117: Zhu Li wants to establish the Daming Royal Bank?

Yang's face is a little pale at the moment, and the reaction during pregnancy comes up, sometimes it is quite uncomfortable!

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I will prescribe some decoctions for the princess..."

At this time, the leading imperial doctor stepped forward and spoke.

"No need, the concubine's body has his own way to regulate!"

Zhu Li waved his hand, directly held Yang's palm, and directly transferred a stream of true qi into Yang's body, helping her relax her meridians and replenish qi and blood.

I saw that Yang's originally somewhat pale face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Yang also has the magic weapon bracelet that Zhu Li refined for her, but the reaction during pregnancy is not a disease, but an inability to react based on physical constitution, so the magic weapon bracelet cannot be avoided.

Zhu Li was still strange before, Yang obviously has a magic bracelet, not invaded, how can it be good to suddenly feel unwell, if it is pregnant, then it is normal!

As soon as the people around saw the change in Yang's face, their faces also showed shock.

"You guys go down first!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand at the imperial doctors and Lang Zhong.

Several people did not dare to say anything more, and hurriedly retreated.

"Your Highness, I'm much better!"

Yang's mental state obviously recovered, and he smiled slightly at Zhu Li, full of happiness!

It has been more than five years since she gave birth to Zhu Xianqiu, and finally she is pregnant with Zhu Li's child, which is naturally the happiest thing for the Yang family!

"Concubine, you have a good rest, if you feel anything uncomfortable, let people come to King Ben at any time, and King Ben will condition your body again!"

Zhu Li instructed Yang.

"Well, Your Highness go about your own business, I'll be fine!"

Yang Shi nodded slowly and said.

Not long after, Zhu Li and Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the royal compound. "Five Five Zero"

"Lao Jiu, the daughter-in-law's pregnancy time is obviously wrong!

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask at this time.

"It seems that it should be changed now, by the way, Father, when will your national transport system re-deduce the changed future?"

Zhu Li is more concerned about this issue.

Being able to predict the future in advance will directly change the future.

The foreseen future will not happen, it will inevitably change!

Since the national transport system can deduce the future, it must also be able to deduce the changed future!

That is, they have the opportunity to keep trying and making mistakes!

Even if something goes wrong in the changed future, they can also make corrections in time according to the deduction of the national transport system!

"Well, the national transport system can indeed be updated, according to the system, the dream simulator can be upgraded, but it must wait for the general trend of the national fortune to completely change, before a new version of the simulator for everyone can be generated!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and explained.

When Zhu Li heard this, he nodded abruptly.

That is to say, after the general direction of history is completely changed, the simulator of this national transport system will be upgraded, if it is only a small thing such as Yang's early pregnancy, it will not meet the conditions for triggering the simulator upgrade!

"Maybe it's also because of you that the sons and daughters were able to arrive early!"

"Maybe there will be a few more!"

Zhu Li suddenly laughed.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed loudly.

Indeed, if there is a change in the future, it will also change in a good direction, so there is nothing to worry about!

When the national transport system really upgrades the version of the dream simulator, it will be re-deduced!

"By the way, Lao Jiu, there is an extra shop called a bank in Hanzhong Mansion, it seems that you can still deposit and exchange silver taels, you also made it, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly asked at this time.

Zhu Li nodded when he heard this.

The bank in Hanzhong has indeed just been established not long ago, perhaps the old man often goes to the street to wander around, let him see!

In fact, banks such financial institutions, according to the original history, first appeared in the orthodox years of Ming Yingzong, and at that time it was just a prototype, that is, the later money bank!

The historical money bank has the role of some later banks, but the mechanism is not perfect!

And Zhu Li has now advanced this time point by at least several decades, and his bank is definitely better than the so-called Qianzhuang in terms of role and influence!

"That's right, the children set up a bank, mainly to exchange currency, and in the future, they will issue currency!"

Zhu Li did not hide it, and explained directly to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Issue currency?"

"Doesn't our Daming have a treasure banknote to raise the division, and isn't the Hongwu treasure banknote we issued the currency of Daming?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked with a surprised face.

"Actually, about the matter of Hongwu Baojian, the son has long wanted to talk to his father and emperor!"

"Since the father and the emperor mentioned it today, the sons and daughters said it bluntly!"

Zhu Li said with a serious face.

"Listening to the meaning of your words, what does it seem to be wrong with our Hongwu treasure banknote?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Li's serious appearance, and his old face was somewhat unbearable!

If it is really a problem with the Hongwu treasure banknote issued by himself, then it is really a shame to lose his grandmother's house!

However, he was also very curious, how would Zhu Li evaluate the Hongwu treasure banknote he made?

