116: Zhu Li: The son of this king will actually rebel in the future!

The old man now directly shows the card, directly said his systematic things, and Zhu Li is embarrassed to hide it anymore!

In fact, the matter of the supermarket system, whether Zhu Li hid the old man or not really didn't matter, even if he told him the truth, there was no problem.

Because the supermarket system has never been the hole card of Zhu Que's biggest ~ ~ !

His biggest hole card is the Dao practice he has cultivated, and it is his current strength in the realm!

"Actually, there is indeed a system-system in the son-chen!"

"However, the functionality of Erchen's system is a bit special, to put it bluntly, it is a store, and you can use the points you sign in every day to buy items in this store!"

"And the things in this store are basically things that will only be available hundreds of years later!"

Zhu Li nodded with a wry smile, and simply did not hide it!

Before I always perfunctory the old man, that is, because I was afraid that if I told the truth, the old man could not understand it, but since the old man himself has a system, there is nothing incomprehensible!

And the old man already knows that there is a systematic thing about him, and there is no need to deny it himself!

On the contrary, after listening to Zhu Li's explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened suddenly!

To be able to buy something that will only be available hundreds of years from now?!

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly felt that his national transport system seemed to be unfragrant!

"System, is what Lao Jiu said true?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly inquired about the national transport system.

[The shopping system does exist, perhaps this is why King Zhu Li of Han can get so many later technologies and items, and now everything can be explained!]

The national transport system explained as a matter of course.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately lost his temper!

If this system on him can also get things that are only available in the next hundred years, then he can wake up laughing in his dreams!

Don't forget that if there is no system, how can you know so many things will happen in the future?]

[Don't you understand the truth that fish and bear's paw cannot have both?]

The national transport system seemed to have sensed Zhu Yuanzhang's change in mentality, and immediately reminded arrogantly.

"We don't mean that, we just think it's a pity, if you can help us deduce the national fortune and help us buy things, how good would it be?"

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang come to his senses and hurriedly explain.

Does he dare to really offend this system, what if he gives himself a strike in the future?

Even if he doesn't strike, he can't stand the price of sitting on the ground!

Intuition told him that this dog system definitely did it!

[Human beings are too greedy, especially emperors, just thinking that everything good is best their own!]

The National Transport System snorted disdainfully.

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Is there something wrong with this idea?

He Zhu Yuanzhang is the emperor of today, what is good in this world, naturally it should be his, is there also a problem?

Don't say it's him, the emperors of the previous dynasties, which one doesn't think like that?

"In fact, in the eyes of children, the function of the national transport system of the father emperor is much stronger than the supermarket system of children!"

Zhu Li is telling the truth!

If he can choose, he also hopes to get this national transport system on Zhu Yuanzhang!

Without the existence of the supermarket system, he can also develop Hanzhong, which is nothing more than spending more time, not so fast!

But having the national transport system is equivalent to having the ability to truly predict the prophet!

This ability is the most terrifying!

After Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Zhu Li's words, his mentality was finally balanced a lot.

It seems that his national transport system is not much worse than Lao Jiu's supermarket system!

In fact, this is what you don't get is the best state of mind.

If you really let the system on Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li be reversed, the two may have another idea!

But the good news is that these two systems, although not functionally the same, at least belong to their father and son!

Now that the words have been said, it is equivalent to each of them having the ability of two systems!

The things purchased in Zhu Li's supermarket system can also be instructed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Yuanzhang can also directly tell Zhu Li the results of his dream deduction!

When he was in Ying Tianfu, about the system, Zhu Yuanzhang could only tell Zhu Biao alone, and after arriving in Hanzhong, there was not even a single person who could speak!

Now well, you can also tell Lao Jiu directly in the future!

"We still want your supermarket system, no matter what, both systems are in our father and son, and this is the best result!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, but at the same time had another question in his heart.

"System, you tell us, if one day we die, what will happen to you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang had never thought about this before, but now he had to think about it!

Lao Jiu also has a system on him, he also has a system on him, and both systems are now on their father and son, but what if they are gone?

Will this system disappear with it?

Such a powerful system, in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, should not disappear easily!

And who will they get?

[If the host dies, the system will re-select an emperor for binding! This system is a national transport system, and the bound host will also be an emperor!]

