Chapter 117

“What? Haven’t enrolled yet?”

Yang Zhentian’s eyes widened when he heard these words, full of incredible.

And the Snow Leopard team members who also watched Luo Heng’s video surveillance of killing alien beasts behind him also did the same, looking stunned.

Those who can enter the Snow Leopard squad are carefully selected from the ordinary superpower squad. Although fewer people graduated from top superb universities, there are still many who graduated from better ones. Ability University.

In their school, they have never seen such a perverted student who has not yet enrolled!

Moreover, today is July 19, calculated according to the annual awakening ceremony time, Luo Heng’s awakening time is only more than one month!

It took more than a month to have the strength comparable to that of a Tier 3 ability person. This is too abnormal!

For a while, everyone looked at Luo Heng with perverted eyes, including Yang Zhentian.

“Haha, student Luo Heng, you, you are really beyond my expectation.”

After the shock, Yang Zhentian patted Luo Heng’s shoulder and laughed.

“I just watched you on the surveillance video and killed an alien beast cleanly. This shouldn’t be your first contact with an alien beast? And it should be a veteran at killing alien beasts.”

Yang Zhentian narrowed his eyes and asked.

“I can’t hide it from Captain Yang. Indeed, I joined the superpower team at Beiting Base and entered the world of strange beasts twice. Therefore, I have a better grasp of the weaknesses of these strange beasts.”

Luo Heng smiled.


Luo Heng’s answer made Yu Shuai and others around him take a breath.

The horror of the world of alien beasts has been described in the textbook education for so many years. Therefore, the average supernatural person will not enter the world of alien beasts unless they are fully prepared.

Just like Yu Shuai and the others, according to their plan, they will not enter the world of alien beasts until their junior year, and before that, they will simulate hundreds of times in the virtual space of alien beasts, only when they are fully confident. Go in.

Unexpectedly, the schoolboy who had not yet enrolled had already entered the world of alien beasts twice, which made them have to be shocked.

Is this an s-level ability person? Sure enough, it’s different from ordinary supernatural powers like us!

“Haha, not bad, good guys take it for granted.”

Yang Zhentian laughed, admiring Luo Heng more and more.

After laughing, Yang Zhentian slowly scanned the surrounding An Lingshuang and others: “And you, you are also very good. After the things here are handled, we will definitely have a reward for you. ` !”

“We didn’t find out in advance about the action of the blood wheel organization. It almost caused the death of 8,000 people. Fortunately, fortunately, there are you, but even so, we also killed 371 people.”

“I will definitely find the blood wheel organization for this account!”

Yang Zhentian’s low voice echoed in everyone’s ears, dispelling everyone’s joy a lot.

Although, compared to 8,000 people, the number of more than 300 people who died is very small, but that is also more than 300 people alive!

They could have survived and lived their lives, but in the end, they were ruined here!

“Captain Yang, is the blood wheel organization really impossible to eradicate in our country?”

Luo Heng was very puzzled.

There are so many strong people in China. It’s just to deal with a blood wheel organization that can’t make it. If you just send a strong person to it, can you uproot them?

Why let them do evil at will?

“It’s difficult to eradicate.”

Yang Zhentian shook his head and slowly said: “In China, there are close to 6 million people participating in the awakening ceremony every year! Among them, one million people have awakened abilities, and 200,000 people have awakened abilities above level d. people.”

“The d-level ability already has a little power.”

“With such a large base, there are not a few people with supernatural powers joining terrorist organizations like Blood Wheels. Therefore, it is difficult to completely eradicate them. In addition, there are some complicated reasons that make it difficult for us to eradicate them.”

A gleam of haze flashed across Yang Zhentian’s mind when he thought of the heart-controlling king who appeared in the villa in the southern suburbs.

“Is that so.”

