Chapter 116

Under the investigation of more than two hundred people with supernatural powers, the alien beasts and the remaining members of the blood wheel organization in the entire gymnasium were cleaned up.

The hundred or so members of the Blood Wheel organization who were controlled in the Blockade of Light were also escorted away. Waiting for them will be the most severe trial!

And the more than 7,000 people who survived were also evacuated in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the Snow Leopard team members.

“Xiao Xi, I am going to go, do you want to come with me?”

Wang Wei, who was about to leave, asked, she originally came today because of Yao Muxi. Now, Yao Muxi is fine, and things are settled. It’s boring to stay here.

“Hey, Teacher Wang, I won’t be with you anymore. I’ll go back by myself later.”

Yao Muxi smiled, and then said: “By the way, Teacher Wang, you can drive the aircraft back, we won’t be able to use it later.”

“You little Nizi, you need a teacher to help you pack things up.”

Wang Wei raised his brows and smiled dumbly. He didn’t expect his niece to dislike him so soon.

This is a typical example of having a man and forgetting the aunt!


Yao Muxi stuck out his tongue and looked very cute.

“Well then, don’t go back to school too late.”

28 Wang Wei squeezed Yao Muxi’s small face dozingly, and then stared at Luo Heng, his eyes full of warnings.

“Don’t worry, Teacher Wang, I will let Xiaoxi come back soon.”

Luo Heng, who was holding Yao Muxi’s hand, responded.

He has also been in a tight state tonight, and when there is nothing wrong here, he will directly take Yao Muxi back to school.

“Count you kid acquaintance.”

Wang Wei, who received Luo Heng’s promise, did not stay much, turned around and walked towards the aircraft.

Accompanied by the sound of an anti-gravity engine, Wang Wei ascended into the sky in the aircraft and disappeared from his field of vision.

“Sister Li, let’s go, too.”

Luo Heng said to Xu Sili on the side.


Xu Sili nodded, and was about to leave with Luo Heng and Yao Muxi.

“Luo Heng, you didn’t tell us to introduce the two next to you, so just left? Fortunately, we have experienced life and death together just now.”

Zhou Yun said jokingly, and Xiao Lu, Lingling and others also looked at him with a smile.

After experiencing this incident, their views on Luo Heng have also changed a lot.

Especially Xiao Lu and Lingling, so handsome and strong, even if there are some bad points, it is normal.


Before Luo Heng had time to speak, Yao Muxi, who was next to him, couldn’t wait to say: “Hello, I am Luo Heng’s girlfriend, Yao Muxi, who is in the same college as Luo Heng and will start school in one and a half months.”

After speaking, Yao Muxi’s gaze slowly scanned each girl’s body, especially the longest stay in Anlingshuang.

It seems to be a declaration of sovereignty.

“Haha, sister Xiaoxi, we didn’t mean to compete with you Luo Heng.”

Seeing Yao Muxi like a cute little lion swearing sovereignty, Zhou Yun couldn’t help covering her mouth with a chuckle.

“Then, where’s the name next to you? Is it your girlfriend?”

Zhou Yun asked tentatively after laughing.

She had learned from Xiaoluo that Luo Heng had bought two gifts yesterday, and now it was two girls who came together, so she had to guess like that.

“What? This is my sister, Xu Sili.”

Luo Heng glared at Xiao Lu, then introduced.

He now finally knows how his name for that scumbag came from.

“Hello, I am Luo Heng’s cousin Xu Sili.”

Xu Sili smiled slightly, revealing a sweet smile.

In front of Luo Heng, she is a big sister, but in fact, she is only a few months older than Luo Heng.

Her smile immediately made people feel like a spring breeze, and she felt very good.

“Yu Shuai, I feel like I’m in love.”

Ma Jie from behind whispered.

“Shut up, he is Luo Heng’s sister, don’t you want to live anymore?”

Yu Shuai glared at Ma Jie. Now, as long as he thinks that he offends Luo Heng, who has the s-level ability, he can’t wait to go back a few hours ago and give himself a few slaps!

“Yeah, she is not Luo Heng’s girlfriend.”

Xiao Lu behind her was surprised, and then whispered in a low voice: “Does that mean Lingshuang has no chance.”

“Xiao Lu, what are you talking about.”

An Lingshuang on the side gave her a white look.

When she heard that Luo Heng had only one girlfriend, she was delighted. After all, no one wanted to admire a scumbag.

But after the joy, she vaguely felt a little lost.

An Lingshuang, be sober, other people are people who have girlfriends, and they are in good shape and appearance, so don’t want to be someone else’s girlfriend in a whimsical way!

After taking a few deep breaths and repeating these words in my heart several times, An Lingshuang felt that she felt better.

“Luo Heng, thank you very much this time. If it weren’t for you, we would have become a corpse lying on the ground.”

Zhou Yun said seriously after the joke.

“It’s okay, I believe that any person with the ability will come forward in this situation.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.

Supernatural beings are a privileged class in society, and no matter what they do, they will have corresponding preferential treatment and preferential treatment.

And all these privileges are granted by the state, and it is necessary for the people to give their part when they need it.

Of course, he is not a fool, and all his actions are based on his own cards.

There is no super power, no super sword technique, even if you want to help, it’s just death.

“Not always.”

Suddenly, a 200-strong voice came, turning his head to see that it was the Snow Leopard team leader Yang Zhentian, behind him, followed by several members of the Snow Leopard team.

“It’s really rare for you to be able to think of the ordinary people instead of just protecting your own life when the alien beasts appear.”

“Especially you, Luo Heng.”

Yang Zhentian looked at Luo Heng with admiration.

“A person with a single face and a hundred different beasts, and kill them all, you are not only brave, but you are also waiting for me to be strong!”

“I heard that you are a student of Jiangnan University, you should be a junior student.”

Yang Zhentian asked.

Although he didn’t graduate from Jiangnan University, he also graduated from a top university.

Judging from the picture he saw in the monitor just now, the power of that huge golden red fireball is at least the third-order level!

In addition, Luo Heng killed a Tier 3 ability player with a single blow, so he concluded that Luo Heng must be a Tier 3 ability player!

As for the third-order supernatural beings, in his original school, they are only at a level that can only be achieved by juniors!

Based on this situation, he would judge Luo Heng as a junior student.

“Um, Captain Yang, I said I haven’t enrolled yet, do you believe it?”

Luo Heng scratched his head and said innocent eyes.


ps: There are five shifts in total today. This is the first shift. The next four shifts will be released one after another. Please support for flowers and votes~~.

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