129: The aftermath of the battle of the Western Regions, King Ning also wants to expand his territory?

The northwest again spread the good news, which made Zhu Yuanzhang happy, but also made the entire Hanzhong people begin to boil.

Soon, this news also spread from the northwest to Yingtian City.

At the beginning, when King Zhu Li of Han said that he would conquer the Western Regions within three months, many people were skeptical.

But now that Luntai City has been captured by the Hanzhong army, the 80,000 troops of the Eastern Chagatai royal family have been lost in the hands of the Hanzhong army, and there are so many tribes in the Western Regions, so that this impossible thing has become a certainty in an instant!

This news not only shocked the entire court, but also shocked a group of Huaixi martial generals unable to speak!

Especially Lan Yu, Fu Youde, Feng Sheng and others, they thought that if they led their troops to attack the Western Regions, with sufficient troops, food and grass, and sufficient material supplies, it was only a matter of time before they conquered the Western Regions!

But who dares to say that he can achieve such a record with 20,000 people, and his own casualty rate is not even 10%.

Not to mention taking the entire Western Regions in three months!

Even if they give them an army of 100,000, it is a very good record to be able to capture the Western Regions within a year!

This TM is no longer unbelievable, it is a miracle!

Even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn't figure out how the Hanzhong Army did it!

"You guys say this success should not be fake, right?"

Among them, there is Huaixi Xungui, who does not believe in evil, and also doubts the authenticity of this triumph!

"If you are the King of Han, can you make such a false success?

Chang Sheng directly denied such a possibility.

When a group of Huaixi Xungui heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Chang Sheng's words they really couldn't refute it.

If they were King Zhu Li of Han, they would not be able to use such a clumsy method to please the old man, but it would backfire after the East Window incident!

King Zhu Li of Han is not stupid, how could he do such a thing?

"Then how exactly do you say the Hanzhong Army did it?"

"It is said that King Zhu Li of Han once made outstanding achievements in battle, but this time attacking the Western Regions, it seems that the King of Han himself did not personally go to the Western Regions, but stayed in Hanzhong Mansion, right?"

"With a few generals of the Hanzhong Army and those 20,000 people, how can this be done?"

Someone else raised his own doubts.

"We heard that the Hanzhong Army seems to be equipped with a very powerful crossbow, and the power and range are not comparable to ordinary bows and arrows!"

"Moreover, the Hanzhong army also carried ten Hongwu cannons to attack the Western Regions, could the problem lie in weapons and equipment?"

Feng Sheng said his guess at this time.

"There must be reasons for this, but the strength of the Hanzhong Army itself should not be underestimated!"

"At least 20,000 Hanzhong troops, a 100,000-strong Tatar army, and even our imperial army is not a problem!"

Chang Sheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Upon hearing this, the scene immediately became quiet.

Who are they?

The most capable group of people in the Daming Dynasty!

To put it bluntly, although Zhu Yuanzhang is the founding emperor of the Daming Dynasty, most of the rivers and mountains of the Daming Dynasty were also fought down with the help of these Huaixi nobles!

Now tell them that the 20,000 Han Chinese army of Han King Zhu Li can beat them 100,000 people?

Where is their face?

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, there is nothing to discuss!"

"We are more concerned now, once this Western Region is defeated, what will the old man arrange?"

"You must know that it was the Hanzhong army that defeated the Western Regions, and the Han King Zhu Li did not let the imperial court produce a person and a silver or two!"

Lan Yu suddenly reminded at this time.

Although he obviously didn't finish his words, the meaning in them was obvious!

This Western Regions has a high probability that whoever fights down will belong to whom!

Didn't you see that Zhu Di, the king of Yan, did not need a soldier from the imperial court, and also paid for the Northern Expedition himself?

Obviously, these two clan kings have the same little calculation!

If the entire Western Regions belonged to the King of Han, how would the other clan kings deal with themselves?"

Fu Youde was surprised. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Other clan kings can learn from the fourth elder and also go out to expand their territory!"

"Didn't you see that the Yan King was already following suit?"

Lan Yu chuckled.

For a time, a group of Zihuaixi Xungui looked at each other again.

At the same time, in the royal palace.

"Big brother, you will give the junior brother an idea, the ninth brother and the fourth brother are all opening up the territory for Daming, should we also move?"

"Once the fourth brother has conquered Mobei, is it necessary for the junior brother to take the Lordship next year?"

At this moment, in the imperial study room, Zhu Quan, the seventeenth prince of Ning, was chasing Zhu Biao with a hesitant face and asking.

Obviously, after learning of the victory of the Western Regions, Ning King Zhu Quan couldn't sit still!

He received Zhu Yuanzhang's will in the twenty-fourth year of Hongwu, and took over the three guards of Duoyan and prepared to go to the Daning Mansion next year, that is, the twenty-sixth year of Hongwu!

However, the old man's attitude towards Lao Jiu and Lao Fourth became more and more incomprehensible to Zhu Quan, who had just reached the crown!

In desperation, Zhu Quan could only find Zhu Biao here, wanting to find a direction for himself.

"'Seventeenth brother, you don't have to pay attention to the matter of your ninth brother and fourth brother!

When Zhu Biao heard this, he could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Regarding Lao Jiu's affairs, Zhu Biao can't say it to Zhu Quanming for the time being, and if he wants to say it, it has to be said by the old man himself!

But the fourth Zhu Di has a few pounds and taels, can he really take Mobei?

Zhu Biao is really not optimistic about this!

Therefore, Zhu Quan's worries are completely superfluous in Zhu Biao's opinion!

Among the kings of the clans, the only one who can be called special at present, I am afraid that only the old nine Zhu Li, even if it is the old fourth Zhu Di, that is Dong Shi Xiao, and in the end will not get results!

"The fourth brother has already led the army to the north, how can we not pay attention?"

"Otherwise, after we go to the Daning Domain next year, we will directly take Duoyan Sanwei to destroy the stick?"

Zhu Quan's subsequent words made Zhu Biao cry and laugh directly!

Good fellow, this seventeenth brother really dares to think about it!

There's a kind of learning (good Li's) like, right?

"Seventeenth brother, it's good to have the idea of helping Daming open up the territory, but the situation between you and your ninth brother and fourth brother is different!"

"You haven't even reached the domain, let alone gained a foothold in the domain!"

"Although the three guards of Doyan are under your control, have you really fought?"

"Are you sure they can really storm the city under your command and knock the stick down?"

Zhu Biao was helpless, and could only persuade Zhu Quan bitterly.

"Then the eldest brother has come up with an idea for the junior brother, what should we do?"

Zhu Quan couldn't refute it, and could only ask with anticipation.

"In this way, the father and the emperor have already said, we will all go to Hanzhong together during the New Year!"

"Anyway, when the time comes, you will also go with us, wouldn't it be better to say something to the father and emperor in person?"

Zhu Biao simply kicked this leather ball directly to the old man!

He really didn't know how to persuade Zhu Quan!.

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