Luo Heng nodded, and then asked thoughtfully: “Captain Yang, when I killed alien beasts before, I found that these alien beasts seem to be weaker than the alien beasts in the world of alien beasts. What is the reason? ”

“You have discovered all this. It seems that you have killed a lot of strange beasts.”

Yang Zhentian raised his eyebrows and immediately explained: “Since you have been to Beiting Base, you should know that we will conduct inspections when we walk out of the alien beast passage. It is strictly forbidden to bring out the living alien beasts!”

“In that case, have you ever thought about how the blood wheel organization can bring alien beasts into our world after blocking the channels for bringing out alien beasts?”

These words of Yang Zhentian caused Luo Heng to fall into contemplation.

He really didn’t understand how the blood wheel organization could bring out a little bit of surviving alien beasts.

The entry and exit inspection of Beiting Base is very strict, even if it is a strange animal cub or a strange animal egg, it will be detected when it exits the strange animal passage.

It stands to reason that the blood wheel organization cannot bring out the alien beasts in the alien beast world, but the fact is that there are nearly two hundred alien beasts appearing in the human world today!

“Actually, what you killed today was not a strange beast at all.”

Yang Zhentian’s words slowly sounded.

“It’s not a strange beast, what is it?”

Yu Shuai on the side was surprised. You know, several of them had combined their efforts to kill a strange beast, and now they said that it was not a strange beast. How terrifying is the real strange beast?

Suddenly, Yu Shuai was a little desperate about his future trip to the world of strange beasts.

Luo Heng frowned when he heard this.

Since his system can receive power points, it means that this is definitely an alien beast!

Moreover, the body shape and appearance of those creatures are very similar to the real alien beasts. He doesn’t believe that it has nothing to do with the alien beasts.

“¨” Haha, don’t worry, although they are not alien beasts, they are almost the same as alien beasts. We named them biochemical alien beasts. ”

Yang Zhentian said with a smile.

“Biochemical monster?”

Luo Heng was puzzled. He had never heard such a strange name, so he looked at Yang Zhentian and waited for his explanation.

“Biochemical beasts look similar to ordinary beasts, but they are not true beasts. They are a bit weaker than real beasts.”

Seeing the gazes of people around him seeking knowledge, Yang Zhentian smiled slightly, and then explained: “The people of the blood wheel organization, transplant the heart of the alien animal brought back from the alien animal world into the body of ordinary creatures, plus some special genetic medicine. .”

“These ordinary creatures will slowly become biochemical beasts that are extremely similar to the alien beasts! It is these biochemical beasts that continue to destroy in the urban area and disrupt our normal life!”

Yang Zhentian sighed and continued: “This transplantation method and genetic medicine are extremely confidential. We have not found specific transplantation methods and configuration methods in the base where dozens of blood wheel organizations have been destroyed.”

“That said, the people of the blood wheel organization are likely to have a large number of such biochemical animals?”

Luo Heng’s eyes flashed and asked.

“Yes! There should be such a biochemical monster in every den of him.”

Yang Zhentian replied.

“Then Captain Yang, next time you lead a team to eliminate the blood wheel organization, can you call me?”

Luo Heng looked at Yang Zhentian with expectant eyes.

He had confirmed before that that killing the biochemical beasts would also gain power points.

In this case, even if he doesn’t have to go to the world of alien beasts, he can still obtain power points, and there is no limit to the side effects of the world of alien beasts. There are as many power points as there are biochemical alien beasts!

In this case, there is one more channel for him to obtain power points.

“Uh, yes.”

Although wondering why Luo Heng made such a request, Yang Zhentian still agreed.

And the surrounding Yu Shuai and others, after hearing Luo Heng’s words, looked at him with weird eyes.

As expected to be the owner of the s-level ability, he has a strange habit, and he actually likes to deal with alien beasts.


ps: The second thing is the handicapped party. Only one chapter (crying) has been written since it got up at 8 o’clock.

I would like to ask for flowers tickets, thank you everyone~.

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