Chapter 172

Many teachers and students pay attention to Jiangnan University’s combat power list, especially for the top 100 students.

“Hehe, Luo Heng, it looks like a big guy is coming on the first day.”

While teaching the students, a smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Nian’s mouth, who was ranked in the battle list.

Most of the contracts signed between Principal Feng and Luo Heng can be obtained by entering the top 100 of the battle list.

At that time, Principal Feng thought that it would be good for Luo Heng to meet the above requirements before the end of the freshman year.

But now, Jiang Nian is looking forward to what the situation will be when Headmaster Feng comes back and learns the news.


“Captain, look, is this your junior brother?!!!”

Suddenly a member of Mao Minquan’s team that was carrying out a credit assignment somewhere in Jiangning City called out.

“Look at the phone during the mission, Song Hua, you broke the rules. After the mission is completed, part of the credits you earn will be deducted.”

Mao Minquan frowned, but still took the phone.

“This is? Luo Heng??!!!”

Looking at the word ‘Luo Heng’ on the 100th ranking list, Mao Minquan felt a little unbelievable.

He himself was only ranked 92nd. Why did Luo Heng jump to 100th on the first day of class?

“Captain, is this really your junior?”

The player next to him asked.

“Well, that’s right, it’s a freshman, and suddenly jumped to the 100th place. It seems that he is my genius junior.”

After a long while, Mao Minquan said with a complicated expression.

He was thinking about pulling the opponent into his team before, but now it seems that Luo Heng will be interested in his team or not.


Luo Heng didn’t know the discussion from the outside because he had already started the trial again. This time, it was a third-tier mid-level trial!

“Student Luo Heng whose student number is **, you got a grade in this challenge and 80,000 combat power points. Please keep working hard and get better results next time.”

Ten minutes later, accompanied by a prompt sound, Luo Heng’s figure appeared again in the ruins of the city.

“The last alien beast in the third-tier mid-level trial, it seems that I can’t defeat it yet.”

Luo Heng, who holds a sword in his hand, said silently.

Compared with the trials of the third-tier middle position, the difficulty has increased a lot, but he still made the fourth wave!

And the fourth wave of the third-order high-position monster, the special ability possessed is not as simple as defense enhancement.

What it has is speed enhancement!

With the speed of a ghost, Luo Heng, who only had a second-tier high position, couldn’t react at all, and even a real fire barrier could not stop the opponent’s attack.

Therefore, after a stalemate for a few rounds, he died under the claws of the strange beast.

“The combat power points that this alien beast’s virtual space can obtain have reached the limit, it’s time to change places…”.

Shaking his head, Luo Heng directly left the alien beast virtual space and walked out of the alien beast trial building.

There are a total of three locations in Jiangnan University where you can obtain combat power points.

They are the Alien Beast Trial Building, the Ability Tower and the Spirit Bridge.

In these three places, the combat power points obtained in each place are calculated according to the highest one.

For example, Luo Heng obtained 100,000 combat power points and 80,000 combat power points in the alien virtual space.

Then, in the end, the combat power points he obtained in the Alien Beast Trial Building is 100,000!

The closest to the Alien Beast Trial Building is the Ability Tower.

Although the power tower is called a tower, it is actually just a tall building with a cylindrical shape.

After leaving the Alien Beast Trial Building, Luo Heng walked for more than ten minutes before entering the power tower.

Different from the high-rise buildings full of modern atmosphere on the campus of Jiangda University, this building is filled with all kinds of mysterious runes and strange atmosphere.

“Hello teacher, I want to enter the power tower, what do I need to do?”

Luo Heng walked directly to the front desk in the building and asked the person standing behind the front desk.

“Excuse me, what rank are you in?”

“Second-level upper position.”

“On the second level, you need to go to the second floor. When you get to the second floor, there will be ten entrances like here. Then you can directly choose one of them with a green light to enter.”

The teacher behind the front desk pointed to the front position and said.

Luo Heng looked in the direction of the teacher’s finger, and he could see that not far from the hall, there were ten entrances the size of a room door, and there was an indicator light above them.

At this time, all ten entrances were lit with red lights, and in front of that entrance, there were many students lining up.


Thanks, Luo Heng went directly to the second floor.

Like the first floor, there are ten entrances here, and there are many students in the back.

Luo Heng was directly behind one of the teams with the least people.

“Jiang University has so many students and ten entrances, which is too few.”

Luo Heng couldn’t help but muttered.

There are hundreds of stealth cabins in the alien trial building! It can be used by hundreds of students at the same time. This power tower has a total of four floors, and each floor is counted as ten. At the same time, it can only be used by forty students, which is too few.

“Brother, are you a freshman in the power tower for the first time?”

Hearing this muttering, a thin man in front turned his head and said.

“how do you know?”

Luo Heng frowned.

Do you look like a new student?

“Hehe, only freshmen who have entered the power tower for the first time will complain like this.”

The lean man smiled and said, “The power tower is actually a place to test the level of power development. It is considered diligent once a month.

Therefore, this power tower is not like the strange beast trial building, which has so many students every day.

Moreover, it takes a short time to perform a test. If you wait up to five minutes, it will be your turn. ”

“¨” The function of the power tower turned out to be like this. ”

Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

Except for the Alien Beast Trial Building, he had never been to the other two places, so he didn’t check the relevant information.

As the lean man said, it didn’t take long before it was his turn.

Looking at the green light above the entrance, Luo Heng swiped his student ID at the door and walked into the room.

The area of ​​the room is not very large, only 20 square meters, and on the floor, walls and ceiling of the room, there are some complicated patterns, which are somewhat the same as those seen during the awakening ceremony.

“Welcome Luo Heng student whose student ID is ** to carry out the ability development test.”

Accompanied by a comfortable female voice, a 3D projection appeared in the room.

“Please use your own abilities.” 3D Projection spoke again.


Luo Heng used his own power without hesitation, and the real fire of the sun appeared in the room, shining the whole room into golden red, which looked very beautiful.

“It is detected that the student’s ability is (the money is good) Taiyang is really hot, and now I will start to detect the level of ability development.

For morphological change detection, students are asked to simulate this animal using real fire in the sun. ”

The 3D projection in the air projected a lifelike lion, which seemed to be hunting.

Sharp claws and strong muscles make this lion look so real!

“Does the test form change? I happen to be good at it!”

Under Luo Heng’s control, the real fire of the sun quickly turned into a lion!

Fangs, claws, strong limbs… let.

The golden-red lion looks mighty and domineering, and the hair on that suit is also very delicate, drifting away in the wind.

“The first morphological simulation is completed, and the similarity is extremely high! Passed, and the second morphological change detection started.

Ask students to simulate this animal. ”

The 3D projection in the air once again projected an animal.

In this way, Luo Heng started the process of detecting the development level of the ability according to the electronic voice prompt.


ps: First, please ask for flowers~~.

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