118: Yao Guangxiao: Attacking Mobei is just a wedding dress for the King of Han!

Daming Royal Bank!

Suddenly hearing this name, Zhu Yuanzhang still had an inexplicable sense of excitement, and he felt angry when he listened!

"That's right, the most reputable person in Daming should be our old Zhu family, and the reputation of our old Zhu family is worth more than the reputation of the imperial court!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded deeply and said.

"So, did Father agree?"

Zhu Li asked with a smile.

"That's right, we agree, this bank will be directly in the name of the royal family, and we will issue an order tomorrow to let you serve as the sect order and take charge of the Zhu family's clan office!"

"The second brother, that kid who is not a vessel, don't occupy the pit and don't!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded very happily and said.

Let Zhu Li be in charge of the Zongren Mansion and become the Zongren Order, that is equivalent to being above all the royal clansmen, and the status is second only to Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor, and Zhu Biao, the prince!

Although Zhu Yuanzhang can't give Zhu Li the position of prince now, it's still no problem to order a sect!

"Son-in-law, thank you Father Emperor!"

Zhu Li could only silently say sorry to the second elder Zhu Shu in his heart!


A few days later, Peiping Province.

Zhu Yuanzhang's own approval had been sent to King Yan's mansion.

"Great, the father and the emperor agreed to the plan of the king's northern expedition!"

After reading Zhu Yuanzhang's reply, Zhu Di finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is most worried about now is that the old man will be thick and thin, and only let Zhu Li set fire, and not allow him Zhu Di to light the lamp!

"Your Majesty will agree, it is expected!"

Yao Guangxiao reminded lightly on the side.

Anyway, he didn't want the imperial court to contribute money, Yan King Zhu Di was willing to attack Mobei at his own expense, and neither the imperial court nor Zhu Yuanzhang had no need to object!

Because if Mobei does not fight, Tatar will also go south, and then the border towns will have to ask the imperial court for military expenses and food, and that is their headache!

Regardless of whether Yan King Zhu Di can fight Mobei, it seems that there is no loss for the imperial court and Zhu Yuanzhang, and with the containment of Yan King Zhu Di, the tartars in Mobei are estimated to have no effort to go south to attack Daming!

This kind of trading that only makes money and does not lose money, neither the imperial court nor Zhu Yuanzhang refuses!

"Master, tell us the truth, with your assistance, what is the probability that we can defeat Mobei?"

Zhu Di stared at Yao Guangxiao expectantly and asked.

"His Highness thinks too highly of the old monk. 06 Even if the old monk helps His Highness, he dare not say that he can take Mobei, maybe even holding Monan, it is a problem!"

Yao Guangxiao shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"This... Why is that?"

Zhu Di was immediately dumbfounded when he heard this.

Before, Yao Guangxiao suggested that he attack Mobei, and he also tacitly assumed that Yao Guangxiao must have a way to help him take Mobei!

But now Yao Guangxiao actually said that he was not sure at all, and even whether Monan could hold it was a problem?

"Attacking Mobei is just an attitude that His Royal Highness King Yan showed to His Majesty, in fact, it doesn't matter if you can really fight down, Your Majesty must also think so!"

"With His Highness's current strength, it is naturally no problem to win the battle in Mobei, but if you want to occupy Mobei, with all due respect, it is much worse!"

"Even if it is Mo Nan, relying on the existing resources in the hands of His Highness, how long it can hold on, and whether it can withstand the counterattack of the tartars is a question!"

"Unless the imperial court can provide support to His Highness at that time!"

"The best result is that His Highness can gain a firm foothold in Monan and bring the entire Monan under the territory of Daming!"

Yao Guangxiao analyzed with a straight face.

Hearing this, Zhu Di's face instantly became difficult to see.

"Your Highness doesn't have to be discouraged, this may also be good news for you!"

"If His Highness really fights Mobei, even if it's just a Monan, maybe the imperial court will let His Highness stay there forever!"

"In fact, even if you move the fief to Mobei or Monan, it is nothing, but you must know that the imperial court will move the capital to Beiping Prefecture in the future!"

"The distance is too close, and it will inevitably be pinned down everywhere!"

Yao Guangxiao looked at Zhu Di's ugly face and continued without hurry.

Zhu Di was stunned when he heard this, and stared at Yao Guangxiao with some surprise, so he asked, "What does the master mean by this?"

"Apart from Mobei and Korea, where else can King Ben choose?"

Yao Guangxiao pointed in the direction of the southwest and said, "The most suitable place for His Highness to go is actually the southwest!"

Zhu Di immediately fell silent.

If the southwest is indeed far away from Jingshi, the so-called Heavenly High Emperor is far away, which is more conducive to his development and growth!

Of course, he will not think that if he develops and grows, he must rebel to become the emperor, and in the face of today's Lao Jiu, coupled with Yao Guangxiao's attitude, he no longer has illusions in this regard!

But at least he didn't want to be too restrained!

Being able to find a place far away from the imperial court to be the emperor of the soil may also be the best choice!

