119: Zhu Li took out the camera and directly shocked Zhu Yuanzhang!

Hanzhong Province.

Zhu Li took Geng Qing to the laboratory of the research institute.

Not long ago, Zhu Li got the news that the first imitation steam engine in the laboratory had finally been made!

After getting the news, Zhu Li rushed towards the laboratory as soon as possible.

"Your Highness, this steam engine is copied according to the steam engine you gave, but it can only reach about seventy percent of the performance at present!"

"This gap needs to be improved!"

After seeing Zhu Li coming, the technician in charge of steam engine manufacturing hurriedly introduced Zhu Li.

"It's not easy to imitate a steam engine so quickly!"

"You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself!"

"Ben Wang needs more key data about this steam engine!"

When Zhu Li heard this, he nodded with great satisfaction.

He knew what such an epoch-making thing as a steam engine meant to the Ming Dynasty, and it was extremely difficult to make one, even if it was an imitation, it did not mean that it could be easily imitated!

The premise of imitation is also that you get the basic structure of the entire steam engine and the principle of work!

And in terms of production, it is equivalent to starting from scratch, and the material requirements of each component are different!

It is also necessary to find the most suitable material for the manufacture of the steam engine, and constantly conduct experiments to ensure how much effect the steam engine can exert after it is manufactured!

When the technician heard this, his originally somewhat apprehensive face relaxed a lot!

Originally, he thought that Zhu Li would be dissatisfied, but he didn't expect him to say so!

The technician immediately handed over some experimental data that had been carried out to Zhu Li's hands!

Zhu Li probably took a look at it, and the comprehensive performance of this imitation steam engine was about seventy percent of the steam engine he gave.

Only a few data can reach eighty percent, and there are two data that can only reach about sixty percent.

It can be said that there is still huge room for improvement!

"Very good, what you have to do next is to continuously improve the data of this steam engine!"

"Give you three months, and the indicators must reach eighty percent of the original steam engine!"

Zhu Li also put forward his own requirements for these technicians.

Although the current data still needs to be improved, he believes that as long as these technicians are willing to continue to study carefully, even if they want to reach or even exceed the data of this steam engine, it is only a matter of time!

When a group of technicians heard this, they were all relieved.

The time that Zhu Li gave them can also be said to be quite relaxed!

"Your Highness rest assured, within three months, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

The technician hurriedly patted his chest and assured.

"Then the king is waiting for your good news!"

"As long as you have completed the goal given to you by King Ben, so that the steam engine can achieve mass production, King Ben will not treat you badly, and even your whole family will benefit from this!"

Zhu Li nodded in satisfaction, and after encouraging these technicians again, he left the laboratory.

During this time, Zhu Li was mainly busy in the bank.

Hanzhong Bank has not been established not long ago, according to the operating foundation of the later bank, Zhu Li also needs to formulate and improve a series of rules and regulations, the focus is on him to use the bank to achieve the purpose of controlling the entire Daming Finance, and even the world finance!

When talking to the old man about the importance of the bank before, Zhu Li also introduced it in general, many details, there is no way to talk to the old man in detail.

After all, because of the limitations of the times, many professional knowledge points, even if Zhu Li said it at that time, the old man must not understand!

This is also the reason why Zhu Li later gave Zhu Yuanzhang that book.

Instead of struggling to explain to the old man himself, it is better for the old man to read and study by himself!

In addition, there are also two steam engines in the bank, which Zhu Li specially bought from the supermarket system!

Next, a large number of coins need to be minted, and Zhu Li intends to directly use the technology of silver dollars in later generations to first manufacture a batch of silver dollars!

The object of imitation is naturally the famous Yuan Datou in the later world!

More importantly, Yuan Datou's anti-counterfeiting technology is very unique, as long as you blow a breath on the cross-section of the coin, you can make it make a buzzing sound.

Two steam engines are needed as power, in order to be able to drive the stamping machine tool and manufacture this silver dollar in batches!

And such a technology is also not available in this era, which means that even if people with intentions want to imitate and mint counterfeit coins, it is impossible!

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are skilled craftsmen who can indeed manufacture and imitate exactly the same silver dollar, at least on the surface, it is not a particularly difficult thing to achieve the exact same!

But whether it is the material or the quality, it is not something that any person can imitate!