"It's not that there was a problem, but it was wrong from the beginning, and now the problem has come to the fore, and it will get bigger and bigger!"

"Father Emperor in the past ten years, Father Emperor should also have noticed that the Hongwu treasure banknote has been seriously devalued, and it is becoming more and more uncontrolled, right?"

Zhu Li reminded solemnly.

"The devaluation you are talking about is that the Hongwu treasure banknote is becoming less and less valuable, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was somewhat ugly, mainly embarrassed.

In fact, when the Hongwu treasure banknote was just released, Zhu Yuanzhang was still smug, feeling that he was too smart, and actually thought of such a good way to alleviate Daming's financial crisis!

At the beginning, there was no money to repair the city wall, so I directly printed Hongwu treasure banknotes!

Later, the Northern Expedition went out, and also printed Hongwu treasure banknotes!

The common people are affected by the disaster and need money for disaster relief, and they also print Hongwu treasure banknotes!

Anyway, wherever money is used, as long as the imperial court can't get so much money, it's right to print Hongwu treasure banknotes directly!

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang did taste the sweetness, and later it became more and more out of control!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang discovered some problems, that is, the Hongwu treasure banknote, which could still be used as a monetary equivalent exchange, began to be worthless!

The original 1,000 pounds of Hongwu treasure banknotes are equivalent to the purchasing power of one or two silvers, and slowly they can only be worth more than 900 copper plates, that is, 900 guan, and later they can only be worth 800 guan!

The value of Hongwu treasure banknotes is getting lower and lower, and more and more people are unwilling to use Hongwu treasure banknotes!

Originally, after the issuance of the Hongwu treasure banknote, the imperial court set a rule, and those who were no longer allowed to circulate gold and silver transactions in the market must all be exchanged for Daming treasure banknotes!

But a few years later, more and more people used gold and silver to trade again, and Zhu Yuanzhang also noticed that there was a problem with Hongwu Bao's banknote at that time, and he could only turn a blind eye to this situation!

Because even he couldn't figure out what the problem was!

So that he is embarrassed to take out Hongwu treasure banknotes when he goes out now, and all he brings with him is real money!

"That's right, in fact, the original intention of the father emperor thinking about the Yin Hongwu treasure banknote is also good, after all, the Ming Dynasty at that time did not have so many silver and copper plates!"

"However, the father ignored the fundamental factor why the Hongwu treasure banknote can become a currency, that is, reputation!"

"The imperial court issues Hongwu treasure banknotes and can circulate them because the imperial court has credibility, and the people also believe that the Hongwu treasure banknotes issued by the imperial court can be directly used as money!"

"And the Hongwu treasure banknote must be more convenient to use than the currency, gold, silver and copper, to put it bluntly, it is just a piece of paper!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The paper money itself has no value, it is the credibility of the imperial court that gives this paper money value!"

"If one day, the people no longer trust the imperial court, or the credibility of the imperial court begins to decline, it will inevitably cause the situation of the depreciation of Hongwu treasure banknotes!"

Zhu Li directly said the most fundamental problem of Hong Wubao's banknote.

"We naturally understand this truth, but how can the credibility of the imperial court be guaranteed all the time?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's old face turned red, in fact, he understood some basic truths, and he also knew why Hongwu Baoqian had become less and less popular with the common people over the years.

He also wanted the people to be willing to use the Hongwu treasure banknote, but the question was how to manage this reputation, which was really a headache for him, an emperor from a mud-legged background!

How does he understand this?

If Liu Bowen is still alive, he may still be able to find the problem and help him solve it, but the problem is that Liu Bowen died early!

The Manchu Dynasty could not count on the culture and martial arts!

Military generals only know how to fight wars and accumulate wealth, and civil officials are more of the same set of saints' principles!

They also don't understand this matter!

Let him Zhu Yuanzhang consult a businessman?

He really can't pull this face!

Moreover, he also looked down on those who were engaged in business in his heart, otherwise he would not have been able to set the status of businessmen so lowly!

"That's the key to what Erchen wants to say!"

"The imperial court must have a reserve system!"

"Using gold as the standard currency to exchange for silver and treasure banknotes can reduce financial risks, and the more reserves the Daming Imperial Court has, the more treasure banknotes can naturally be issued!"

"On the contrary, if the issued banknotes exceed the reserves of the imperial court too much, it will cause inflation and the currency will depreciate as a result!"

Zhu Li explained slowly.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang looked confused after listening to it, and obviously he couldn't understand it at once!

"Son-in-law, give you an analogy!"

