Chapter 122

The Jiangnan Supernatural University, which covers a very wide area, not only has various teaching buildings, but also many supporting buildings.

Since most of the students in the school are supernaturalists, there is also a matching superstore.

The equipment building is the place where Jiangnan Ability University sells equipment for Ability Players.

The equipment building has a total of five floors. The lower two floors are used to sell the equipment of superpowers, and the upper three floors are dedicated to the research and development personnel of weapons and equipment.

“Well, this summer vacation is only halfway through, I have reached the first-order high-level ability player, and it is time to choose a batch of equipment.”

“Wow, the equipment here is so expensive!”

“It’s okay, this is the school store. If you change it to an outside store, it will be more expensive!”

“Okay, then let’s see which equipment suits us first.”


It’s about 8 o’clock in the morning, but in the lobby on the first floor, there are already many Jiang University students wandering around here, choosing equipment.

At this time, a man walked in from the door on the first floor. He was handsome, wearing casual clothes and walking shoes, and he was a bit tall.

There are many people coming in and out in the hall. Although this person is a bit special, it has not attracted much attention.

“Is this the equipment building of Jiangda University? It feels pretty good.”

Luo Heng, who entered the hall, slowly scanned the scene in the hall.

The smooth floor, the extremely ornate ceiling, and the beautiful service staff everywhere in the hall.

All this shows that the school’s equipment building is pretty good.

And similar to Chenxi Xiaodian, in the lobby of the equipment building are also placed one by one transparent cover, inside the cover, there are various equipment for exhibition.

“Since it’s here, let’s take a look at what’s here.”

Luo Heng walked into the equipment area.

Since he was really tired last night, he slept until 7:30 this morning before waking up. When he finished washing and came to this equipment building after breakfast, it was already 8 o’clock in the morning.

He was only one fire-type crystal nucleus to understand the mood of fire last night, so today he has to find a way to buy some fire-type crystal nuclei.

If you go to Mr. Jiang to buy it, Mr. Jiang will probably give it to him directly, but Luo Heng, who doesn’t want to trouble Mr. Jiang anymore, thought of the school’s equipment building.

If you can buy some Fire Element crystal nuclei here, you don’t need to trouble Teacher Jiang.

“The equipment here seems to be about the same price as the equipment in the Beiting base, and there are not so many fancy decorations.”

Looking at the equipment in the cover and the price, Luo Heng secretly said.

In Chenxi’s shop that he went to the day before yesterday, the equipment there was not only fancy, but also extremely expensive, which was obviously not something that ordinary people could consume.

“Hello, do you have any fire monster crystal cores sold here?”

After wandering around, Luo Heng didn’t find what he wanted and asked the service staff aside.

“Yes, please follow me.”

The service staff with excellent temperament led Luo Heng into the elevator on the side and pressed the button on the second floor.


The elevator reached the second floor all at once.

“Sir, I have notified our manager to welcome you, you just need to go directly in.”


Luo Heng nodded, and then stepped into the lobby on the second floor.

The layout is roughly the same as that on the first floor, but the weapons and equipment on the second floor are obviously more refined, and there are much fewer people inside.

Come to think of it, there are not too many students who can come to the second level to buy weapons and equipment in Jiangnan University.

“Hello classmate, do you want to buy the fire crystal core?”

A low voice sounded, turning his head to see, a kind-looking middle-aged man in a suit was standing beside him.

On the left chest of his suit, there was a sign with the words’Manager Li’ written on it.

“Well, yes.” Luo Heng nodded.

“Then please come with me.” Manager Li smiled slightly and walked in one direction with Luo Heng.

“Students, when you buy the fire crystal core, you must be preparing for the understanding of artistic conception.”

Asked Manager Li, who was walking beside Luo Heng.

“Manager Li is so knowledgeable, he even knows his artistic conception.”

Luo Heng said with a smile, if it weren’t for Teacher Jiang, he wouldn’t even know what the mood is, but the manager of the equipment building actually knew, I have to say that the knowledge reserves are in place.

“Haha, as a manager, of course I have to know the functional attributes of each item.”

Manager Li smiled, and then took Luo Heng to a private room: “This classmate, please.”

The private room is not very large, so there are only two sofas and a coffee table. There are some shelves around, and some products for sale are placed on the shelves.

“You are still selling enchanted equipment here?”

Seeing the equipment exuding strong energy fluctuations on the shelf next to him, Luo Heng said in amazement.

He originally thought that the equipment building on the Jiangda campus would not have items such as enchanted equipment, so he directly went to the Chenxi shop outside the Jiangda campus to purchase enchanted equipment.

Unexpectedly, there is actually here.

“Hehe, my Jiangnan Ability University is the third-ranked Ability University in the country. How could it be possible that there is no enchanting equipment in the equipment sales place?”

Manager Li smiled complacently and guided Luo Heng to sit on the sofa, while sitting on the opposite side.

“¨” It’s just the enchanting equipment, which is too expensive. Few students at Jiang University can consume it. ”

“Therefore, our enchanting equipment was not placed in the hall below. It is reasonable for some students to think that we did not sell enchanting equipment.”

Manager Li, who sat down, continued.

“It turned out to be so.”

Luo Heng nodded, and then asked: “Manager Li, what level do you have of the fire nuclei here?”

“There are second-order high positions, third-order lower positions, third-order middle positions, and third-order high positions. There are no more than fourth-order positions.”

Manager Li said as well as Jiazhen’s introduction.

“How about the price?”

Luo Heng asked for the most critical price.

His original 23 million has already spent more than 12 million in these two days, and the balance on the card is only 10 million, so he has to spend some time.

“The 300,000 pieces of the second-order high position, and the lower, middle, and upper third-order crystal nuclei are 1 million, 10,000, and 2 million, respectively.” (Zhao Zhao)

Manager Li said with a smile.

Although the crystal nucleus is not as expensive as the price of enchanting equipment, it is also extremely expensive, far from what ordinary people can consume.

I don’t know how many of them can be bought by the student I received today.

“Uh, then help me get four second-order high-level fire system crystal nuclei.”

Luo Heng thought for a while, then said.

Although his mood of fire feels like he can comprehend the success with just one more fire crystal core, but to be on the safe side, buy a few more spares.

Anyway, even if you understand the mood of fire, these crystal nuclei can also be used to enhance the depth of the comprehension of the mood.

“OK, just a second.”

Manager Li looked happy, then stood up and walked outside.

For valuables such as fire crystal cores and enchanting equipment, no one except the manager can use them, so he must personally fetch the east.


ps: The second one, ask for flowers~.

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