Southwest is indeed the most suitable area!

As long as he Zhu Di has the ability and can still move, he can always expand to the west!

Such as Mobei and North Korea, then it is impossible!

If you want to expand, you can't find a place!

"The question is, will Father Emperor and Lao Jiu let King Ben go to the southwest?"

Thinking of this, Zhu Di couldn't help frowning.

"Then it depends on how the battle of Mobei will be fought then!"

"Your Highness only needs to see whether it is the soldiers and horses of the imperial court or the soldiers and horses of King Zhu Li of Han who will come to support you in the end, and you will know the final result!"

Yao Guangxiao reminded with a smile.

"What's the point?"

Zhu Di was stunned again when he heard this.

"If the army of the imperial court comes to support, then His Royal Highness King Yan will most likely have to continue to stay in Mobei and become a clan king who guards Mobei!"

"But if the Hanzhong army of King Zhu Li of Han comes, then Mobei has fought down, and it is also King Zhu Li's, so you can naturally choose another place!"

Yao Guangxiao continued to explain.

When Zhu Di heard this, he was suddenly speechless.

That is to say, his Northern Expedition this time is actually to give Lao Jiu a front station?

He Zhu Di is not unable to fight Mobei, but the conditions are limited, and the money and food in his hand cannot be supported!

If he was given the same foundation as Hanzhong, he dared to say that he could also fight Mobei!

But soon, Zhu Di himself was helpless.

Hanzhong seems to be governed by Lao Jiu, which is also the embodiment of Lao Jiu's personal strength, and in this regard, he is indeed not his opponent!

"Maybe you are all right, this old nine, this king still looked away after all!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Di couldn't help but sigh.


Western Regions, Luntai City.

This is the largest and strongest city in Urumqi, and it has been a battleground for soldiers from ancient times to the present!

The main force of the Eastern Chagatai, the strongest army, in addition to the national capital Yili, is mainly concentrated in Luntai City!

After conquering Turpan, Qin Wu and Yang Hui led their army to Luntai.

During this period, he also destroyed two small tribal countries that resisted along the way, annihilating nearly 10,000 enemies!

The population and troops on this side of the Western Regions are actually not much, the total population is only one million, the larger tribes are tens of thousands, and the smaller ones are even thousands of people!

And the entire strength of the Eastern Chagatai was also contributed by these large and small tribes!

The troops directly under the royal family of Eastern Chagatai are a total of about 100,000, and there are less than 200,000 allied forces composed of major tribes!

To put it bluntly, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, similar to the Vara and Tatars in northern Mobei, cannot be regarded as a real country, but can only be said to be a group of many forces entangled together!

Even earlier, such as the Tang Dynasty, the Western Regions were completely formed by many small countries.

A city with a population of only tens of thousands of people can become a country in its own right!

It's just that later, with the development of the times, especially after Genghis Khan began to sweep across Eurasia, the original rules were broken, and many countries in the Western Regions also became kingdoms formed by the union of small tribes!

This kind of state structure, to put it bluntly, is unstable!

The royal family cannot completely control the large and small tribes under its command, let alone be able to work together!

It's okay in peacetime, but if the country really encounters a crisis, all the big and small tribes will also start to fight their own little nine-nine!

The Hanzhong army has surrounded Luntai City on all sides at this moment, and the scene is somewhat strange.

You must know that the Hanzhong army is only 20,000 people, and the defenders in Luntai City, plus the more than 10,000 cavalry who fled back before, are more than 60,000!

In other words, the strength of the troops on this side of the Western Regions was three times that of the Hanzhong army, but it was directly surrounded by the Hanzhong army, and it didn't even have the courage to go out of the city to fight!

The main thing is to crush on equipment!

Although the Hanzhong army is an expeditionary division, it does not lack food and grass supplies, and the cotton clothes and armor worn on it are much higher than these barbarian soldiers in the Western Regions in terms of defense!

Not to mention that Hanzhong still has such an artifact as a slingshot gun in his hands!

That range and power already belong to dimensionality reduction strikes!

These armies in the Western Regions still use sabers and ordinary bows and arrows, and before they can rush into the Hanzhong army, they have been directly shot down by the Hanzhong army!

"These grandsons are shrinking in the city now and don't dare to come out!"

Qin Wu looked at the closed Luntai City gate, and the expression on his face was a little gloomy.

He thinks it's a complete waste of time!

"Don't worry, the siege artillery will arrive in two days at most!

Yang Hui sneered disapprovingly.

Mainly because the Hongwu cannon is still being transported, after all, such a big fellow, there is no way to maintain a uniform speed with their cavalry, and can only hang behind.

Of course, even if he didn't want the Hongwu cannon, Qin Wu was confident that he could directly break the city.

But there will definitely be a lot of casualties!

If it weren't for the senseless casualties of the soldiers, Qin Wu would have been unable to resist directly attacking Luntai City!

And now he wants to attack the city, and it is estimated that Yang Hui will not either!