"For example, if you have one million taels of gold in your hand, then you can issue the equivalent value of treasure banknotes, and the total amount of treasure banknotes issued, as long as it does not exceed the gold in your hand, can ensure that the imperial court can always take this money and exchange all the treasure banknotes into gold and silver, then the credit of the treasure banknotes can be maintained forever!"

"But if one day, the common people find that there are more and more treasure banknotes in their hands, but the imperial court can't take so much gold and silver to exchange, then the treasure banknotes in the hands of the common people will naturally depreciate and become worthless!"

"The people's trust in the imperial court depends entirely on the wealth value of the imperial court itself!"

"If you want people to believe that the piece of paper you issued is worth a lot, you must first have so much money in your hands!"

"This truth is actually very simple, Father Emperor should be able to understand it, right?"

Zhu Li could only patiently explain to Zhu Yuanzhang again...

"So it is!"

"No wonder the Daming Treasure Banknote was fine at the beginning, but it began to depreciate in a few years!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly showed a look of sudden realization, it turned out that the key to the problem was that the imperial court was too poor!

From the starting point, Zhu Yuanzhang's act of issuing the Daming treasure banknote was equivalent to drinking and quenching thirst, although it could be effective at the beginning, but if it was not restrained, but addicted to the general more and more printed, then the credit of the imperial court naturally collapsed!

The common people of the world are not fools, and when they no longer trust the currency issued by the imperial court, the Hongwu treasure banknote will naturally depreciate!

"So, you already have a solution?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was embarrassed, but also asked Zhu Li expectantly.

"The sons and daughters do have a way, that is, to reissue a set of currency to replace the Hongwu treasure banknote, and at the same time to establish a reserve system!"

"The purpose of the children's bank is to be able to regulate the money market, especially foreign trade, and must establish a perfect monetary system!"

"For example, a merchant who comes to Hanzhong from Fanbang to do business must first go to the bank to exchange real money for a bank's exchange note, and then with this exchange note, he can buy the goods they want with the local merchants in Hanzhong or the factories here in his children!"

"For example, if we want to buy the things of the Fanbang caravan, we also pay them to exchange the tickets, and when the merchants of Fanbang leave Hanzhong, they will exchange the tickets to the bank for gold or equivalent silver, and then take them away!"

Zhu Li explained with a smile.

"Does it make any difference?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was confused when he heard it, just listening to Zhu Li say this, he had the idea of taking off his pants and farting, and doing more!

So why not let both Fanbang merchants and local merchants trade directly with real money?

"Of course there is a difference!"

"In this way, all business transactions are equivalent to having a registration with the bank, and how much money you have sold or bought in Hanzhong as a merchant will have a record on the bank!"

"When collecting commercial tax, just look at the bank's income and expenditure records, and it will be clear at a glance!"

"At the same time, the commercial tax of Hanzhong Prefecture will also be collected through the bank in the future, which is more convenient and fast!"

Zhu Li explained squarely.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes became brighter and brighter!

It was the first time he knew that business could still play like this!

This is to be replaced by him and the gang of people in the court, it must be impossible to think of such a method if you want to break your head!

"Son-in-law here is a book on the history of monetary development, 5.4 can be read!"

"There are also a lot of financial knowledge summarized by later generations!"

Zhu Li simply exchanged a financial book directly in the supermarket system and handed it to Zhu Yuanzhang!

"That's a good thing! Let's take a good look!"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly took the book, looking like he couldn't put it down.

"So, the emperor should agree with the son's idea of reforming the currency?"

Zhu Li asked with a smile.

"Of course we agree, you just do what you want, what do you need us to do, you can also directly make a request, we will definitely meet you!"

"By the way, listening to what you mean, are you planning to issue a new set of currency to replace the Hongwu treasure banknote?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded reasonably, and at the same time stared at Zhu Li with great anticipation and asked.

"That's right, the children will first make a set of currency samples out, specially for you to see, you think it's no problem, let's officially issue it through the bank!"

"But if this bank wants to issue money, it must have a name!"

Zhu Li said directly.

"Then in the name of the imperial court, your bank will be directly changed to Daming Bank!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand.

"No, now the credibility of the imperial court has been dragged down by this Hongwu treasure banknote, and if you want to issue a new currency, it is not enough to use it in the name of the imperial court!"

Zhu Li slowly shook his head.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was immediately dumbfounded!

"Not even in the name of the imperial court, so how can we do it, so we won't let this emperor personally come forward to guarantee it, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked speechlessly.

"It can also be said that because the sons and daughters want to make this credibility guarantee in the name of the royal family!"

"The bank is directly called Daming Royal Bank!"

Zhu Li nodded reasonably and said.

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