Chapter 121

The golden red sun is really hot, hot and dazzling, this is what Luo Heng can feel, but he doesn’t know how the real fire of the sun shines and heats.

Now, the crimson flames appearing in front of Luo Heng are different. He can clearly feel that the small crimson elements one after another are oscillating in the air according to a certain rule.

Along with this strange shock, the whole group of crimson flames composed of one small element after another also generated energy, radiating light and heat outward.

If you use the analogy of a sports car, Luo Heng’s Sun Real Fire is an assembled sports car. Although it can be used, it is unknown how the interior works and how the engine works.

The red flames that emerged from the core of the fire system are not like that. It is more like a sports car under test. Although the structure is equally perfect, how the interior works and how the engine rotates are all exposed.

But this exposure process was very short. Luo Heng could feel that under the strange fluctuations, the feeling of red flames directly going deep into the source was quickly disappearing!

Therefore, Luo Heng can only seize the time to realize.

Ten minutes later, the crimson flame had completely disappeared in the air, but he still closed his eyes tightly.

28  In his mind, he simulated fire elements one after another, which were fluctuating according to a strange law.

“No, it’s not right, it’s not like this, it should be like this.”

Luo Heng frowned for a while, then stretched his brows again, acting very strangely.

Fortunately, he was the only one in the room, otherwise, he would be treated as a neurotic.


After half an hour, Luo Heng let out a breath and slowly opened his eyes.

“No wonder, Teacher Jiang said that after I have used the fire system crystal core, I will understand.”

Staring at the spot where the crimson flame appeared before, Luo Heng muttered to himself.

In the process of comprehending the scarlet flame just now, he has clearly felt the difference between his real sun fire and that flame.

The crimson flame is obviously closer to the origin of the fire system, and more primitive.

But the real fire of the sun was the opposite of the crimson flame, and I couldn’t feel its connection with the law of origin at all.

Therefore, it is obvious that the crimson flame, which is closer to the origin, can better perceive the mood, but his fire system ability cannot be used to perceive the mood.

Teacher Jiang Nian’s ability should be the same.

“Who would have thought that the fire element ability actually works like that.”

Until now, Luo Heng is still a bit shocked by the scene just now.

Those fire elements one after another appeared directly in front of his eyes, and could be sensed by him!

The feeling of reaching the origin of the fire system was something he had never felt before.

“If I can comprehend the strange fluctuations, does it mean that I have comprehended the mood of fire?”

When he saw the fire element, Luo Heng had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

As long as he can comprehend the strange fluctuations, he can get the mood of fire he wants!

“However, it is really difficult to understand it!”

Scratching his head, Luo Heng was a little distressed.

For the past half an hour, he has been simulating the strange feeling of the fire element in his mind, but he has not been able to simulate it, and he always feels something is wrong.

That kind of feeling, like itching through the boots, was very uncomfortable and aggrieved.

If he were to open another Fire Element crystal core, he might have the confidence to enlighten it directly!

“Unfortunately, I only have one fire crystal nucleus here, so I can only think of a solution tomorrow.”

Luo Heng shook his head, stood up, and began to move his aching limbs.

Since the appearance of the alien beast at 7 o’clock in the afternoon, his spirit has been in a tense state, and at the same time he has used a lot of real sun fire and wielded a flame sword.

After returning to the dormitory, he didn’t even stop for a moment, and he immediately began to comprehend the artistic conception of fire.

Now relax, he does feel a little tired.

“Well, let’s stop here today.”

Feeling a little more flexible in his limbs, Luo Heng took off his blood-stained battle clothes and entered the bathroom.

The student dormitory of Jiangnan University is very luxurious. Each student’s room has a separate washroom and toilet.


The sound of hot water coming out of the shower sounded. Luo Heng looked at himself in the mirror while taking a bath.

This mirror is so big that you can see Luo Heng completely.

In the mirror, he seems to be taller than before.

His original height was about 1.79 meters, but after this period of exercise, he clearly felt that he had grown taller, and his current height was about 1.82 meters.

Moreover, his figure, compared with him more than a month ago, has changed dramatically.

At the same time as his original appearance was beautiful, his figure was also very thin. In Wang Dong’s words, he could be a bamboo pole by standing there without moving.

But now, while his appearance is still beautiful, he also has a bit more fortitude, and his body has become stronger.

The abdominal muscles on his stomach and the slightly bulging muscles of his arms all proved that his exercise during this period of time was not in vain.

“Haha, I don’t know if Wang Dong sees this look after school starts, I will not recognize it.”

Looking at his appearance in the mirror, Luo Heng thought a little bit nasty.

Although, it was only more than a month before the end of the college entrance examination.

But for Luo Heng, this more than a month has been more fulfilling than a year.

The Beiting base, the world of alien animals, the plant of life, and the attack of the blood wheel organization in the gymnasium today, everything that happened made Luo Heng feel extremely fulfilled.

The most important thing is that he can really feel the progress of his own strength, whether it is “Anode Fireworks” or “Jidao Yandao”, he has achieved certain results, and has also entered the second-tier mid-level ability.

You know, even in Jiangnan University, there are very few abilities who can enter the second-tier lower position at the beginning of the school, let alone the second-tier median, and they are rare.

And he accomplished this goal just one and a half months after he left school!

And as long as he wants to, his rank can be improved even higher!

“Hey, let’s keep going.”

Luo Heng cheered for himself in the mirror.

After speaking, he couldn’t help but laugh.

When did you become so naive?

Shaking his head, he quickly took a shower and finished washing. Luo Heng put on his pajamas and lay down on his big bed.

In a short while, Luo Heng fell into a deep sleep after a tiring day.


ps: It’s still five shifts today, and the first one will be sent~.

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