[Of course, it must be an emperor who can be seen by this system, if it is Zhu Yunjiang, it will be exempted!

The national transport system is blunt.

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

This is not forgotten to belittle Zhu Yunjiang, that kid?

However, according to the logic of the national transport system, he Zhu Yuanzhang can obviously be regarded as a generation of Ming monarchs, otherwise the national transport system would not be able to choose him!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little proud in his heart!

"We will pass the throne to Lao Jiu in the future, what if it is Lao Jiu?

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

[Impossible, in theory, only one system can be bound to a person, and Han King Zhu Li already has another system, and this system will not bind him! ]

The reply of the national transport system was very crisp, which somewhat disappointed Zhu Yuanzhang!

In other words, this national transport system can only bind the emperor, and it can only bind the emperor who did not have a system on his body!

It's not okay to have other systems like Lao Jiu!

"Father, according to what you said before, you have already used this system to deduce the life of your son?"

Zhu Li asked curiously at this time.

He is really a little curious now, in the deduction of the national transport system, what will happen to his future?

"That's right, but only one-third of the deduction, for your deduction, a total of three times!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately explained it roughly.

Now the national fortune value on his body is not enough to deduce the remaining two times, but the second stage of deduction is completely fine!

"So it is. The children are very curious, what will happen to the future children when they become emperors?"

Zhu Li nodded abruptly.

"Don't worry, you kid can live." The national transport system has said that your kid can live to be 168 years old!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly rolled his eyes.

When it comes to Lao Jiu's lifespan, Zhu Yuanzhang is only left with envy and jealousy!

When Zhu Li heard this, he was also surprised!

168 years old, although it is similar to his estimated age, but it is still much higher!

He originally thought that his lifespan of about 150 years was the limit!

I didn't expect that this national transport system could actually give specific data!

But yes, if you can't even give specific data, how can you generate that reality-like dream?

"Does the Father Emperor know when the sons and daughters reached the realm of Heavenly Master?"

Zhu Li asked again.

For this point in time, Zhu Li is still more concerned, because he is not sure when he will be able to break through this realm!

"According to the results seen in the dream deduction, you reached the realm of Heavenly Master in your eighties, that is, before the age of ninety, and you also attracted a thunder tribulation, and that scene is like the legendary immortal tribulation!"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly told Zhu Li the information he saw in his dream. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhu Li's face did not change much, and he nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, Zhu Li is only in his twenties now, which means that in the realm of real people alone, he will have to be trapped for at least sixty years or so!

This Heavenly Master realm is really within the reach of people!

"This is still your single-minded cultivation, and you don't even care much about state affairs to break through to the realm of Heavenly Master at the age of eighty or ninety!"

"It's a pity that our good grandson Qiu'er, who has been the prince of the prison country for a lifetime, and finally failed to even sit on the throne, and was burned to death by you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly let out a long sigh.

Zhu Li: "..."

He really hasn't thought about this yet!

But if he really lived more than a hundred years and seemed to have survived his son, it would be a normal thing!

Don't talk about the son, even the grandson may have survived to death!

If you really want to wait for your death before passing on the throne, it is estimated that it can only be passed on to your great-grandson or even great-grandson!

"This is really a result that Erchen didn't expect!"

"So, Father also knows what will happen to Qiu'er in the future?"

Zhu Li nodded with a wry smile, and then asked again.

"Not only Qiu'er, you will have two sons in the future, and we probably saw part of their lives when we deduced Qiu'er!"

"Your third elder, Zhu Xianye, died earlier than Qiu'er, and he committed suicide..."

Zhu Yuanzhang also explained the life of Zhu Xianqiu that he had deduced to Zhu Li in detail.

When Zhu Li heard it, he was directly speechless!

He didn't expect that a rebel would actually emerge among his sons!

"Let's get a vaccination with you now, since I told you this in advance, you have to avoid such a thing from happening again in the future!"

"We don't object to your cultivation, but you also need to care about your sons!"

"The matter of the third man coming out of this file is actually caused by the incompetence of your father!"

Zhu Yuanzhang preached to Zhu Li with a straight face.

"Father Emperor rest assured, the sons and daughters have written it down, and they will definitely not let such a thing happen again!"