"Shoot a few arrows into the city, tell them that there are only two days at most, if they don't obediently open the city gate and surrender within two days, don't blame General Ben for slaughtering the city when the city is broken!"

Qin Wu ordered in a deep voice to one of the hundred households under his command.

Of course, slaughtering the city is to scare those defenders and ordinary people in the city, and it is nothing to kill all the soldiers of the Western Regions, but the common people must not move, otherwise the King of Han may not agree!

When the hundred household officials heard this, they rushed to Luntai City with a team of more than a dozen people, and then tied the written note to the short arrow, and directly shot into the city with a slingshot gun!

At a distance of hundreds of meters, slingshot guns can shoot at the head of the city, but the defenders at the head of the city cannot shoot these Han Chinese troops even with bows and arrows.

After shooting more than a dozen short arrows, the group immediately returned to the camp of the Hanzhong army.

When they saw a small group of Hanzhong troops actually shooting arrows at the head of the city, they also startled those defenders at the head of the city, but soon they found that these people shot more than a dozen arrows and went back!

Although these dozen arrows were all fired from an ultra-long distance and failed to hit the defenders at the head of the city, they still fell on the head of the city.

The defenders picked up these short arrows, only to find that there was a note tied to them!

After seeing the contents of this note, the guards of Luntai City turned even more livid!

"Bayan, you take three thousand people to find a way to rush out, you must inform the Khan of the situation in Luntai City, it is best to send an army over to encircle!"

The defenders of Luntai City immediately ordered a general.

Right now, let them directly fight the Hanzhong army, he is not sure that he can win!

But if Yili can send troops over and form a combined encirclement of the Hanzhong army, then maybe it can directly destroy the 20,000 Hanzhong army with an absolute superiority in strength!

This general thought quite beautifully, but it was a pity that the three thousand people he sent out had just left the city not long ago, and they were targeted by Qin Wu!

Seeing that the three thousand cavalry did not even break out of the encirclement, the faces of the defenders of that Taicheng City suddenly showed despair!

Three thousand people actually perished under his nose in an instant!

The combat effectiveness of the Hanzhong army is so terrifying that it doesn't even give them a chance to highlight the encirclement!

At the same time, it is also forcefully inside.

Inside the royal city of Eastern Chagatai.

The black Fire Man Khan was sitting on the throne860, his face very gloomy.

Knowing that the army had suffered defeat in Turpan, he felt that something was wrong, and later heard that the Hanzhong army went straight to Luntai City, and these princes and ministers and generals under him began to disagree and began to argue!

Part of it is advocating continuing to send people to negotiate peace with the Daming court!

Part of it is advocating asking the Timurid Khanate next door for help!

There is another part that thinks that they can unite with Vara to encircle and suppress the Hanzhong army together!

These days have passed, a group of people can not argue, but they have never been able to give a solution to the problem!

"In fact, even if we don't ask for foreign aid, we are not without a chance!"

"Isn't the Hanzhong army planning to capture Luntai?"

"There are 50,000 or 60,000 defenders there, and the Hanzhong army is only 20,000, how can they be taken so easily?"

"Your Majesty, it's better for us to send troops directly from Yili and launch a surprise attack from their rear while the Hanzhong army is attacking Luntai City!"

At this moment, an official finally put forward a new point of view!

And this point of view made the eyes of the black fireman light up!

To be honest, whether it is peace talks with Daming or asking for help from the outside, it will greatly hurt the vitality of Dongchagatai, and it will inevitably pay a heavy price!

And the end result may not work!

Now a person told him that he could solve the current crisis without asking for help, without peace talks, and even annihilated the Hanzhong army, which immediately made the black firers excited!


"General Nuhei, there are still 120,000 troops in Lili, you directly lead 50,000 people to aid Luntai City, you must completely annihilate these 20,000 Hanzhong troops outside Luntai City!"

The Black Fire Man quickly made a decision, and immediately gave an order to one of his most capable generals!

From Yili to Luntai City, if all the cavalry, it will be possible to arrive in about seven days at most!

With the strength of 50,000 or 60,000 troops in Luntai City, the Hanzhong army will definitely not be able to capture it in a short time!

There should be time!

However, this time, the Eastern Chagatai obviously underestimated the strength of the Hanzhong army, and by the time their army arrived at Luntai City, Luntai City had already changed owners!

The overall strength of the Hanzhong Army, as well as the weapons and equipment, are not the existence that these soldiers of the Western Regions can compete with!

The combat effectiveness between the two sides is not at all on the same level!

Unilaterally wanting to crush the Hanzhong army with numerical superiority is a fool's dream!

Even if it is really hand-to-hand combat, the combat strength of the Hanzhong Army is not comparable to these soldiers of the Western Regions, not to mention that one fights five, and it is at least no problem to fight three!

So far, the Hanzhong Army has not seen any dead soldiers in the Western Regions, at most, a few seriously wounded, and dozens of people lightly injured!

What the East Chagatai side didn't expect was that when the Hanzhong army besieged Luntai City, many tribes had already moved to surrender Daming!

This is an absolute disaster for Eastern Chagatai!

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