Chapter 152

In the No. 1 competition field, freshmen entered the field in twos and threes.

Most of the three-person teams are freshmen. Those who come alone are basically old students who come to watch the game.

“Wow, this martial arts field is so big!”

Zhang Hao, who entered the No. 1 tournament for the first time, couldn’t help shouting.

“There are a total of three competition venues like this on the Jiangda campus.”

Luo Heng couldn’t help saying.

When I was wandering around the school, I went to these three competition venues to watch it. Finally, I found that these three competition venues are all the same huge and extremely large, at least they can accommodate nearly 10,000 students!

While talking, Luo Heng and his group walked to the front of the competition field.

There is a clearing there, and on that clearing, there are marked signs one after another: Class 1 of the Intensive Department, Class 2 of the Intensive Department…

Elementary Class 1 and Elementary Class 2…


Behind each sign stood some students wearing war clothes and holding weapons, and in front of each sign stood the instructors of each class. Standing next to their instructor, Zou, Class 2 of the Element Department Joan.

“Luo Heng.”

When Luo Heng walked over, a mellow voice came from the side.

“Xiao Xi, you came quite early.”

Seeing Yao Muxi coming from the queue next to him, Luo Heng smiled slightly.

There are about a total of freshmen in Element Academy, divided into five classes, each with nearly 30 students.

The class he was in was the first class of the element department, but Yao Muxi was assigned to the third class of the element department. Sister Li was not in the same class with them, but was assigned to the fourth class of the element department.

“Well, Sister Long insists that I come early, so I only have to come early.”

Yao Muxi showed a sweet smile.

As long as she sees Luo Heng, she will be inexplicably happy.

Yao Muxi, who has a beautiful face and a perfect figure outlined in a tight-fitting jersey and jersey, was noticed by many freshmen when he entered the queue.

However, because Yao Muxi had a cold face to those who were unfamiliar, no one dared to come forward and strike up a conversation.

At this time, Yao Muxi’s smile suddenly bloomed on his face, which instantly attracted the attention of most people around him, including men and women.

Male and female kill!

“Brother Luo Heng, you have to work harder to have such a beautiful girlfriend. ` .”

Xu Sili who watched this scene in the queue of Elemental Group 4 couldn’t help but sigh.

Beauty is a disaster, sometimes being too beautiful is also a disaster, but for her cousin, she is still very confident.

I believe he can cope with whatever disaster it is!


The time came to nine o’clock in the morning on time, Yao Muxi also ended the chat with Luo Heng, and walked back to the team of Class 4 of the Elemental Department.

At this moment, on the front of the summit, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face suddenly shouted:

“The time is up, close the door!”

With the word “closed door” coming out, several students in black uniforms quickly closed the iron gate at the entrance of the No. 1 competition venue.

And those students who entered the competition field but have not yet reached the front desk queue rushed to this side!

At this moment, the middle-aged man with Guozi face yelled coldly, “Stop!”

A scolding, accompanied by a suffocating sense of oppression!

The competition field No. 1 is very large, with thousands of people coming, but it occupies a small area in front of it.

And the summit platform where the man stands is a thousand meters away from the gate of the competition field in the distance!

Even so, as soon as the opponent’s momentum exploded, the entire competition arena was filled with a sense of oppression.

All the students seemed to be stared at by a scourge, and did not dare to move.

“So strong!”

Luo Heng in the queue was surprised.

His aura, the distance that can affect hundreds of meters at a time is the limit. Unexpectedly, this person can actually affect the distance of thousands of meters!

It is conceivable that if such a powerhouse faces hundreds of second-order beasts, the momentum alone is enough to make them lose their combat effectiveness and dare not move!

“Hello classmates, let me introduce myself first, my name is Tang Shi, the dean of the strengthening college.”

The man with the national character face does not use a loudspeaker, but the words seem to be ringing in everyone’s ears.

“This freshman competition is hosted by me throughout the whole process!”

“When entering Jiangnan University, the first thing I want to teach you is to follow the rules.

Nine o’clock gathering is nine o’clock gathering, there is no room for bargaining!

Those who have not arrived, and who are late, do not have to participate in this freshman competition. ”

“I can’t participate in the freshman competition, and I don’t even have a chance to be seen by the instructor. It’s really miserable.”

Someone whispered in the crowd.

Of course, they did not mean to sympathize with those people. After all, there are fewer people, and they have fewer competitors.

Ignoring the comments of the following students, Tang Shi continued:

“This competition is a melee, but in order to let the instructors on the summit stage in front of you better see your strength, so ten areas are divided.

In these ten regions, there are about 100 students in each region. You can show your strength in your own region! ”

“Also, I want to remind you that because the powers of the powers are extremely dangerous, we have done special treatments on your suits. As long as you stand in the circle, you will be immune to a fatal one. attack.”

“This function can also be triggered by pressing the button on the right wrist of the suit. Of course, as long as you use this function, it means you are eliminated.”

Under “¨”, the students assigned in each area will be told by your counselor. ”

“It turns out that the pattern on the suit and this button are to protect the students.”

Touching the button on his right wrist, Luo Heng secretly said.

“Okay, now I will assign each student’s area.”

Said Zou Qiong, the counselor in front of the team.

“Yu Wenshu, Area 1.

Tang Yuan, area 3.


Luo Heng, area 6.


There are about 30 students in each class, minus those who haven’t arrived, and every class is still 27-8, so soon the competition area for all students was divided.

“Luo Heng, which area are you from?”

Asked Yao Muxi, who came from the queue of the third squad of the Elemental Department.

“I am area number 6.”

“Hey, what a coincidence, I am also in area 6!”

Yao Muxi’s face was full of surprises.

Although her s-level ability is biased towards the (Wang Zhao) auxiliary system, it is a light system s-level ability after all, so there is still some combat power.

Originally, if she was not assigned to the same competition area as Luo Heng, she wanted to rely on her own strength to see how long she could not be eliminated.

But now, if you are in the same competition area as Luo Heng, you don’t have to be so tired, and you can directly support Luo Heng.

“Luo Heng, right, do you have the guts to make a bet with me?”

At this moment, a disgusting voice came from the side.

Turning his head and looking around, Luo Heng saw a long-haired boy coming from the queue of the second class of the Element Department. It was the guy who showed malicious intent to him when the freshman reported yesterday!

“You are?”

Luo Heng looked at the visitor suspiciously, he didn’t know him hungry.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Li Hua, a disciple of Teacher He Nian.”

The long-haired young man smiled evilly and looked very rampant.


ps: Fifth more, ask for flowers~~

Keep three shifts every day during the working day~~.

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