Chapter 173

The detection of changes in the shape of the ability, an animal is more vivid and detailed than an animal, and it is more difficult to simulate.

Finally, after Luo Heng used the real fire of the sun to simulate ten consecutive times, the electronic reminder sounded in the air: “The detection of the shape change of the fire system’s ability is completed.”

“Next, start the detection of the temperature of the fire abilities, and ask students to urge their abilities to the highest temperature!”

The artificial intelligence of the power tower will select the appropriate detection method according to the student’s abilities. Such aggressive fire abilities like the real fire of the sun use this method of checking the temperature.


With a low drink, Luo Heng urged the real fire of the sun to the limit of 1400 degrees!

Suddenly, the temperature in the room began to soar!

At this time, the mysterious runes in the room began to glow slightly, as if they were detecting something!

One minute later, the prompt sounded: “The detection is complete, the highest ability temperature is 1421 degrees!”

“The ability test results are completed and it is finally confirmed that Luo Heng student with the student number ** has the top ability development level! Get 120,000 combat power points!”

The level of ability development, the level is different, and the requirements are different.

Luo Heng’s understanding of the artistic conception of fire at the second-tier upper level, and the cultivation of “Anode Fireworks” has reached the third level, which means that his solar real fire development level is extremely high!

“120,000 combat power points, not bad.”

Listening to this prompt, Luo Heng nodded in satisfaction, and then left directly, walking towards the spirit bridge where the last combat power was obtained.

.. ….

Classroom No. 301 on the 3rd floor of No. 2 Teaching Building is the classroom for the freshmen of Element College.

At this time, there are many students gathered around, discussing what:

“It has gone up, and the ranking has gone up again!”

“Damn, 220,000 combat power points, rose to the 62nd place in one breath? Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

“Even if he swept a freshman competition area, he wouldn’t be so strong, right?”

“What do you mean by sweeping a freshman competition area? Sweeping a competition area in 6 minutes, you ask the top five in the battle list, did they achieve this level when they enrolled in the school?”

“Yes, I was in the No. 6 competition area. You will not understand the oppressive feeling that Luo Heng brings to people. In my opinion, even if he rushes to the top 50 in one breath, I am not surprised. !”


At this time, it was time for get out of class to end, so everyone’s discussion became louder.

“What are you talking about 220,000 combat power points.”

Accompanied by a clear voice, a graceful figure walked into the classroom. It was Yao Muxi’s aunt, Wang Wei.

“Hello teacher!”

The students hurriedly shouted.

“We are talking about Luo Heng in our class. Just now, his ranking has risen to 62nd place!”

This superstar of Element 1 class seems very proud, after all, Luo Heng is in their class.

“The 62nd in the battle list?”

Wang Wei was surprised.

As a teacher of Jiangda University, she fully understands the gold content of the battle list.

As long as the students ranked in the top 100 of the battle power list, they are all Tier 3 abilities!

And Luo Heng is only a second-tier high position, and he has already rushed to the 62nd place. I have to say that this combat power is really terrifying!

“Haha, whether you are stronger, it will be easier for Xiaoxi’s parents to recognize it.

It’s a pity that Xiaoxi is still training in the training building, otherwise she would be very happy to hear the news. ”

Wang Wei chuckled lightly, then stepped onto the stage and started her own teaching.


The last battle power point to obtain the Spirit Bridge, is not located near the center of Jiangnan University of Ability, but located on the north side of the campus.

But for Luo Heng, this is just a matter of speeding up a bit.

“This is the spiritual bridge?”

Luo Heng, who arrived at the location shown on the map, looked dazed.

What appeared before his eyes was indeed a bridge, but this ‘bridge’ was very huge.

At first glance, the length of the bridge is at least one hundred meters long and six meters wide!

Such bridges appearing in schools are really rare.

Below this bridge, there is an artificial lake. Through this bridge, you can reach the opposite side of the artificial lake.

And beside the bridge, there was a figure who seemed to be a manager.

In front of him, there are some students waiting in line.

“It seems that today’s luck is not very good. Except for entering the Alien Beast virtual space, there is no queue. The remaining two places will have to line up.”

Shaking his head, Luo Heng was also behind the line.

In the process of queuing, Luo Heng also observed how the people in front passed the spiritual bridge.

When a person walks on the Spirit Bridge, a mysterious luminous pattern will appear on the Spirit Bridge.

The people walking there seem to be under tremendous pressure, and they walk slowly at every step.

When a person on the bridge stays in a certain place for more than 1 minute, the lines on the bridge will lose their light. Then the person is relieved and walks directly off the bridge to check the results.

“This bridge seems to be cured with some magical effect.”

Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

Among the five major systems of abilities, the special system has the weakest combat power, and most of them are auxiliary abilities.

And this spiritual bridge, maybe it was solidified by a certain special power.

“Classmates, please take out your student ID.”

The previous voice made Luo Heng come back to his senses, and quickly handed over his student ID.

“A freshman coming here for the first time?”

The manager who swiped the student ID on the machine frowned and said, “What is the level? I want to set the strength of the spiritual bridge according to your level.”

“Second-order high position.”

“Second-level high-ranking? You are a good freshman.

Okay, I’ve set it up, you can go straight up now, to remind you, if you stay on the bridge in the same place for more than one minute, you will be judged as a failure. ”


Luo Heng nodded, took back his ID card, and walked to the bridge expectantly.

After the first step on the spiritual bridge, a strong negative emotion madly hit his mind.

At the same time, the surrounding scenes also began to change, and all kinds of strange beasts with open blood basins and mouths rushed towards him!

“That’s it?”

Luo Heng raised his brows. Isn’t this his daily life in the world of alien animals?

Can this also be used to test mental power?

At a distance of one hundred meters, he just walked past it like a leisurely garden, walked around the artificial lake, and walked back to the manager.

At this moment, the people lined up there looked at Luo Heng like a monster.

This is the first time they have seen someone who has crossed the Spirit Bridge so easily!

“You actually walked directly across the spiritual bridge?”

The manager’s tone was full of shock.

As the manager of the Spirit Bridge, he has never seen someone who has walked the Spirit Bridge so easily in the year since he took over this position!

“Uh, teacher, can you tell me how many power points I can get this time?”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and looked at him expectantly.

At this time, the manager reacted and quickly looked at a device he was holding: “After completing the entire second-tier upper spiritual bridge, you will get 80,000 combat power points!”


The people around have exclaimed, this power point is too much!

As soon as Luo Heng passed the spiritual bridge, his power point surged again, directly reaching 300,000!

At the same time, he also entered the 45th place in the ranking list!


Luo Heng’s soaring ranking in the power rankings naturally caused many teachers and senior students in the school to be shocked:

“I rely on, the ranking has risen again, and it has risen by more than ten places at once!”

“He is a freshman in this class? Why is it so fierce? The most fierce man of our class only rushed into the top 300 when the school started!”

“It’s terrible. If you continue with this momentum, it won’t take a year. He’s afraid that he will just climb to the top!”

“In the freshman year, I reached the top of the battle list. What is this concept?”

“I seem to be witnessing the rise of a big boss!”


As senior students, these veteran students are very aware of the difficulty of improving combat power points. Sometimes they have worked hard for a month and rushed to challenge them happily. Finally, they found that the improved combat power points were only a few hundred points.

Therefore, as a freshman, Luo Heng obtained 300,000 combat power points so quickly, and rushed to the 45th place in the combat power list. In their opinion, it is completely unimaginable!


ps: The second one, please ask for a ticket~~.

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