Zhu Li had no choice but to accept it with a bitter smile.

"Well, that's pretty much it!"

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang nodd with satisfaction.

"If the father emperor deduces the life of the child minister next time, please ask the father emperor to inform the child minister as soon as possible!"

"Although the children can also have some deduction techniques, compared to your dream, it is still far behind!"

Zhu Li pleaded to Zhu Yuanzhang at this time.

"Don't worry, we'll tell you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang originally did not intend to hide from Zhu Li, otherwise he would not have said so much!

Zhu Yuanzhang's story about Zhu Boxingqiu's life and the fate of his three sons all surprised Zhu Li, and he also calculated it to Zhu Boxingqiu, but because the previous national fortune has been subverted, Zhu Boxingqiu's original fortune has changed!

It can also be said that the new future in the future is also a fog and full of unknowns for Zhu Li!

So Zhu Li also needs to learn more about what will happen in the future from Zhu Yuanzhang's national transport system!

Perhaps after the national fortune trend of the Ming Dynasty stabilizes in the future, he can continue to calculate the fate of the people around him, but now the results he has calculated will definitely not be as accurate as the old man's national fortune system!

But soon, Zhu Li realized one more thing!

Before, he always thought that his appearance had caused a butterfly effect, which changed the national fortune of the Ming Dynasty!

But now it seems that it is not only his own reason, the national transport system on the old man's body may be the main reason!

Also because of the existence of the national transport system, the national fortune of the Ming Dynasty is always changing!

This change may continue, because neither he nor Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely avoid some bad things in the future!

Just like the fate of the old third Zhu Xianye, the old man said just now, the future will inevitably change!

So when will he be able to rely on his own deduction skills to deduce the fortunes of the people around him?

Unless the old man dies, he can't use the national transport system to change the future!

Of course, as long as the old man is still alive, the national transport system is equivalent to serving him again, and it is more accurate than the results of his deduction!

If this is the case, the longer the old man lives, the more helpful it will be to himself!

It seems that you have to find a way to help the old man increase his life expectancy as much as possible!

The situation of the old man is not the same as that of the eldest brother Zhu Biao!

Zhu Biao was completely given his life by him when he was about to run out of oil, and his body had reached the limit, as long as the medicinal effect of the Longevity Pill passed, he would be unable to return to the sky!

But the old man is different!

The old man's body still has room for recuperation, even if there is no life extension pill, there is no problem in helping him live for a few more years after recuperation!

Just when Zhu Li was thinking about it here, Geng Qing came in a hurry, with an eager look on his face!

"What happened?"

Zhu Li couldn't help but frown.

"Your Highness, the princess is suddenly unwell and has just been sent back to the inner courtyard!"

Geng Qing reported urgently.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Li and Zhu Yuanzhang all stood up and rushed directly towards the inner courtyard without saying a word!

When their father and son arrived, the Yang family was already lying on the bed, and the two imperial doctors brought by Zhu Yuanzhang this time, as well as the original Lang Zhong of the royal palace, were all at the scene.

"What's going on?"

Zhu Li asked the imperial doctor who had just given Yang's pulse.

"Back to His Royal Highness King Han, if the pulse is correct, Princess Han should be happy!"

The imperial doctor said with a smile to Zhu Li.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to His Royal Highness King Han!"

Several imperial doctors and Lang Zhong also congratulated Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li at the same time.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Li and Zhu Yuanzhang were also stunned in place!

It's not that Yang is pregnant and it's bad news that it's hard to accept, but that their father and son have just finished talking about Zhu Li's heir in the dream deduction, and the birth time of the third son and two daughters is not Hongwu's twenty-six years!

Now it is the end of Hongwu's twenty-fifth year, and if the Yang family has been pregnant for two months, then the child should be born in the middle of next year!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li couldn't help but look at each other!


The future has changed again in a subtle way!

But now is not the time to say this.

After Zhu Li came back to his senses, he hurriedly stepped forward to check on Yang's situation, and saw that she only had some reactions during pregnancy, and there was nothing abnormal about others, so he gave Yang's pulse!


The diagnosis of the imperial doctor and Lang Zhong is correct, Yang is indeed pregnant, and it has been almost two months! .

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