Chapter 500 Call from Li Shiman

When Chen Yi saw that the matter was finished, he was about to leave. King Li Tian said at this time: “…Hey, Chen Yi, wait a minute.”

Chen Yi, who had already stood up, sat down again when he heard the words, and looked at his counselor and said, “…what’s wrong, Li Tianwang.”

King Li Tian pondered his tone and said, “…that Yu Zixi in our class seems to be a big fire on the Internet.”

Li Tianwang is not very old, he is not even thirty years old, and he can play with them like college students who are about twenty years old.

Chen Yi is not surprised that he knows that Yu Zixi is on the Internet, but instead-takes it for granted.

“Yes, it’s quite popular. The extranet and station b together have almost 4 million fans. If she builds another Weibo, it is estimated that the fans will be even more.”

Chen Yi nodded and said.

Li Tianwang glanced at him and asked, “…Yu Zixi is so hot, is it related to you?”

In his opinion, with Yu Zixi’s personality, how could she take the initiative to make videos. That girl is a very down-to-earth person. It’s just said that she was going to work as a tutor for others and go to work-study programs.

Especially when she came out of a mountain village, even if she learned a lot of things in a big city for half a year, she couldn’t really do things like posting videos and becoming the host.

When Li Tianwang wanted to come, this could only be Chen Yi’s reason.

After all, Chen Yi seemed to be interested in Yu Zixi at the beginning and has been helping her openly or secretly.

Chen Yi also didn’t ask for credit, and smiled and said, “…I did the video when she made the video, but I didn’t help much when she was so popular.”

“…I haven’t used the resources to publicize her yet, and she became popular on the external network. It is too simple to turn from the external network to the internal network. Any brokerage company can do it.”

“It can only be said that it is the reason for her own ability. I account for two successful labors at most, and the rest is on her own.”

Chen Yi’s answer was a little bit out of Li Tianwang’s expectation. He thought that Yu Zixi could get hot, mainly because of Chen Yi’s help.

But now it seems that Yu Zixi is really good.

With a sigh, Li Tianwang asked tentatively: “… Chen Yi, I would like to ask you a personal question. With Yu Zixi’s current level of popularity, how much money can you make in a year when traffic is monetized?”

He understands the terms of traffic monetization, but Li Tianwang doesn’t understand how to operate it and how much money he can make.

“If it is in our country, the best way to monetize such a large amount of traffic is of course to advertise, that is, to promote other brands.”

“… But in my opinion, Yu Zixi has the ability to become a cultural symbol. If she just advertises to others, she would be too sorry for the traffic, and if other brands have problems, she will also be to blame.”

“Therefore, my plan is to keep the domestic traffic unchanged for the time being, but to stabilize the traffic, and then use her name as a brand, and make some food, or even cosmetics and other brands.”

“…The flow of oil pipes is relatively easy to realize in foreign countries. As long as Yu Zixi can maintain this, hundreds of thousands a year will be easy.”(Read more @

“If she waits for her to build up her own brand, then the profit will not be calculated. It may be possible to make millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year.”

There is nothing wrong with this kind of thing to tell Li Tianwang, anyway, Yu Zixi signed a contract with him under his own hands, and people can’t run away.

Li Tianwang took a sigh of relief. Of course, he knew that Yu Zixi’s own ability could not be used to monetize traffic, but if Chen Yi helped her, it would be much easier.

Moreover, Chen Yi has helped her to pay the resources in this way. Naturally, Chen Yi himself will take part of Yu Zixi’s traffic as his own income, and if Yu Zixi has some deeper relationship with him…

Well, this is basically a win-win for both human and wealth. Chen Yi is worthy of being a big capitalist.

King Li Tian straightened out the thoughts and vilified the sinister intentions of these capitalists.

He joked with a little jealousy: “… Chen Yi, do you think I can make a video like this? I want to make money too, don’t make too much, one million a year is enough!”

As a college counselor, his income is only tens of thousands of dollars a year. To be honest, he is very poor.

Chen Yi laughed and didn’t say a word. There were some things he wouldn’t say, in case he accidentally gave the other party a promise.

Seeing this, King Li Tian couldn’t say anything, he just shrugged and said, “…You said that I want to be a woman too. Maybe once I tempted, we can have a teacher-student relationship, and we will make a fortune.”

Being raised by a wealthy man and being raised by a rich woman is common to both men and women. No one wants to work hard to be a salted fish.

Chen Yi looked at King Li Tianwang carefully, shook his head and sighed: “…Forget it, just like Li Tianwang, you model, even if you become a woman, I don’t think I will look down on it.”

“Keep away, you really can’t spit out ivory in your mouth!”

Li Tianwang laughed and blasted Chen Yi out.

Chen Yi was not angry at this kind of joke. He just left with a smile, and said to his counselor before closing the door: “…There is a dinner in the evening. King Li Tian comes over to have a meal together.”

“Don’t worry, in order to cheat you as a capitalist, I have to go!”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

After Chen Yi left, Li Tianwang looked at the cigarettes and alcohol on his desk and laughed at himself: “…Come on, the lives of people and people are different, so let’s not think about it too much.”

He was indeed a little envious of Yu Zixi’s life. Perhaps that little girl had been miserable and difficult in her life for the past nineteen years.

But when she stepped out of the mountain and entered this university, her destiny in life had changed, and when she met Chen Yi, she had even reached the pinnacle of her life.

Sure enough, the easiest way to change your destiny is to study hard.

If Chen Yi knew Li Tianwang’s thoughts, he would definitely tell him that the easiest way to change his fate is to be possessed by the system.

By the time Chen Yi returned to the dormitory, the three animals in the dormitory had already been ordered.

……. ……. …

All the boys in this class, a few boys in the second class of English, plus some playing boys in other departments, and a mighty group of people, just swept across the road to the nearby food court.

Because of the large number of people, the small shops in the food court simply couldn’t sit down, and a group of people looked for the largest restaurant here.

This kind of restaurants opened near the university are all affordable. After all, things that are too expensive are not suitable for students to eat in the university town.

Under Chen Yi’s greeting, the boys were not polite and started to order, but it can be seen that these people are still very restrained, and they didn’t order anything too expensive, and there were not many orders.

In the end, Chen Yi couldn’t stand it any longer, so he swiped his hands and put all the expensive items on the spot.

Eat, you give me as much food as you want, even if you dozens of people eat more, it’s definitely not as expensive as the clothes I’m wearing now.

For Chen Yi now, let alone tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands would be about a few dollars to him.

There is no difference between a poor car and a rich watch for Chen Yi. What can make him hesitate now is yachts and private jets. Well, raising horses is also good.

Just after Chen Yi ordered the order, his mobile phone rang suddenly, and he was taken aback when he saw the caller ID.

“Chen Dashuai, do you remember me?”

There was a lively and sweet voice from a girl on the phone.

“Of course I remember you, Li Shiman!”

Chen Yi smiled and replied.

The one who called him was the descendant of the nobleman from the imperial capital whom he had met when he was on the Victoria’s Secret Show.

This girl can be regarded as the most beautiful girl besides Nanda among all the wealthiest and noble children that Chen Yi knows. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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