said.

Ge Xiaolun turned around and saluted Du Kao: "The chief, you are the chief, you can give orders!"

"Please give an order, Chief!"

On the ship, everyone shouted together.

"Drive the Queen to the sky over Juxia City." Morgana said lightly while looking at the screen.

"Yes! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" The demon hurriedly directed the other demons.

Outside the Devil Castle, a huge blue whirlpool appeared. The entire Devil Castle slowly entered it and began to slowly appear over the Juxia City.

The people in Juxia City had just experienced a celestial phenomenon like apocalypse. At this time, they looked at the city of the sky slowly appearing in the huge blue vortex that appeared in the sky, and couldn't help but panic even more. ..


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