Chapter 508 I am the future richest man in China

Ordinary employees who were working in the work area heard the thunderous applause coming from the conference room, and they all looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

But soon they just stopped struggling, and bowed their heads and continued to work hard at their desks.

As grassroots employees, their work may not be difficult, but it is very cumbersome.

Especially the work intensity of the company is very high, so that they have no extra time to do other things and can only focus on their work.

Although the employees are complaining in private, very few really resign. It is because the company has given too much. If young people don’t take advantage of their youth to fight, can they wait until they are old and their health is not good enough?

Everyone knows that this is the shameless remarks made by capitalists.

But there is no way. In this world of rising inflation and rising prices, in this international metropolis, everyone is competing, and if the competition fails, they can only be eliminated.

No one wants to be a loser.

In the conference room, the middle and high-level managements were all scattered. Looking back at Chen Yi’s speech just now, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Mr. Chen is far-sighted, and the more I think about it, the more I feel that Mr. Chen’s words make sense.

Especially the sentence that everyone here can become tens of millions and billionaires, and it is still US dollars. All of a sudden, everyone is like a chicken blood, and I can’t wait to quickly use the remaining heat.

These people are all old fried dough sticks with many years of social work experience. Normally, they would not be fooled by a small boss casually.

But Chen Yi is really too strong, his awe-inspiring style like a soldier, and occasionally the graceful temperament like a nobleman, bluffs people for a while.

Some management even saw the shadow of Papa Ma in Chen Yi.

The impassioned speeches and words of Papa Ma back then, let alone that time, even now it sounds like MLM.

And this kind of person will either become a complete loser or a complete winner in the end.

Chen Yi is stronger than Papa Ma back then, because Chen Yi has already proven his success on other levels. Jack Ma at the time did not have this resume.

“How about what I just said?”

Out of the meeting room, came to his office.

This office has just been renovated. Behind it is a huge bookcase with four-legged golden toads and even antique ornaments such as jade seals.

There is a huge mahogany table in front of him, and there are some ancient calligraphy on the wall, which looks very Chinese in style.

Domestic bosses seem to like to decorate their offices in this way. If you decorate your office in a European style, the employees who report may not be used to it.

Actually Chen Yi doesn’t like this kind of decoration very much, but there is no way to learn it.

When the company gets bigger and buys a building for him in the future, then the office will be turned into a large flat floor, stepping on the city of Shenyang and looking down on the ground.

“What you said is so good, I am still a little enthusiastic…` ` …”

Han Yifan flattered, walked to a corner of the office and took out coffee beans, began to grind and brew a cup of coffee, and brought it to Chen Yi.(Read more @

Now his assistant’s job is getting more and more accustomed, and even his ability to make coffee has risen in a straight line.

Although the assistant is a man and not a girl, he lacks seductiveness.

But for a company, the position of assistant boss is very, very important, appearance does not matter at all, ability is to be ranked first.

Even if she is looking for a woman as an assistant, Chen Yi will look for the type who is in his thirties and looks average, shrewd and capable.

But finding a woman as an assistant is also troublesome. If she is your woman, it is dangerous to know too many secrets about you.

And if it’s not your woman, it’s more dangerous to know too many secrets about you.

So it’s better to be a man, you can talk to him about all kinds of pornographic content, and explore various clubs with your assistant.

If you go to be a time management master and date a variety of girls, he can also cover you, but women can’t do that.

If it makes women have same-sex empathy, it will be even more troublesome.

Only men understand men.

“My business is very busy, but this company is very important to me. You will supervise it when I am away. If you have any questions, please report to me directly.”

Chen Yi tapped his fingers on the table and said slowly.

There are naturally specialized professional managers in the company, and the executive power is in the hands of the manager, and the right of Chen Yi to his personal secretary is the power of supervision.

This is actually the same as the ancient emperor looking for a trusted eunuch. Although it is not good to say that, Han Yifan’s current job is similar to that of an eunuch.

“I understand, Mr. Chen! I will report the truth to you if there is a problem!”

Han Yifan said cautiously.

He knows that his power seems to be great, but the decision is in Chen Yi’s hands. Chen Yi is actually beating him, so that he should not be self-righteous or arbitrary.

“Well, how is the development process of the Douyin app?”

Chen Yi asked again.

Han Yifan took out a notebook and reported: “…Mr. Chen, the development of the app has entered a critical stage.”

“…The next step is to carry out a trial run. If there are not too many bugs, it is expected to go online next month.”

Chen Yi nodded, and said again: “…Let the developers work overtime and make the app go online as soon as possible.”

“¨ 〃…the short video has come. Whoever seizes the track first, who first seizes the opportunity, will be the leader.”

“We have the most advanced core algorithm. If we can become a leader again, then this tuyere is ours!”

In Chen Yi’s memory, short videos are not the only one in Douyin, but short videos such as Kuaishou occupy a large market share.

But now that he has sneaked away and got an important core algorithm that others don’t have, if he can still seize the track, he will be foolproof.

It is impossible to say that all other short video apps are driven out of the market.

After all, the target user group of each app is different, but it occupies most of the market. This can definitely be done.

When other short video apps develop Chen Yi’s existing algorithms, it may take a year, and this year is their best opportunity to seize the market.

“You go to remind me, I will also go to condolences to the hard-working employees when I have time.”

Chen Yi already had a headache at this time. The paved stall was too big and it took too much time.

If you just recognize the money, to be honest, Chen Yi feels that it is enough now. As long as Douyin and Pinduoduo are listed, he can make himself the richest man in China.

As long as you seize enough resources, you can become a giant at the same level as bat.

Even a giant at the level of b, he can easily compare.

However, in order to achieve this step, he needs a lot of energy and effort. The system can help him a lot, but it can’t make him do it overnight.

‘Forget it, I don’t want so much. I’m so tired when I’m young. Why am I so bitter? Okay, I’m a god-wife who is waiting to die. ’

Chen Yi sighed. I am afraid that this is the reason why the heaven will come to the people, so he must first suffer from his will and his muscles and bones!

“I’m going to the imperial capital now, and report to me if I have something.”

Chen Yi stood up, picked up his jacket and put it on his body, and walked outside in a fierce manner.

Han Yifan hurriedly followed behind him. Under the gaze of many employees of the company, Chen Yi, the domineering president Fan Er, boarded the elevator to the underground parking lot. pure.

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