Chapter 501 Li’s invitation

Li Shiman would call herself, which surprised Chen Yi.

Although the two met on the Victoria’s Secret Show, they were considered to have experienced what happened in the hospital at the time and left contact information with each other.

But in the past two months, the two have not had any close communication and communication. At most, they have liked or left a message in the circle of friends.

Don’t say it’s a phone call, even vx only has some simple festive congratulations.

So Li Shiman actually called herself at this time, and Chen Yi was also surprised.

Looking at the noisy surroundings, Chen Yi smiled and said to Li Shiman on the phone: “…Wait a minute, I am a bit noisy here, wait for me to change place.”

While talking, Chen Yi greeted the classmates at the dinner party and walked directly out of the restaurant to find a quiet place.

“Brother Chen, are you having dinner with someone?”

Li Shiman said cheerfully.

This time is at dinner time, and there is still a long way to go to the night life, so Li Shiman would ask this question.

“Yes, I’m out for dinner with my classmates, what’s the matter with Li Damei calling me?”

Chen Yi said with a smile, people call you a handsome man. If you still call someone’s name, it seems a little strange. Chen Yi has long been accustomed to verbosity, so just call a beautiful woman.

Li Shiman seemed to be very happy with Chen Yi’s name, her voice became lighter, her sweet laughter came from the phone, and said: “…I’m not a big beauty. Don’t be so handsome. Call me.”

Chen Yi didn’t answer this question, just listen to what the woman said, don’t believe it.

After a pause, Li Shiman continued: “…Isn’t it because we didn’t get in touch since we met in Shencheng? I’m afraid that we will become estranged after a long time. I have to call you to contact us. .”

‘We’ve never been acquainted with each other. ’

Chen Yi sneered in his heart, but he said with enthusiasm and helplessness: “…Hum, I am not too busy, I am busy every day without going to the village and the shop, and then I have to take care of my studies.”

“…And Beauty Li, you look so good-looking, it wouldn’t be nice if I always contact you. If you are seen by your boyfriend, it won’t be easy to explain.”

Chen Yi’s remark was a rejection, but it was so good that Li Shiman smiled.

“I don’t have a boyfriend. Who told you that I have a boyfriend? She is slanderous! Look, handsome Brother Chen, you don’t have to worry about this at all. Let’s get in touch frequently in the future.”

Li Shiman’s voice is very clear, beautiful and enthusiastic, such as wind and fire, so that ordinary men may be a little unable to resist.

But this is nothing to Chen Yi, he said perfunctorily: “…definitely, definitely!”

It’s not that Li Shiman is not beautiful, Chen Yi is not interested in her, but that some women have stings on their bodies. If they are provoked, they are easy to stab themselves.(Read more @

Chen Yi didn’t know Li Shiman, and didn’t know what her true temperament was like.

Although she seems to be very enthusiastic and cheerful on the surface, who knows if she has a bad mind behind her back.

Some women can not provoke without provoking, Chen Yi does not covet Li Shiman’s money or power.

After all, Li Shiman is not an ordinary woman, so she can play as soon as she can, and she feels at ease when the time comes.

In case Li Shiman is the kind of gloomy woman, and you dump her and finally rely on you, it will be a headache.

Her family’s power is not small. Although the juniors generally don’t care about the affairs of the elders, if the parents love her, both the Chen family and the Li family won’t look good in the end.

This is why Chen Yi treated Nan Jiyue with caution in the first place. If Chen Yi is all alone, it doesn’t matter.

But Chen Yi’s grandfather is about to occupy a high position and truly stand at the peak of power. He now represents not only himself, but even the entire family, so you should be more cautious when doing some things.

The political situation is complicated, and no one can guarantee where the enemy is, who the enemy is, and who will suddenly stabb you.

The Linghu clan, who was so dazzling in those days, didn’t die overnight. Now the children of the nobles at the top are living very low-key, for fear of making mistakes and hurting the family.

This is a high-level balance.

At this time, Chen Yi even understood the meaning of family and aristocratic family that those novels always said. Only at this level can we understand its importance.

Because power is cultivated bit by bit.

Li Shiman sighed softly, she could hear Chen Yi’s vigilance towards herself, but this was what a qualified nobleman should look like.

Those who clamor all day long, saying, ‘who is my dad’, are the scum and idiots among the nobles.

Chen Yi now dares to say that he is the descendant of the nobles who ruled this country.

Li Shiman is not using this kind of cautious thinking to get close to Chen Yi. She knows that unless the two meet and talk in person, it is impossible for Chen Yi to let go of her vigilance…

This man is so good, and this caution is his fine quality.

Li Shiman no longer bends around, but directly speaks: “…My uncle said that I want to see you.”

“Your uncle? Which of your uncle?”

Some family trees of the Li family flashed across Chen Yi’s mind.

Li Shiman has two uncles. The uncle is in a high position and is younger than Chen Yi’s grandfather. He is considered to be the pillar of his family’s generation.

And Li Shiman’s brother-in-law didn’t talk about it, it was a trash, and almost dragged down the Li family.

Almost 30 years ago, Li Shiman’s brother-in-law committed a terrible crime, and everyone knows that the oldest old man in the Li family was in the big position, and it was barely saved.

It can only be said that it was fortunate that it was thirty years ago, when the world was still quite chaotic, so that this can be done.

If you commit these things again now, it will be almost difficult to save them, you can only get them in first, and then fish out people in advance after everyone has forgotten about them.

But also from that time on, Li Shiman’s brother-in-law had completely disappeared from people’s sight and never appeared again.

The Li family also knew that the man was a hidden danger, and did not dare to let him continue to make noise.

So Chen Yi actually guessed who was going to see him, but he still asked more about it.

“It’s my uncle.”

Li Shiman said enthusiastically and cheerfully.

“The elders are invited, but I dare not give up. It is my honour for Grandpa Li 0.0 to see me. When will Grandpa Li want to see me? I have to rush back in advance.”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

I wanted to refuse it, but how could I refuse it?

As soon as I arrived in Shencheng, it was estimated that I would have to go back to the imperial capital within a couple of days.

That invitation, let alone Chen Yi, even the current Tony Ma and Jack Ma had to pass by honestly.

But although he agreed, Chen Yi certainly wouldn’t just pass by without preparing for anything.

Call the grandfather in a moment to find out why Li’s parents are looking for themselves, and they can have a plan ahead of time, and ask if it is good or bad.

This is the advantage of someone standing at the peak of power in the family. No matter what happens on it, you can know in advance, instead of blinding your eyes and not understanding anything. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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