Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 125: The Departure of the Truth Dabai Luyang (End of Super God Volume)

After the door guard said those words, Lu Yang already understood the secret. The words outside the door are similar to those of Li Xue in the hospital.

The big boss behind it turned out to be Death Karl. This is really an unbelievable ending.

It turns out that they have always been protected. It turns out that they are doing this to train themselves. Death Karl finally sacrificed himself.

I don’t know the benefits of doing this. But I have understood that this place no longer belongs to me.

Lu Yang remembered an article he had read in elementary school. At that time he had not yet come to Super Seminary.

Before he died, Yan Jiansheng had to put up two fingers, and the image of a miser who was afraid that two stalks of dungweed would cost oil was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He even mentioned him with the four great miser in the history of world literature.

But is Jiansheng Yan really stingy? If you read the before and after of "The Scholars", you will find that Yan Jiansheng is not stingy at all.

In order to help his brother Yan Gong's life in the lawsuit, Yan Jiansheng would cost more than ten taels of silver.

Yan Jiansheng's wife Wang died. He was grateful for Wang's help for many years. He gave two uncles one hundred taels of silver, and gave them fifty taels of silver for funerals. The two uncles rushed to take the examination and gave them a few more silvers.

Although Yan Jiansheng is not very generous, he uses himself to describe his life:

But this kind of life can be regarded as diligence and frugality at best. Once encountering relatives and friends, Yan Jiansheng not only takes the initiative to spend money, but also is willing to spend money. Generally speaking, Yan Jiansheng in the book can be regarded as a kind and righteous. Good man.

So what does Yan Jiansheng's **** mean? His meaning refers to two dungweeds, but there are other deep meanings in them.

Yan Jiansheng's elder brother, Yan Gongsheng, was completely different from his character. He was an evil gentry in the fish and meat village relying on his fame. How bad is it? In Yan Gongsheng’s lawsuit, two people sue him. A poor man’s own pig ran to Yan Gongsheng’s house to beg for money. They had to let him buy it back with silver. The two parties quarreled, but Yan Gongsheng’s sons had their legs discounted. Another old man named Huang Mengtong asked Yan Gongsheng to borrow twenty taels of silver and set up a note. The Yan family did not give the silver. As a result, the old man Huang met relatives on the road to lend him money. It took half a year before he remembered to ask for an IOU. Gong Sheng turned to him for interest, saying that although the twenty taels of silver had not been borrowed, it had delayed his interest.

Yan Gongsheng’s evil deeds are not the two ends. He eats and drinks on weekdays, but outsiders are extremely rascal. Relying on his own fame, his sons are like wolves and tigers, even the money for the butcher’s meat case. Yan Gongsheng married his son and daughter-in-law, took a boat on the provincial capital, and ate his cloud cake at the helm. He lied that his medicine was worth a few hundred taels of silver. He was stolen and eaten and blackmailed the boatman; his son got married and used it. The drummer asked for eight silver coins. He only gave two and four cents and deducted two cents. The drummer could not be invited, and the bride did not go to the sedan chair. In the end, the servant reluctantly found two people who were suitable for the occasion before dealing with the scene.

Compared with Yan Jiansheng, this Yan Gongsheng is a barren iron rooster, a bully who cleverly seizes.

When the two brothers separated their families, they had the same family business. Yan Jiansheng was diligent and thrifty. The family business became more and more prosperous. However, Yan Gongsheng was sitting on the sidelines and always wanted to take advantage of his brother. When Yan Jiansheng was alive, Yan Gongsheng still wanted to deceive him. After Yan Jian was dead, Zhao was not married by the Ming media, but he belonged to the concubine's room to help him. His children are inevitably bullied by him.

The reason why Yan Jiansheng was pleased with his wife Wang's two uncles was because he hoped that they would be able to help them out of their sister's face. As for the character of the Zhao family, the Zhao family is a little bit cautious and clever. In order to help the righteousness, he cried when Wang died and served with a small intention. Every day, he offered a table of incense in the yard, crying for heaven and earth to ask for help. Replace Wang by yourself. But because it was a concubine's righteousness, and I had no housekeeping experience before, it was probably because of the consideration of buying people's hearts and establishing authority, and the money was very generous. For example, to conduct funerals for Yan Jiansheng, Yan Gongsheng was asked to give a gift of two hundred taels of silver. This woman lacked social experience and wanted face.

Her character is easy to suffer.

The development of the matter even exceeded Yan Jiansheng's imagination. Unfortunately, he and Zhao's son died of smallpox. In fact, the second house of the Yan family became a dead household. In the feudal society, she had no inheritance rights. If she does not adopt a son quickly, she will be driven back to her natal family or married, and she will have nothing.

Of course Zhao knew this, and she immediately started the matter. What she wants to adopt is Yan Gongsheng’s fifth child, who is only twelve or thirteen years old, obedient and easy to cultivate affection. However, Yan Gongsheng used his mind. What he wanted to adopt was the newly married second child of the Yan family.

Yan Gongsheng not only wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and take over all of his brother's family property, but also used the Zhao clan as a servant, and the Zhao clan had to ask the second child of the Yan clan for peace.

Of course, if Zhao's personality is strong, she will not do it. He went to the patriarch to comment on Yan Gongsheng. The patriarch was afraid of Yan Gongsheng. The two uncles had taken advantage of Yan Jiansheng at the beginning, but they did not dare to stand up for Zhao. Only she cried and complained. It is the blood and tears of women in feudal society.

But Yan Gongsheng was not only not afraid, but also grabbed her hair to marry her casually.

After defeating the **** of death Karl, Lu Yang took Li Xue and Lena back home. Mengmeng and Annie Nicole are happy. The goddess sister is back.

Since solving the death **** Carl, Lu Yang's heart disease has been let go. The earth is finally peaceful again. Although all this seems to be a test for him.

But some of the actions of the **** of death Carl did not pose a threat to the current earth at all.

After explaining to them. Lu Yang asked Li Xue to take care of these little sisters. I took Lena to a place.

Super Seminary is really leaving this time.

Lena will take Lu Yang into the void age together.

Lu Yang suddenly realized. He, you left Super Seminary with pride but with sadness.

Leaving Super Seminary forever. ..


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