Chapter 114

The strong light quickly flew over the gymnasium.

Luo Heng squinted and saw that the source of the strong light turned out to be a bright white human-shaped light source!

“Is this Xiaoxi’s teacher? Even I can’t bear this kind of light.”

Luo Heng couldn’t help but exclaim.

Yao Muxi is a rare light type superpower, he knows this.

He also knows that there is the only mentor of the Light Element Ability in Jiangnan Ability University.

It’s just that he’s never seen it before, and now it’s really strong!

After the bright light appeared over the gymnasium, it quickly dissipated and turned into a beautiful middle-aged woman.

Without staying at all, the beautiful woman ran in Yao Muxi’s direction.

“Aunt Wang… Teacher Wang!”

Yao Muxi realized something was wrong as soon as he exited, and quickly changed his words.

“Well, Xiaoxi.”

Wang Wei nodded, but stared at the blood wheel organization members on the opposite side.

When she was in the sky, she discovered that something was wrong in the gymnasium.

In the open space in the hall, human corpses and corpses of strange animals are everywhere, with blood criss-crossing, and there is a huge pit exuding high temperature in front of the concert stage!

It now appears that all of this should be done by the blood chakra organization!

“The blood wheel organization has become more and more courageous, and even dared to appear in the urban area, and created such a bad deed!”

A raging anger ignited in Wang Wei’s eyes!

She just took a cursory glance and saw the bodies of hundreds of people. It’s hard to imagine how many people died here!

“Quick, run away, she is a high-level superpower! Disperse and run away, she can’t catch us!”

The leader of the blood wheel organization team quickly shouted.

The moment Wang Wei appeared, he knew that this action was impossible to complete.

What is needed now is to preserve as much energy as possible and return to the base in the southern suburbs!

“Want to go, no way!”

“Blockade of Light!”

With a wave of Wang Wei’s right hand, white lightsabers appeared out of nowhere from behind her!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Countless white lightsabers turned into phantoms and flew forward!


The lightsaber was directly inserted into the ground, and then one after another lightsaber was combined together!

In the end, a cage composed of lightsabers was formed, and all the people in the blood wheel organization were framed in!


Seeing the lightsaber exuding powerful energy fluctuations in front of him, the leader of the blood wheel organization was shocked, but he still did not give up.

“Ability, Diamond Body!”

With a loud shout, the figure of the leader swelled rapidly, and his entire body began to turn dark gold!


The leader held the saber in both hands and chopped it down!


Accompanied by a huge sound, the war knife slashed on the lightsaber, except for a burst of sparks, did not cut a gap in the lightsaber.

“What a tough lightsaber!”

Watching this scene, Luo Heng couldn’t help exclaiming.

Although his sword skills have not yet reached the master level, he still has a certain degree of vision.

The blow of the blood knife organization just now, whether it is attack speed or strength, is stronger than his trick Liming.

But even so, there was not even a trace left on the lightsaber, which was enough to show how strong the lightsaber was.

“What? Impossible!”

The leader of the squad obviously couldn’t accept this reality, and began to make a crazy knife!


Accompanied by a burst of sparks, a series of huge sounds rang, but one of the lightsabers that made up the cage did not move at all.

Ignoring the frenzied attacking blood wheel organization people in the lightsaber cage, Wang Wei looked directly at Yao Muxi.

“Xiao Xi, how did you know something happened here?”

Wang Wei asked suspiciously.

Not long after the training, she was called by Yao Muxi on the phone, saying that a very urgent situation had happened in the city gymnasium.

Therefore, she was able to come quickly.

But how did Yao Muxi learn about the situation in the stadium more than 20 kilometers away?

“Hehe, of course it’s because of him.”

Yao Muxi hugged Luo Heng who was aside, “His ability appeared above the gymnasium, and I recognized it at a glance.”

“It must be a very dangerous thing to let him use this level of ability, so I called you over.”

“Who is this?”

Seeing the person next to him being intimately hugged by Yao Muxi, Wang Wei raised her brows.

This posture, is it Xiaoxi’s boyfriend?

“Hey, this is my boyfriend, Luo Heng.”

Yao Muxi introduced a little shyly.

“Boy friend?”

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

Even though Wang Wei, who was prepared in her heart, was still shocked, she quickly reacted and looked at Luo Heng.

“Hello, Teacher Wang, I am Yao Muxi’s boyfriend, Luo Heng.”

Luo Heng on the side introduced himself solemnly.

Seeing Wang Wei’s similar appearance to Yao Muxi, fools know that their relationship is definitely not just as simple as a teacher and apprentice, but it is probably Yao Muxi’s relatives.

Therefore, in order to leave a good impression, his tone is very respectful.

“Oh? Are you the newly-acquired s-level abilities of Crazy Jiang?”

While talking, Wang Wei looked at Luo Heng.

The tall and vigorous posture, the determined eyes, and the looks are also good, the key is to survive the encirclement of the alien animal group and blood wheel organization.

.. 0 0

All this shows that Yao Muxi’s boyfriend is quite good.

“Yes, I am a new disciple of Teacher Jiang Nian.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and replied.

“Well, Madman Jiang’s disciple, not bad.”

Wang Wei nodded and said non-committal.

Although the boy looks pretty good at the moment, she still needs to investigate whether he is really qualified to be Yao Muxi’s boyfriend.


At this moment, a dull roar suddenly came from a distance.

“There are other animals?”

Luo Heng raised his brows, and the flame knife in his hand lit up again!

The roar of the alien beast seemed to sound from outside the gymnasium. Could it be that there were also alien beasts outside?

Luo Heng secretly said that no strange animal was found after a glance.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the open space in front, as if some heavy object had fallen from the air on the ground.

Luo Heng looked quickly and saw the place where the sound was made. A giant bear with a height of about five meters and a body width of about three meters appeared there!

And where he fell, he was smashed out of a deep pit!

“Natural high-level ability person?”

The alien beasts and the humans who use the powers are actually very different. The eyes of the alien beasts are red and the whole body exudes a violent aura, and the natural powers after the transformation are also exuding intriguing aura, but from It can be seen in his clear eyes that he is not a strange beast.

Therefore, Luo Heng could tell at a glance that the giant bear that appeared was not an alien beast, but a high-level ability person! ten.

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