Chapter 171

Since Qing Ling Jue didn’t get started and didn’t appear in the system skill column, Luo Heng couldn’t forcefully improve Qing Ling Jue through the system.

Shaking his head, he also gave up the idea of ​​cultivating Qing Ling Jue before Tier 4 and walked out of the training room.

“Teacher Jiang Nian, I’m leaving now.”

Luo Heng said to Jiang Nian who taught the student in the living room.

“give up?”

Jiang Nian looked at Luo Heng with a smile on his face.

This is the first time he has seen Luo Heng look slumped.

“Well, there is really no way to practice this clear spirit art before reaching the fourth level.”

Luo Heng said helplessly.

“Haha, I said it a long time ago, don’t you listen.”

Jiang Nian laughed and said, “Okay, you just want to leave, so I can take my students to the training room.”


Luo Heng nodded, and then left the villa directly.

He who left the villa directly did not go to the training building for training, but walked directly in the direction of the strange animal trial building.

The school started yesterday, which means that the contract he signed with Principal Feng has formally come into effect.

Therefore, as long as he meets the requirements of the contract, he will be rewarded accordingly!

Fire system crystal nucleus, iron armored dragon blood, fire system original 28 source laws…

The powerful resources one after another caused Luo Heng’s enthusiasm for a while, and he couldn’t help speeding up his pace.

Today is the day when Jiangnan Yingneng University officially starts classes, so there are very few students walking around on the campus, only a few people.

Within a few minutes of walking, Luo Heng entered the Alien Beast Trial Building.

At this time, although there are some student supernaturalists in the hall discussing the killing method of the alien beast in the virtual space of the alien beast, it is much less than when he came before.

Without staying too much, Luo Heng went straight to the second floor.

With the student ID, he didn’t need temporary permission, so he directly used the student ID to open a virtual stealth cabin and lay in it.


With a soft sound, the door is closed, and the familiar electronic reminder sounds:

“Welcome to Luo Heng, whose student number is **, to perform the trial of the alien beast.

In the process of entering the virtual space of alien animals, please pay attention to relax your mind. ”

Luo Heng, who was already familiar with this, let go of his mind and entered the virtual space of alien beasts.

Familiar huge sun, familiar city ruins, this alien beast virtual space, just like the real alien beast world!

“Please choose the difficulty you want to challenge. The higher the difficulty, the higher the combat power value you will get after passing.”

“It is detected that your level is a second-tier high-ranking fire superpower, do you want to challenge the second-tier high-ranking trial?”

The virtual monster space will provide challenge options based on the level of the tester. Of course, other challenge options can also be selected, but the premise is that the challenge selected cannot be lower than its own level.

“I choose the third-tier lower trial!”

Luo Heng’s flat voice echoed in the empty virtual alien space.

He passed the second-tier high-ranking trial when he came over ten days ago and received an s-level rating!

Therefore, this time, what he needs to challenge is the trial of the third-order lower ranks. Only in this way can he obtain the highest combat power value!

It is also more able to meet the conditions of the principal Feng’s contract!

“The third-tier lower trial is about to begin. Please prepare for the trial.”

Not long after the electronic boost sound fell, a dull sound came from the distance of the ruins of the city!


20 monsters that were as big as a tank rushed over!

From the violent aura, you can feel that this is a low-ranking alien beast of Tier 3!


With a low drink, the golden red flame knife was used.

On the other hand, Luo Heng, who holds the Yandao in his hand, changed his whole body, and a fierce aura spread out!

“True Fire Barrier!”

Under the real fire of the golden red sun, Luo Heng rushed forward unscrupulously!


Those 20-odd Tier 3 lower-level monsters, obviously did not expect this human to rush towards them, and after roaring bursts of roar, they bite them directly with their big mouth open!

“court death!”

With a cold snort, the flame blade in Luo Heng’s hand turned into a flash of golden lightning and swept forward!

Under normal circumstances, his real sun fire has a high temperature of 1,400 degrees, but after using the flame blade, the high temperature on the flame blade can reach 1,600 degrees!

Therefore, under this blow, the heads of the strange beasts that rushed up were directly chopped off, and blood gushed out from the fracture!

Some blood was splashed on the flame knife, and under the effect of the flame knife’s high temperature, it directly turned into bursts of blood-red white mist!

“Come again!”

As soon as Luo Heng stepped on, it was like an arrow shot by a strong bow, dragging a golden red afterimage, and rushing straight forward!


The third-tier lower-level trial is divided into four waves. The first wave is 20 third-tier lower-level monsters, the second wave is 20 third-tier mid-level monsters, and the third wave is 5 third-level monsters with special abilities. Rank mid-level alien beast!

And that last wave is a third-order high-position monster with special abilities!

Luo Heng’s Extreme Flame Sword has already cultivated to the sixth level, and yesterday he also killed a third-order high-ranking imperial alien puppet!

Therefore, even though the last wave of strange beasts was a little difficult to deal with, Luo Heng was killed by Luo Heng after a fight!


Luo Heng was panting heavily, and in the middle of the ruins of the city behind him, was lying down a huge corpse of an alien animal about 4 meters high and about 3 meters wide!

On its outer skin, there are various wounds and burn marks, but the most deadly is the one-meter-long wound on its abdomen!

The flesh and blood in the wound has been turned into coke! Accompanied by bursts of blood-red white mist, tears of blood flowed from the huge wound!

“This third-order high-ranking strange beast has special abilities that only strengthen defenses. It is so difficult to kill. It seems that I still need to strengthen my practice!”

Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

The strange beasts of the third-order high-ranking have a variety of abilities. This kind of strange beast with enhanced defense is a relatively ordinary kind.

“Ding, congratulations to student Luo Heng, the tester whose student number is **, for obtaining an s-level score for the third-tier lower trial! Get 100,000 combat power points!”

The moment this speech sounded, Luo Heng’s 0-point combat power value directly became 100,000 points!

And his ranking in the Jiangnan Ability University’s combat power list also jumped directly to 100!


“The durability of the power is related to your physical fitness. Therefore, while you exercise the power, you must also strengthen your physical fitness. Next, I will teach you some exercise methods…”

In Jiangnan University of Ability, in a classroom of the teaching building, the instructor is teaching the skills and methods of exercising supernatural ability on the stage.

Most of the students in the seats are listening carefully, while some students are secretly looking at their mobile phones:

“Fuck, how did the 100th place in this battle list suddenly change?”

“The ranking of the battle list changes in real time, and there are stronger people rushing up. Isn’t that normal?”

“No, I’ve been watching this power list just now. I have never seen the name ‘Luo Heng’ in the top 200 or so. Is he a dark horse who jumped up from 200?”

“Well, did you just say that this person is called Luo Heng?”

“Yes, is there any problem?”

“Fuck, isn’t Luo Heng the freshman who has been very popular recently? How could the top 100 have his name?”

“Maybe a certain senior has the same name as him.”

“No, look at his student number, it is our freshman in this class!”


You know, the top 100 in the battle list are basically occupied by students of the third and fourth years. The emergence of the freshman name Luo Heng naturally caused a lot of discussion among the students!


ps: This is yesterday’s fifth shift, and today’s fifth shift is still in the process of working hard. .

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