Chapter 115

The giant brown bear that appeared in the stadium, after slowly scanning the scene in the stadium, turned into a sturdy man, and walked over.

“Thank you for this superpower. If it weren’t for your presence, we would have suffered a heavy loss this time.”

Yang Zhentian, who walked to Wang Wei, said respectfully.

There were close to 8,000 people in the stadium. On the way, he predicted that half of the people would survive.

But just now, he glanced around slightly and found that the number of human corpses did not exceed 300, which showed that most of the people were saved by powerful supernaturalists.

Combined with the strong energy fluctuations in the person in front of him, he determined that Wang Wei had saved these people.

“I didn’t save people, but they saved them.”

Wang Wei smiled slightly and looked at Luo Heng and An Lingshuang and his group.


Yang Zhentian followed Wang Wei’s gaze and saw Luo Heng and his group.

When he saw their first impression, he felt young. These people are too young, so young, can they have the strength to save so many people?

Although he was skeptical in his heart, he walked in front of Luo Heng and his group: “I am Yang Zhentian, the leader of the Jiangning Snow Leopard abilities team. On behalf of all the citizens of Jiangning City, I thank you for saving more than 7,500 famous museums. The crowd inside!”

Yang Zhentian looked at Luo Heng and his party sincerely, and solemnly delivered a military salute!

Luo Heng, who was closest to him, saw that the corners of his eyes were a little red, which was obviously extremely emotional.

“Sorry, there are still many things to deal with here. After I have dealt with the matters here, I will talk to the heroes in detail.”

After speaking, Yang Zhentian ran to the crowd without waiting for Luo Heng’s reaction.

“Well, so handsome.”

Xiao Lu on the side was instantly fanned by the vigorous Yang Zhen Tianquan.

“You have become too fast.”

Lingling next to Xiao Lu helped her forehead. Just now she said she liked Luo Heng, but it changed immediately.

“Xiao Xi, come here, don’t look over there.”

Luo Heng said to Yao Muxi, who was staring at the scene in the hall next to him.

“Luo Heng, are you dangerous this time?”

Yao Muxi turned his head, and tears were already rolling in his eyes.

She hadn’t noticed when she first came here, and now after taking a glance at the surrounding scenes, she realized how terrifying it was.

The corpses of humans, the remains of foreign animals, the blood stains on Luo Heng’s body, and the undisguised fatigue on his face all show that Luo Heng has experienced a fierce battle!

Maybe Luo Heng almost died here, and then he would never see him again!

When he thought of this, Yao Muxi couldn’t help it anymore, and started crying with Luo Heng in his arms.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, am I okay?”

Touching Yao Muxi’s little head, Luo Heng’s heart warmed.

Apart from Auntie and Sister Li, Yao Muxi was the first person to care about him so much.


Yao Muxi did not speak, but hugged Luo Heng tightly.

Seeing this, Xu Sili smiled slightly.

With Yao Muxi here, I don’t have to worry so much about Luo Heng.

“Ling Shuang, don’t look at it, you won’t be able to replace it in someone else’s arms again.”

Zhou Yun laughed at the side.

After the arrival of Wang Wei and Yang Zhentian, the two high-level supernatural powers, her heart was completely relieved, and she joked with confidence.

At this time, even if there is another unexpected situation, I am not afraid.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I just lost my mind just now.”

An Lingshuang smiled, but that smile looked a little reluctant.

When Yao Muxi was held in her arms by Luo Heng, she felt a little lost in her heart.

Do you really like him?

An Lingshuang was a little confused thinking about this.

At this moment, a large number of people with guns suddenly poured into the entrances of the city gymnasium.

They are wearing uniform uniforms with seals on their chests.

“The first team, the second team, and the third team will search every place in the stadium to see if there are any surviving personnel! And kill suspicious personnel and strange animals!”

“Team four, go to calm the mood of the masses.”

“Team five, go and call the monitoring in the museum to understand the situation!”

“The rest, go to the captain and wait for the arrangement!”


The team of superpowers who entered the hall looked like more than two hundred. They were divided into many teams, and they executed orders in an orderly manner.

“You are finally here, we are saved!”

“Woo, my daughter, can you find my daughter? She separated from us while escaping.”

“Why, why did you come so late? Why are there strange animals in the city? Why are there people from terrorist organizations in the venues?”

“I’m telling you, I’m a reporter from Jiangning Metropolis Daily. What happened tonight is your negligence! We will report truthfully, so don’t try to hide it!”


The arrival of the Snow Leopard squad in military uniforms gave the surviving masses a reassurance, but also let them completely relax the tight string, and their emotions collapsed directly… …

Some were crying looking for people, some questioned why strange animals appeared in the urban area, and some reporters said they wanted to report all this.

“Citizens, listen to me.”

Suddenly, a huge voice came from the concert stage, which was made by Snow Leopard Captain Yang Zhentian.

“Our Jiangning Snow Leopard Squad has the responsibility for such a bad incident this time.”

“Please rest assured, I will give you an explanation, but now the most important thing is to search for the people who may survive, and please cooperate with our work and move to a safe place first.”


“Captain Yang, he is really a good captain.”

Seeing Yang Zhentian calmly speaking and comforting the crowd on the stage, Luo Heng couldn’t help but sigh.

This is much better than the kind of leader who throws the pot to others afterwards.

“By the way, Luo Heng, who is the girl standing next to you before?”

Suddenly, Yao Muxi in his arms raised his head and asked.

She was not so sad at this time, but her eyes were still a little red and swollen.

“You little Nizi, you want to be jealous so soon.”

Luo Heng squeezed Yao Muxi’s nose and said with a smile.

“Huh, anyone who has a big beauty standing next to his boyfriend will be jealous!”

Yao Muxi pouted, pretending to be angry and said.

Bad Luo Heng, why can he attract so many beautiful girls every time he comes out!

But after another thought, doesn’t this just prove Luo Heng’s charm.

Yao Muxi couldn’t help laughing again, thinking about it this way.

“Stupid boy, it’s just like that when you just fell in love. Maybe you will suffer a lot in the future. No, I have to teach her how to fall in love in the future.”

Standing not far from Yao Muxi, Wang Wei sighed, and then happily decided to add a bit of “private goods” about love in future training.


ps: Tomorrow, Saturday and Friday will be delivered, ask for flowers, ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for support!

The author would like to thank all readers, your support is the biggest motivation for my update! .

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