Chapter 174


At the gate of Jiangnan Supernatural University, with the sound of cars, suspension cars drove from a distance.

The streamlined body, full of aristocratic appearance, all show that this is not an ordinary suspended vehicle, but a top suspended sports car!

Such a handsome sports car naturally attracted the attention of many students around the school gate.

“Metz x600, Metz x800, the latest suspension sports car, at least 6 million cars, when did our school have so many rich second generations?”

“Look, there is the Xilinx Group logo on the car. Most of them came from their group.”

“Yes, yesterday’s freshman competition was completed. They should come here to sign a contract with the student they are fond of.”

“Ah, I’m so envious. If only I had been spotted when I enrolled in school that year, it would be great.”

The Metz x600 sports car, it only takes 1 second to accelerate to 100 meters per hour, and the limit speed reaches 600 kilometers per hour. Of course, this performance is not a big deal. The most important thing is that this is an old brand that existed before the appearance of the alien channel. Sports car brand~.

This heavy historical background is nothing to attract some people’s attention.

Accompanied by waves of discussion, several suits-men were separated from the four sports cars.

And on the front of the Mace x800 also walked down a man wearing a suit and combing his back, and behind him was a secretary with a very hot body.

The people who got off the other vehicles all stood in front of that person.

“Well, your tasks have been arranged before you come, so you can act separately according to your goals.”

Li Sheng looked at these people in front of him and said.


Everyone answered and walked into the school, and the guard at the school door knew their identities and did not stop them.

“Our primary goal this time is Luo Heng. As long as we win him, it doesn’t matter if other people don’t sign the contract.”

Li Sheng smiled at the secretary next to him and said, “If necessary, I may have to sacrifice you a little bit.”


The secretary licked the corner of his mouth, showing a seductive expression.

“Haha, then let’s go.”

Li Sheng laughed and walked into the campus of Jiangda University with his secretary.

Luo Heng’s background, he had found out last night, he came from an ordinary family in a small city, but he was lucky enough to awaken the S-level ability.

For such people, the best way to get them to sign a contract is nothing more than money and power.

Of course, there are beautiful women.

He is ready for all this, so he is full of confidence in letting Luo Heng sign the contract!


In the classroom of No. 2 Teaching Building, elementary students who have just finished a class are discussing what they have learned in the classroom.

At this moment, a man and a woman walked in from outside the classroom and stood directly on the front podium: “Excuse me, is Luo Heng here?”

“Wow, this uncle is so handsome, why are you here?”

“Look for Luo Heng? Luo Heng is busy hitting the battle list, right? He didn’t come to class today.”

Li Shengna’s voice was full of magnetism, which immediately caused a lot of discussion among the students, but no one answered his words.

“Huh? Is Luo Heng not in this classroom?”

Li Sheng frowned.

According to the curriculum arrangement of Jiangda University, the first-stage subjects are taken together by the freshmen of the entire Element College.

And according to the information he found, the third class in the morning should be the elementary freshmen in this classroom. How could Luo Heng not be there?

“Luo Heng did not come to class today, so he is not here.”

Zhang Hao in the seat said.

Listening to his words, Li Sheng’s eyes lit up and he walked over with the secretary: “Hello, are you Luo Heng’s roommate? Do you know where Luo Heng is now? Can you contact him?”

“who are you?”

Zhang Hao showed a wary look.

“I forgot to introduce myself. I am Li Sheng, the general manager of Xilinx Group in Jiangnan Province.”

Li Sheng introduced himself, “I didn’t mean anything else to find Luo Heng this time. I just wanted to sign a cooperation treaty with him. Don’t worry, this kind of cooperation treaty will only benefit Luo Heng, not bad.”

Originally, this kind of recruitment of students and signing contracts was done by a special person, but he was really worried about how other people did things.

So, this time he went to fight in person.

“Xilinx Group? I have heard from seniors that these people seem to select some potential students to sign contracts after the freshmen start school. They provide resources and can directly work in the group after students graduate!”

“Wow, I’m so envious, I also want such a group to come to me.”

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

“Hehe, if you can enter the top 50 of the battle list on the first day of school, there must be a lot of groups coming to you.”

Listening to the words of the people around, even Zhang Hao, who is from a remote area, knew that this was good for Luo Heng, so he directly dialed Luo Heng’s phone…

On the Jiangda campus, Luo Heng, who left from the Spirit Bridge, was about to go to the school cafeteria for lunch, and he received a call from Zhang Hao.

“Luo Heng, where are you?”

“I’m going to the cafeteria, what’s the matter?”

“Well, here in the classroom there is a group called Xilinx looking for you, saying that it is going to sign a cooperation treaty with you.”

“Cooperation treaty? Just tell them directly that I am not interested in this.”

.. …….. …

Luo Heng, who was walking on the school path, said calmly.

Regarding the group’s cooperation treaty, he had heard teacher Jiang Nian talk about it before.

Such a treaty is indeed very attractive to ordinary students, but to Luo Heng, who is rich in spiritual resources, it is not attractive at all.

“Well, that’s OK, I will tell them now…”

Before Zhang Hao finished speaking on the phone, another unfamiliar voice came in: “Hello, student Luo Heng, maybe you have misunderstood the cooperation agreement of our Xilinx Group. I suggest we find a place to sit. Let’s talk about it in detail.”

“Thank you, I’m not interested in these, so I don’t have to trouble you to take a trip.”

Listening to the strange voice, Luo Heng directly hung up the phone.

He is hungry now, how can he talk nonsense with him when he is free.


In the classroom, Li Sheng, who was hung up, looked pale.

It was the first time he encountered this kind of situation where he was hung up without even saying the terms of the cooperation treaty.

“Mr. Li, what shall we do now? Are we leaving?”

The hot secretary behind him asked cautiously.

She could feel that Li Sheng was in a very bad mood now.

“Go? Impossible. My purpose here is for Luo Heng. Let’s go directly to the cafeteria now!”

Li Sheng snorted coldly, ignoring the surrounding students, and left here with his secretary.


ps: The third one, ask for flowers~~ten.

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