Not to mention the means of anti-counterfeiting!

In other words, the price of trying to imitate this silver dollar may have exceeded the silver dollar itself!

It's like making counterfeit money in later generations, making 100 yuan, and the cost exceeds the face value itself, so who will do it?

Therefore, as long as the silver dollar is produced, at least in a short time, Zhu Li does not have to worry about the risk of counterfeit money at all!

What Zhu Li has been designing and studying these days is the style, specifications and patterns that need to be engraved on this silver dollar!

For this aspect of the design, Zhu Li is still very thoughtful!

And he imitated Yuan Datou, naturally it is impossible to really print a Yuan Datou on it!

What pattern to use is a very important question!

The same with avatar phone?

Who should be used for that?

Regarding the face value of this set of silver dollars, Zhu Li divided a total of six face values, from low to high, they were 1 wen, 5 wen, 10 wen, 20 wen, 50 wen and 100 wen!

As for the follow-up there will be large-denomination banknotes, more than 1 tael of silver equivalent banknotes, then it is completely different from the requirements of the silver dollar, and Zhu Li has to design it separately.

Of course, whether it is a silver dollar or a paper currency, the oak must be perfected as much as possible before it can begin large-scale printing and production!

The most important thing at the moment is to give the sample of the silver dollar to the old man for a look!

In the past few days, the old man has not urged him to ask for samples of silver dollars!


Han King Mansion.

Zhu Yuanzhang was looking at the development history of the currency that Zhu Li gave him in the courtyard, and he had forgotten to eat and sleep in the past few days, and he had completely sunk into it!

Mainly when facing Lao Jiu, there is always a feeling of being hit hard, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang, who has always had a strong personality, embarrassed?

He can't, but he has to learn!

Otherwise, when talking about this knowledge point later, he, who is an old man, does not even have the qualifications to interject a sentence, participate in discussions, and give opinions, so how can he accept it?

Even if it is forced, Zhu Yuanzhang has to force himself to learn!

What's more, in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, this knowledge has an incomparably huge attraction, and it has unknowingly made him completely trapped in it!

"Father, how can you see it so amazing?"

When Zhu Li walked to Zhu Yuanzhang's side, he saw that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't notice it at all, and his attention was still on the book, and he couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Ahhh... Lao Jiu is back?"

"How's the monetary thing going, and when will it be done?"

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly come to his senses, and then asked Zhu Li with a look of anticipation.

"Didn't the son already bring you the sample?"

"Please Father Emperor to see!"

Zhu Li didn't sell it, and directly brought back a set of silver dollars of different denominations that he had made!

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly took these silver dollars and began to check them!

For each denomination of silver dollars, Zhu Que brought back about a dozen, the point is to make a comparison!

Six face values, sixty silver dollars, let Zhu Yuanzhang love to play! (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!)

"This... With such a delicate silver coin, how did you do it?"

"Almost every size and specification, even the details can be exactly the same!"

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang found that these silver dollars of the same face value were almost all carved out of a mold, without any difference in details!

In Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, this is simply an incredible thing!

For example, when the imperial court made copper coins, although they were also manufactured in batches with stencils, because the manufacturing process could not reach such a fine standard, only the specifications were consistent, but there were often many differences in details!

This is also the limitation of the craftsmanship of the times!

To be able to do exactly the same degree as these silver dollars in front of him, almost every one of them is simply incredible in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion.

"These are all coins that use steam engines to drive stamping machine tools, and basically as long as the same template is used, there will be no errors, and each can be consistent!"

"In addition, this silver dollar can also be anti-counterfeiting, you just need to blow into the silver dollar like this, but put it next to your ears, you can hear a trembling sound!"

Zhu Li said, and also demonstrated to Zhu Yuanzhang, and handed the silver dollar that was still making a sound directly to Zhu Yuanzhang's ear!

"Good stuff! There is such a technology!"

"In this way, there will be no more private money and counterfeit money on this market!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again with satisfaction.

"This set of silver dollars has a total of six denominations, and depending on the size of the denomination, the specifications and quality will also vary!"

"The smallest face value is 1 text, and it is also the smallest!"

"The largest face value of 100 is not too big, and it is very convenient for ordinary people to carry!"

Zhu Li nodded with a smile and said.

"Well, not bad!"

