Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 124: Lu Yang suddenly realized

Li Xue took Lu Yang's hand. No matter what I say next, I hope you can understand.

Lu Yang didn't understand the meaning in Li Xue's words.

But Lu Yang had defeated the **** of death Karl, and now he was extremely relaxed and happy in his heart.

Say it, I'll listen. Lu Yang said lightly.

Lu Yang, why did you come to Super Seminary?

Of course it was to defeat the death **** Karl.

Are you sure?

Lu Yang looked at Li Xue incredulously.


Super Seminary has trained you a lot. You are an earthling after all. The Super Seminary wanted to see the abilities of people on earth.

I haven't waited for Li Xue to speak clearly. Lu Yang couldn't listen anymore. Well, you are obediently recuperating here. I went to Super Theological Seminary.

The guard of the Super Theological Seminary stopped Lu Yang and told him that in the movie "Remains on the Deserted Island", Hanks, after observing the changes in wind direction and tide, prepared to build a ship to survive at sea.

He cut down the small trees on the island, but calculated that the rope that the bark can make is not enough for the planned size.

At this time, he complained to Wilson (volleyball):

He was talking about a piece of rope that he put on the top of the mountain on the island.

When taking the rope, a puppet was also pulled up.

This scene looks a little strange, why is it angry? Why are there ropes and puppets in this place? And tied it with a hanging technique? Why not chat with the puppet? It's a volleyball.

The audience will guess that this should be a distress signal deliberately set up high.

Because he has not been passively burnt out during the whole process, pulling teeth, fishing, or even drilling wood for fire.

The identity of this puppet was not revealed until Hanks returned to society.

It is not for survival, but for death.

Obviously, it is not enough to sum up the life of a savage for four years with a flash of the camera, so the director used this rope to supplement the hidden part:

Another sunny morning with birds and flowers arrived, there was still no boat coming over the sea, and the air was still cold and lonely. Looking up, the weeds on the lone grave became more luxuriant. So the protagonist walked to the top of the mountain step by step, using the ropes and puppets prepared earlier, to start the experiment. is ashamed.

It took two days to weave the 30-foot rope, every second of the two days, wholeheartedly, just for suicide. However, because of the extra piece of rope that was used to commit suicide, he survived.

Before leaving the island, Hanks drew a flap of wings on the sail:

Thanks to it, the escape was successful.

The arrangement for painting such a sign here is not reasonable. First, the time to escape is tight, and second, the mood is not appropriate.

After returning to society, he lost his wife and family again. The igniter was pressed, and I just wanted to throw up when I looked at the crab. There is everything, but it's still like on the island, nothing.

Then, he went to deliver the package that had not been opened because it had a pair of wings.

There are double wings at the door of the courier owner, but he did not notice:

In the yard, there are also double wings, he has not noticed:

There was no one in the room, so he wrote a note, which was caught in the vented crack of the door:

A desolate crossroad. After the beauty finished pointing the way, Hanks was still at a loss.

Before driving away, the beauty deliberately turned her head and glanced back, seeming to be pointing.

Later, Hanks discovered that there was something familiar behind the carriage:

So the story is connected.

Wong Kar-wai has always been a rather pure user of movie language. His movies do not take up a high proportion of storytelling and have weak drama emotions. He often supports the entire movie through audiovisual art constructed by pictures and music. Unlike Stephen Chow, who often embeds many details in his lines, Wong Kar-wai's films are sometimes more silent than sound, and you need to use your eyes to discover the details.

Ma San often goes like this in the entire "The Great Master":

There are a large number of medium and close shots in a generation of masters. When shooting a character, it is usually to give a close shot first, and then push it in depth, and close it, causing a part of the character's face to be cut off. But before the scene at the train station, Ma San was the only character with his forehead cut off in all shots of the film. The purpose of covering the forehead is to make the audience pay more attention to the changes in the five senses. This way, before Ma San rebels, people feel that this person is quite fierce and unrighteous.

The palace was in the north, and after the Japanese gained power, Ma San turned to the Japanese. According to the rules, Master wanted to abolish his apprentice's martial arts, and Master introduced the old ape to hang the seal, and to fight his life, he also had to let the apprentice understand the reason for turning back. At that time, Ma San didn't understand. The old man Gong let Ma San go, and did not abandon his martial arts, this is a foreshadowing. At that time, Wang Jiawei used an icy edge of the eaves to fall and smash it, implying that the love between the master and the apprentice is cut off.

What Ma San said before the start of the war meant that he repeatedly let Gong Er who wanted to avenge him, in order to keep people from the palace family. It was strange to say it from a population who had betrayed the master. Then facing the reluctant Gong Er, Ma San said: "The things of the Gong family are on me, come and get it if you want."

When the two met, Ma San was merciful. He pressed Gong Er's head on the train, but took the hand of the younger sister. It means that the strength of two people is very different, so Gong Erzhi advances and retreats. Gong Er’s martial arts attainments stayed in "seeing myself", that is, fully understanding his own strengths and limits; while Ma San is "seeing the world", that is, knowing how many masters there are outside of himself, what is the level of masters, and in the north. With the old man Gong, Gong Er couldn't beat Ma San in terms of martial arts.

At this time, he already understood what the master meant, but Gong Er didn't understand. Ma San, who was merciless, was pushed toward the train by his younger sister, who was hiding flowers in the bottom of the leaves. The train runs through the entire fight, and even determines the final victory, giving many people the illusion of "Ah, this train is so long". In fact, the two fight extremely fast, and the effort is a delicate fight. The competition is over, the train has passed, and the era of martial arts is over.

After Ma San's defeat, he used a lens like this. This is the first time Ma San exposed his forehead. Isn't it as fierce as before? The lens is from high to low, which is also the angle of Gong Er looking at Ma San, giving people a condescending feeling.

Pay attention to this scene, Ma San's forehead is always exposed. His expression was helpless, unwilling, and regretful. The master combined Xingyi and gossip, and the apprentice got vigorous and took the Xingyi class; the daughter gained softness and took the gossip class. Now that I have been seriously injured, I will not be able to use martial arts for life; the younger sister has taught me that she will not marry her all her life and will not pass on art. Xingyi and gossip arrived in this generation, disappeared, and this school disappeared. Although Ma San was evil, he later understood what Master meant. People who practice martial arts must "see all beings" and pass on martial arts and martial virtues to others and carry forward them. However, this faction was destroyed and destroyed in his own hands. It was ruined in the hands of the younger sister. ..


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