Chapter 509 Meet the Li Family Patriarch

On the way to Shanghai Airport, Chen Yi sat in the back row rubbing his eyebrows, and closed his eyes and took a nap.

Xiao Zhang drove the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, driving smoothly on the road.

When approaching the airport, Chen Yi opened his eyes and asked, “…how is the company’s new car order?”

“I’m about to report to you, President Chen!

“…The new car has been approved by finance. The car I went to see in person, a Rolls-Royce Phantom, I will send a list of options to your mailbox in the evening. You can see what options are needed and I will talk to the store. ”

“In about two weeks, the new car will be off.”

This Rolls-Royce Phantom is for Chen Yi, the boss, and naturally, Chen Yi needs to choose the matching options.

“Well, I see, I will send you the list today or tomorrow.”

Chen Yi nodded and said.

In the past, Chen Yi thought that going to a luxury car shop to buy a car in person was a very pretentious thing, but now he is no longer interested in this kind of thing.

Rather than wasting your own time, it is better to leave the task of choosing a car and buying a car to your subordinate employees, as long as you give them a general direction.

A few minutes later, the car arrived at the VIP terminal of the airport. Chen Yi didn’t waste any time. He just boarded the chartered business jet and flew to the Imperial City.

About two hours or so, this business jet stopped in front of the VIP terminal of Royal Capital International Airport 780.

Stepping off the plane, Chen Yi looked at the message sent by Li Shiman in vx, and walked quickly to the parking lot of the airport terminal.

Soon, he saw a very ordinary Audi parked there.

It’s just that although the car is ordinary, the brand is not ordinary, and Li Shiman is standing by the car and beckoning to Chen Yi.

The imperial capital in early spring was still a bit cold, but the temperature during the day was very mild and pleasant.

Li Shiman’s hair is as beautiful as clouds. The color of her hair looks like wine red, but it is not so gorgeous. The crimson is a little black. If you don’t look closely, you can’t tell that she has dyed her hair.

She wore a thin coat with a Chinese black and white pattern. A slender wrist was exposed from the wide cuffs, and a ladies watch was worn on her wrist. Chen Yi looked intently at it. It was a style of Cartier.

Looking down, you can see the girl’s slender fingers are dyed red nails, and a thick black gauze skirt reaches the ankles. In the dark, you can see the girl’s white legs.

Li Shiman wears a pair of black high-heeled sandals on her feet, and her feet are not too tight. The sandals have laces tied to her delicate ankles, which look very fashionable.

After a rough look at the other party’s clothes, Chen Yi set his sights on Li Shiman’s face.

Then Chen Yi just smiled dumbly.

However, Li Shiman put on a pair of big sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, which blocked the upper half of her face, which made people look unreal.

Although the Li family princess in front of her is not as stunning as Nan Jiyue’s glance, it makes people linger, but she is definitely a beauty who can score more than 90 points.(Read more @

If you add her identity background, it will be even more commendable.

After all, there are not many beautiful girls with a strong and long background like her.

“Handsome Chen, what are you looking at?”

Li Shiman was not angry about Chen Yi’s slightly rude look at him.

She beckoned to the coming Chen Yi, and said enthusiastically.

“It’s not that I haven’t seen Beauty Li for a long time. This seeing is so amazing that I was shocked and speechless.”

Chen Yi raised his brows slightly and said with a smile.

The relationship between the two is not that familiar, but some jokes like a joke Chen Yi also came casually.

From the brief contact with Li Shiman, he knew that this girl was generous and cheerful, not the kind of person who would care about this kind of joke.

Unlike Nan Jiyue’s fairy who stays at home every day, Li Shiman is probably a long-sleeved dancer who is very good at communicating with people.

“This compliment came out of your mouth, handsome man Chen, just to make people happy, how about it, are you tempted by me?”

Li Shiman chuckled, half serious and half joking.

Chen Yi glanced at Li Shiman with a serious expression, nodded and said: “…Yes, it’s really tempting. It’s a pity that I have a girlfriend. If I don’t have a girlfriend, I will definitely go after you!”

At the end of the talk, Chen Yi is a rare gentleman.

Li Shiman’s background status is not low, Chen Yi is not so familiar with her, and Chen Yi will speak cautiously in the face of this kind of person.

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Li Shiman’s eyes flickered, and the corners of her mouth slightly twitched, and then she just took off her sunglasses, revealing that beautiful face, and chuckled lightly: “…what the handsome guy Chen said, I really believe it.”

“I don’t usually lie.”

Chen Yi also said with a smile.

Well, under unusual circumstances, I would lie.

“Well, handsome Brother Chen gets in the car quickly, let’s go to see my uncle now.”

Li Shiman, who said this, opened the rear door of the Audi car for Chen Yi.

“So urgent?”

Chen Yi got into the car and nodded at the driver who looked like a soldier.

“Uncle Gong is often very busy, but in order to see you, I still spare the evening time.”

Li Shiman who said this also got in the car and sat beside Chen Yi.

The girl’s body is getting closer, and Chen Yi can also smell the faint perfume of her body, as well as the shampoo on the hair she just washed today.

Without knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, Li Shiman leaned his bent legs against Chen Yi’s side, and his knees accidentally touched Chen Yi’s legs.

She didn’t take her leg back, so she touched Chen Yi lightly.

Although there are pants and skirts between them, this seemingly careless ambiguous behavior makes people feel a little itchy. This makes Chen Yi subconsciously look at Li Shiman’s ankle and watch the blue veins on the back of her foot. .

However, this little contact is naturally impossible to make Chen Yi feel happy. He calmly asked: “…Where is Grandpa Li going to see me?”

“Where to see you? Of course it’s at home. My aunt heard that you are coming, and she prepared a special meal of her own cooking.”

“…My aunt’s cooking is delicious. Every time I go to my uncle’s house, she cooked for me.”

Li Shiman’s tone is brisk, she looks like a simple and innocent girl, chatting with Chen Yi to her parents there.

While the two were talking, the driver also started the car to leave the airport and onto the highway outside the airport.

The traffic in the Imperial Capital is very congested, but it is not the evening rush hour. Although there are a lot of cars on the road, the speed is still very fast.

Chen Yi saw the car driving to the west. He was talking to Li Shiman one after another, while thinking about the current owner of the Li family he was about to see for a while.

The owner of the Li family was in business at first, and the projects he ran in the mall were related to electricity. It can be said that he was very successful with his family relationship.

Then it may be the request of the family or other reasons. He abandoned business and entered politics and entered the corresponding power department, which is where Li Shiman’s parents are now working.

After that, he was promoted all the way under the support of his previous patron, and took the position of the second consul in Western Province. He was promoted again two years ago and came to the capital to become the left assistant of the transportation department.

It can be said that in only these thirty years, the Li family is truly famous, so that no one dare to underestimate it, and be cautious.

Just as Chen Yi thought, the car drove into a heavily guarded compound. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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