"The handwriting is clearly visible, even if you don't need to look at it, just touch it with your hands, you can feel the size of this face value for a long time!"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt the uneven texture of the surface of the silver dollar, and nodded with satisfaction.

"But this face value is 100 letters, isn't it small?"

Zhu Yuanzhang then realized that the largest face value was only 100 yuan, which may be enough for ordinary people to buy some things on a daily basis, but for businessmen, or large sums of silver and two transactions, it is obviously not enough!

"Larger denominations, such as 1 tael of silver denomination or more, the children are ready to use paper money directly!"

"It is also six denominations, ranging from 1 tael of silver to 100 taels of silver!"

"But the most important thing at present is to issue silver dollars first, and after the people and the market have gradually accepted silver dollars, the issuance of paper money will naturally be twice as effective with half the effort!"

"And the technology of banknotes is much more complicated, and the sons and daughters need to do more preparations!"

Zhu Li nodded and explained.

In addition, the paper, ink, printing press and other professional equipment needed to make banknotes, Zhu Li needs to buy back from the supermarket system, hoping to use the current technology of the Ming Dynasty to produce banknotes that can be equivalent to the currency of later generations, which is simply impossible!

And the banknotes directly made with these equipment are also more secure, there is no need to consider any anti-counterfeiting problems, and no one can imitate them!

From paper, to patterns and some security marks, that is not something that people of this era can easily imitate!

"So it is!"

"But why do we see that this silver dollar only has a face value and a pattern on one side, and the other side is bare, nothing?"

Zhu Yuanzhang picked up another silver dollar at this time and looked at it, and found that this silver dollar was only printed on one side, with some exquisite patterns and plant patterns, and then there was a denomination!

And the other side is simply a whiteboard, nothing!

"The sons and daughters thought of printing some scenes that best represent our Ming Dynasty, such as the emperor's avatar!"

Zhu Li directly said his thoughts.

"The Emperor's avatar?"

"You mean that our appearance can also be printed directly on this silver dollar?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he couldn't help but breathe rapidly, and his heart was obviously quite excited!

"That's right, this technology is not a problem, the point is that there are a total of six denominations, and the children are ready to print the largest denomination of 100 silver dollars on the head of the father, so who should use the remaining five denominations?"

Zhu Li explained squarely.

"This is easy to do, in addition to us, and you clan kings, can't you, but your brothers are also a little too much, can you arrange them all one by one?"

"For example, you print a hundred here and arrange 100 for the other brothers?"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it, so he said his thoughts, and he was still thinking of giving his sons a bowl of water (Nuo Qian Zhao) to Duanping!

"That's not a problem!"

"Those 50 face values, just use the avatar of the clan king!"

"Then there are four face values left!"

Zhu Li did not refuse, nodded and reminded at the same time.

"Xungui martial generals, as well as important ministers of the dynasty, you can also give them a chance!"

"Besides, didn't you say that you can also print some scenery on it?"

"Our Great Wall of Daming, as well as our Royal Palace, can this represent our Daming Dynasty, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly gave Zhu Li a few ideas.

"Well, the children think so too!"

"The minister will start tomorrow according to what we just discussed, and make the other side of these silver dollars, and it will be regarded as a sample." "

"At that time, I will send a few to my brothers and brothers, and I will send a little to the imperial court!"

Zhu Li nodded slowly and said.

In fact, if you want to do this, it is still unrealistic at the moment, first of all, Zhu Li must have photos of everyone's appearance on his hands!

The skills of the painters of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Li really did not dare to compliment, the only most reliable way, that is, directly use the camera to shoot it!

Thinking of this, Zhu Li directly purchased a Polaroid camera in the supermarket system.

This thing is the most convenient, and it does not need film, nor does it need to be matched with other printing equipment, and it can be printed on the spot after direct shooting!

It's just a bit of a drain on adhesive paper!

However, the adhesive paper system can also be purchased in the supermarket, and it is not expensive!

"Well, Lao Jiu, what is this thing in your hand?"

Seeing that a strange small box suddenly appeared in Zhu Li's hand, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"Father, this thing is called a camera, and it is also a product of the afterlife, he can print you and the surrounding scenery on a piece of paper, exactly the same!"

Zhu Li smiled and explained to Zhu Yuanzhang.


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes immediately widened! .

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