Chapter 153

“What year’s disciple?”

Luo Heng frowned.

Of course, he remembered clearly the person who tried his wind power in front of the villa.

Now, when his disciple came to the door, he should have gotten some kind of instruction.

“Hehe, it seems you think of my teacher.”

Li Hua smiled, “Luo Heng, you are lucky not to be in the same competition area as you this time, but I want to make a bet with you, don’t know if you want to?”

“It’s okay if you don’t want it. Teacher Jiang Nian’s disciples have always been so persuaded. I’ve heard senior brother say this.”

Li Hua’s tone was incomparably beaten.

“What bet?”

Luo Heng’s brows stretched.

Although Li Hua’s aggressive strategy is inferior, it is also very effective, and he is already a little angry.

“It’s very simple. My game area is No. 2, and your game area is No. 6. Whoever can clear the rest of the competitors in his area faster will win!”

Hearing Luo Heng’s words, Li Hua’s eyes lit up and said, “Of course, I don’t limit the team formation. This is okay, but the number of teams cannot exceed five.”

“Betting, of course you must have a bargaining chip! Whoever wins will pay the other party 5 million China coins!”

After speaking, Li Hua looked at Luo Heng on the opposite side with confidence.

Although the individual strength of a person in a competition area should not surpass him, it is still a bit difficult to deal with hundreds of abilities at the same time.

Therefore, he has already formed a five-person team, ready to sweep the entire No. 2 competition area!

And the gambling fight with Luo Heng was just a matter of his liking.

Li Hua’s voice did not conceal the slightest, so after hearing his voice, the people around turned their heads one after another:

“Who is this? So arrogant? Want to clear us all out? Do you have this ability?”

“He seems to be Li Hua, an s-level superpower of the elemental wind system!”

“Fuck, s-level ability person, no wonder it’s so arrogant.”

“Then who is the person opposite him? It also looks very uncomfortable, and it feels like a person from the enhanced type has mixed into our element type…”

“I don’t know this. Li Hua’s name is because a classmate of my dormitory happened to be in the same class as his high school and realized that he had awakened an S-level ability.”


On the second day of school, everyone was still unfamiliar with each other, and the people they knew were limited to their roommates.

However, they were so excited that there was excitement to watch, and they were talking quietly.

“Luo Heng, don’t promise him, why dare any cat or dog come out and bark?”

Wei Qing shouted on the side.

The opposite Li Hua didn’t mean anything when he heard it. Zhang Hao went to the queue of the strengthening department. Now Luo Heng is the only one who can support him.

“Five million? Xiao Heng, don’t promise him!”

Xu Sili, who walked out of the fourth class queue, said anxiously.

Although she knows that Luo Heng is unlikely to lose, if he loses, wouldn’t he be miserable?

Next to Luo Heng, Yao Muxi looked at him with vigor, without saying a word, and was very quiet.

“Wei Qing, Sister Li, I know how to do it.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and cast a reassuring look at them.

“That’s good.”

Xu Sili breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously thinking that Luo Heng would not agree to respond.

But as soon as her voice fell, Luo Heng’s voice sounded again: “Li Hua, gambling is fine, but the chips are too small, I’m not interested, a little bit bigger, 10 million!”

Luo Heng’s tone was very plain, but it caused an uproar in the ears of the surrounding students!

“Damn, five million is already ruthless enough, but it’s actually increased to ten million??!!!”

“This is too arrogant, ten million said it without blinking his eyes.”

“Ruthless person, absolutely ruthless person!”

“Huh, what’s the cruel thing? Maybe he just has a stiff mouth, but in fact he can’t even get five million!”


“Ten million?”

Li Hua’s pupils on the opposite side shrank.

You know, although he has some money, it is because he signed a contract with some companies in advance and got the other party’s financial support.

Ten million is already equivalent to his activity funds for the past six months!

For a while, he seemed a little hesitant.

“Don’t dare to forget it.”

Luo Heng shook his head, “Xiao Xi, let’s go.”

Yao Muxi smiled slightly, then turned and left with Luo Heng.

Seeing Luo Heng was about to walk away.

“Wait a minute.” Li Hua shouted.

“Why? Do you dare?” Luo Heng looked at Li Hua, “I won’t play with you if it is less than ten million.”

“Okay, ten million, I’m stuck with you!”

Li Hua’s tone was terrible, and he obviously had to fight it too.

“Huh, how do I know if you have scammed me? What if you can’t give me money if I win you?”

Li Hua also reacted at this time.

“Hehe, let’s find a notary public, transfer all the money to him, and settle it after the game.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.

In fact, he didn’t worry about Li Hua, so just by looking for a notary, all these things were resolved.

“Let me come.”

Accompanied by a deep voice, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face came over, and he was the dean of the Department of Strengthening, Tang Shi!

“Hello Dean Tang.”

Luo Heng everyone hurriedly shouted.


Tang Shi nodded, and then said: “It’s a gambling condition for everyone who sweeps the respective competition area, you guys are bold.”

“However, these show your confidence in your respective strengths. In this case, let me be your notary. My bank account number is xx. You just need to transfer the money, and I will return it to the winner at that time. ”

Jiangnan University of Versatility acquiesces and even encourages competition among students, as long as it does not cause deaths, everything is easy to say.

Although the bargaining chip in the gambling battle is a bit bigger, both parties are adults. Now that the decision has been made, they should be responsible for their own decision!


Luo Heng nodded slightly, then took out his mobile phone and transferred the money directly.

“Luo Heng’s ten million has been paid, Li Hua, how about yours?”

After browsing the account information on the mobile phone, Tang Shi looked at Li Hua.

“He actually has ten million?”

Li Hua was horrified, but he took out his mobile phone pretending to be nonchalant, and transferred ten million to Dean Tang.

“Okay, the money has arrived, you can go to the competition area.”

Tang Shi said with a smile.

Luo Heng, Yao Muxi, Li Hua, Zhao Ji…

These s-level abilities are the principal’s confession to focus on, but he is really not interested in the fights between these low-level abilities.

If he hadn’t come to pick some good seedlings in the strengthening department, he would directly tell the principal that he had something to do.

Therefore, the gambling between these two people can be regarded as adding a touch of fun to this game.

Moreover, the tone of the two of them is not small, and they swept each of the competition areas.

Last school year, there was only one team that was able to achieve this level, and it was also a six-person team with s-level abilities.

I don’t know if these two people can achieve this level.

Tang Shi looked forward more and more. .

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