Chapter 118

After speaking with Yang Zhentian, Luo Heng bid farewell to Zhou Yun and others, and took Yao Muxi and Xu Sili out of the city gym.

At this time it was around nine o’clock in the evening, and the yellow cordon had already been pulled up outside the city gym, and there were still some people who came out for a walk to stop and watch.

There are also some live broadcast anchors who point their cameras at the exit of the city gymnasium.

“My friends in the audience, I am Xiaobai. The people who were escorted just now were guarded by members of the Snow Leopard team. I can’t understand the situation, but judging from the pale faces of those people, something big must have happened inside the stadium. !”

“Although it is difficult to understand the situation inside, Xiaobai will always stay here with everyone to understand the situation with you. Please continue to pay attention to the anchor’s live room!”

The speaker is Yan Bai, who is usually an outdoor anchor, mainly broadcasting some outdoor activities for the audience.

He wandered around the city gymnasium after eight o’clock, and suddenly noticed a golden-red dazzling light burst out of the gymnasium. He thought it was pretty good, so he started the live broadcast and put the scene in the live broadcast room.

But I didn’t expect that his ordinary act attracted huge traffic!

People who entered the live broadcast room were obsessed with the gorgeous golden red light, and the barrage swept the screen frantically. Most people were asking where it was, and they wanted to see it too.

There are more and more barrage, and some people even brush up the rocket!

Under such circumstances, his live broadcast room became more and more popular, and he even appeared on the homepage of the live broadcast platform!

But at this moment, the golden red light in the stadium disappeared, and the number of people in his live broadcast room began to gradually decrease.

Just when Yan Bai tried his best to keep the audience in the live broadcast room, a black aircraft flew from the sky, and then a group of dazzling white light entered the gymnasium!

Later, a giant brown bear even rushed over, jumped up to a height of more than ten meters, and jumped directly into the gymnasium!

At that time, his lens happened to be aimed at the tall and mighty giant bear!

The sudden appearance of the flying machine, the white light, and the terrifying giant bear naturally aroused the interest of the audience in the live broadcast room. Therefore, his rapid decline in popularity quickly rose back.

Even more popular than before!

At that time, the barrage asked him to go in and take a look at the situation inside. Just when he gathered up the courage to go in, people from the Snow Leopard team came and blocked the entire city gymnasium!

Now, all fools know that there is a problem!

This aroused the curiosity of the audience in the live broadcast room, and they asked him to find out the situation.

As a veteran anchor, Yan Bai knows whether he can soar into the sky because of this live broadcast, so he has been squatting outside, trying to get some information from the population inside.

But the people who came out were protected by the Snow Leopard team, he couldn’t get close at all, let alone understand the inside story!

Although he is still trying to explain on the surface, he is very anxious in his heart, because he knows that if he doesn’t understand some useful insider highlights, the audience in his live broadcast room will be gone!

At this moment, he found that the barrage on the screen suddenly began to frantically refresh:

“Look, two beautiful girls came out of the gym.”

“I saw it, both of them are tall and tall, especially the one who is slightly shorter. Tsk tsk, it’s almost!”

“She looks like a fairy and has a perfect body. She is the one talking about!”

“Wow, I have to say, the tight-fitting jersey that the girl wears outlines her figure very well! I have decided, she is my goddess!”

“Sucking, my saliva flowed down unconsciously.”

“Weakly say, don’t you think that the man in the middle of them who is wearing a black suit, holding a battle knife, and has a lot of dried blood on his body is handsome? There is a breathtaking temperament!”

“Sister, finally saw a bullet screen with the same idea as me! Where is this? I’m coming over, I’m looking for that boy!”


Looking at the barrage on the screen, Yan Bai turned his head subconsciously, and saw a man and two women coming out from an exit of the city gymnasium.

The man, armed with a war knife and wearing a black suit, could feel the intriguing aura on him even if he was a hundred meters away.

The two girls next to the boy, one is more than 1.7 meters tall, look cold, the other should be close to 1.7 meters tall, and also very tall.

Moreover, the slightly shorter girl is even more shocking!

With the perfect figure set off under the tights, he is more beautiful than all the female stars he has seen on TV!


Looking at the blood on the body of the man in the middle, Yan Bai knew that his live broadcast had content!

Walking out of the stadium, without the snow leopard team’s guards, you can definitely unearth the secrets of the stadium from him!

Thinking like this, Yan Bai walked towards Luo Heng while holding his mobile phone: “Dear audience friends, we are about to get in touch with people coming out of the stadium right now.”

“From his words, we will know everything that happened in the city gymnasium. We hope that interested audiences will pay attention to it. Thank you very much.”


“Luo Heng, why did you tell Captain Yang to take you with you when you are killing the blood wheel organization?”

As Luo Heng’s girlfriend, Yao Muxi knows that she wants to give her boyfriend plenty of face outside.

Therefore, in the gymnasium, when Luo Heng said this, she didn’t say anything, she just wanted to ask when she was alone.

And Xu Sili, who was next to Luo Heng, also looked at Luo Heng with a worried expression.

She knew that Luo Heng must have his own thoughts and reasons for doing this, but she just couldn’t help but worry.

After all, Luo Heng, although not her own brother, is just as important to her as her own brother.

“Xiao Xi, Sister Li, don’t worry about me.”

Listening to the two women’s concern for themselves, Luo Heng smiled slightly, and then said: “Everyone is punishable by the malignant tumor of blood wheel tissue, and I am the same.”

“My strength, as long as I don’t encounter the high-level abilities in the blood wheel organization, I will basically be fine, and even if I encounter it, I still have Xiaoxi’s enchanted equipment.”

“Furthermore, if I go out to act, there will be Captain Yang, the Tier 5 supernatural power, and with his protection, I will definitely be fine, so don’t worry.”

Luo Heng comforted.

Tonight, he obtained more than 30,000 power points from the biochemical monsters. Therefore, his strength is about to usher in a surge. This is also the reason why he has the confidence to follow Yang Zhentian.

Listening to Luo Heng’s words, Yao Muxi and Xu Sili fell silent at the same time. Just when Yao Muxi wanted to speak something, a voice suddenly came from the side: “Hello, I am the anchor Xiaobai, I The audience friends in my live broadcast room want to know something with you.”


ps: Third, ask for flowers tickets~~.

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