Chapter 120

“Oh, are you back?”

As soon as Luo Heng returned to the dormitory, he heard Wei Qing’s voice.


Looking at Wei Qing lying on the sofa, Luo Heng greeted him, then verified his identity through the iris and entered the room.

The window of Luo Heng’s room can see the outside. At this time, the sky outside is pitch black, and only the moon and stars are emitting this dim light.

“Huh, I’m back.”

Looking at the night scene outside, Luo Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought that today’s task should be very simple, but he did not expect to encounter the blood wheel organization and experience a fierce battle.

“However, it is not without gain.”

A smile appeared on Luo Heng’s face.

First of all, his strength has improved under the pressure of life and death crisis, the flame sword can already wrap up to five layers, and the power of the real fire of the sun has also increased.

By the way, even the fourth layer of “Dawn” of “Jidao Yandao” was also used.

It can be said that this trip to the Municipal Gymnasium was rewarding.

Moreover, the most important thing is to obtain the information of the biochemical monster!


When Luo Heng’s heart moved, the system panel appeared in his mind:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: second-tier mid-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: the second layer of anode fireworks (beginner+), the fourth layer of Jidao Yandao (beginner), Yangyu (Dacheng), Xingan (advanced), ordinary boxing (advanced +), ordinary swordsmanship (advanced +)

Although the biochemical monsters in the City Gymnasium have lower power points than ordinary monsters, they have a large amount. There are close to two hundred biochemical monsters, most of which were killed by Luo Heng.

Therefore, he can have so many power points now.

“Don’t rush to use the power points, first try to see if you can sense the mood of fire.”

Luo Heng is very concerned about the artistic conception of fire in Teacher Jiang’s mouth, because it is related to whether he can acquire the ability of body elementalization and enter the fourth level in the future.

If after comprehending the mood of fire, he can use power points to improve his mood, he will be ready to use power points to improve his mood directly.

Therefore, he is not ready to use the power point now.

“You can better feel the mood of fire by using the fire-type crystal core. It happened that Brother Mao gave me a second-order high-level monster fire crystal core last time.”

Luo Heng took out a crystal clear and glowing red from a box on the table.

“There is such a thing in the special alien beast, which is really amazing.”

Feeling the surging energy in the crystal, Luo Heng couldn’t help but wonder.

Although Luo Heng has only encountered a special strange beast in the virtual space of a strange beast, he has also learned about this information afterwards.

Starting from the second-order high-ranking alien beasts, it is possible that alien beasts with various special abilities will appear.

Much like the ability players on the blue star, they also have different types, but they have few types of abilities, which correspond to the enhanced, elemental, and special types of the ability players.

What he encountered in the virtual space of the alien beast that time was an alien beast with special abilities.

“Ability person, and alien beast, always feel connected.”

Luo Heng, holding the fire system crystal nucleus in his hand, thoughtfully.

The world in which the alien beast is located is just connected to the blue star, and it just so happens that the supernatural being and the alien beast have different abilities.

If there is no connection between the two, he would not believe it.

“Forget it, I don’t think about these now. Now, the most important thing is to comprehend the artistic conception of fire.”

Withdrawing his mind, Luo Heng focused on observing the fire system nucleus in his hand.

The fire type crystal nucleus, in the final analysis, is just a condensate of energy in the fire type alien beast.

Therefore, a fire system crystal nucleus is also a mass of fire system energy.

The stronger the fire energy, the more you can comprehend the artistic conception of fire. This is what Teacher Jiang said to him.

As for the abilities of the fire-type superpowers, although they also possess strong fire-type energy, they could not comprehend the issue of the artistic conception of fire from them. He also asked Teacher Jiang in addition to training yesterday.

But Teacher Jiang just let himself use the fire element crystal core once.

Therefore, Luo Heng had to wait until there was time today before he came to try the energy in this fire system nucleus, what is the difference with the real fire of the sun on his body.

“The sun is really hot!”

With a low drink, the real fire of the sun exuding dazzling golden red light appeared in the room. While the entire room was shining into golden red, the temperature rose sharply.

Luo Heng not only did not feel discomfort, but felt somewhat comfortable.

To use the fire system crystal nucleus to perceive the mood of fire, you need to use your own abilities to obtain the energy in the crystal nucleus. Therefore, Luo Heng carefully wrapped the fire system crystal nucleus with his own real sun fire.

The size of his entire room is about 30 square meters. Excluding the bed, desk and other furniture, there is an empty space of nearly 15 square meters…

At this time, Luo Heng is using real solar fire to burn the fire system nucleus in this 15 square meter space.


At this moment, the fire system crystal nucleus wrapped in the real fire of the sun made a sound and cracked.


Along with a sensation of scorching heat, a red flame appeared in Luo Heng’s room, making the originally hot room even hotter!


“Huh, why do you feel that the temperature is getting higher and higher?”

Wei Qing in the living room glanced at Luo Heng’s room, a little depressed.

During Luo Heng’s absence, he can lie comfortably without turning on the air conditioner. As long as Luo Heng comes back at night, the temperature in the entire living room will rise!

“It’s really perverted. The fire abilities are so strong before entering the school. If you enter the school, then you have it?”

Wei Qing sneered, and then shouted: “Mi Yi, lower the temperature a little bit.”


The smart system responded, and the stronger cold air was blown out of the central air conditioner.

“Um~, comfortable.”

Wei Qing lay down on the sofa again.


“This is……?”

In the room, Luo Heng stared at the scarlet flames in the sky surrounded by the real fire of the sun in shock.

He could feel that this crimson flame with strong energy fluctuations released from the fire system crystal nucleus was so different.

His real fire and teacher Jiang’s purple sun have never brought him such a feeling!

This scarlet flame is also so hot and dazzling, but its hot and dazzling is closer to its origin!

And neither the real fire of the sun nor the raging fire of the purple sun of Teacher Jiang are as close to the source as this flame!

“Is this what Teacher Jiang said I want to comprehend by myself?”

Luo Heng was shocked.

At the moment this crimson flame appeared, a strange wave appeared out of thin air, suppressing this crimson flame, and the original fluctuation of the flame was also weakened under this suppression.

Although the weakening is slow, the original fluctuations are indeed weakening.

“No, please hurry up and enlighten.”

The moment Luo Heng noticed this situation, Luo Heng hurriedly felt the red flames in the air!


ps: Five changes are over~, five changes will continue tomorrow, please support~.

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