130: Lu's final struggle, really foolish!

Now it is already November, at most there is still a month, at the beginning of the month, except for Zhu Di, the king of Yan, who has already marched north, the remaining clan kings will basically not miss this opportunity, and will definitely go to Hanzhong to accompany the old man to celebrate the New Year together!

Of course, Zhu Biao also knows that accompanying the old man for the New Year is secondary!

What the kings of the clans wanted to figure out the most was what happened to Lao Jiu Zhu Li!

They want to find out what kind of attitude the old man has towards Lao Jiu!

"Big brother, tell the truth to your junior brother, did the father intend to let the ninth brother take the throne?"

Zhu Quan also lowered his voice at this time and asked curiously to Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao: "..."

This question is somewhat heart-wrenching!

Zhu Yuanzhang supported Lao Jiu to the throne, so what is he who is the eldest brother and the prince?

Blame yourself for being short-lived?

In fact, the reason why Zhu Quan asked this was just because he was in a hurry to talk about this, and he really didn't think about it deeply.

After all, I am still young, and the way I talk and do things is still a little frizzy!

"Sorry big brother, brother Chen has no other meaning!"

But as soon as the words came out, Zhu Quan also immediately felt that something was wrong with 713, and it was indeed inappropriate for him to ask such a question to Zhu Biao!

"That's it, in fact, we have already seen it!"

"You also know that thanks to Lao Jiu now, we can still survive for a few years!"

"But after all, we don't have many years to live, for the sake of Daming Jiangshan, the father and emperor should make plans early, that is also a reasonable thing!"

"Even if the father does not do this, we will persuade him to choose another successor!"

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Quan with an apologetic look, but waved his hand without care!

He wasn't really angry because of Zhu Quan's unobstructed words, not to mention that the other party was still unintentional!

It's just a kid saying the wrong thing!

"So, what we guessed before is true?"

When Zhu Quan heard this, he looked shocked.

"You can see that your other brothers, except for the ones who are much younger than you, your brothers must also be thinking!"

"There are some things that you know in your own hearts, there is no need to say it!"

"This matter is not allowed to be mentioned in the future, unless it is really announced one day by the father, understand?"

Zhu Biao said to Zhu Quan with a straight face (AGFG).

"Brother Chen understands, thank you for your teaching!"

Zhu Quan looked grim, and quickly nodded and agreed.

After sending Zhu Quan away, Zhu Biao couldn't help sighing.

He couldn't help but think of the Lu family and Zhu Yunjiang's mother and son who were still in the East Palace.

He ordered them to be grounded in the East Palace for almost a month, and although he rarely returned to the East Palace this month, he also knew the situation in the East Palace from the people below.

Whether it is Lu Shi or Zhu Yunjiang, it has been like losing their souls for a month, and people are a little nervous!

Zhu Yunjiang is better, but the woman of the Lu family is more seriously stimulated than Zhu Yunjiang!

Zhu Biao is still thinking about whether to take the brothers Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi to Hanzhong to celebrate the New Year with the old man when the New Year is over!

If they took the two brothers with them, would the Lu family stay alone in the East Palace?

If so, I'm afraid this woman is really going to be wasted, right?

"That's it, let's go back and take a look first!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Biao sighed lightly and walked back towards the East Palace.

East Palace.

At this moment, Lu Shi was sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard with a dull expression, and his eyes were staring directly in the direction of the courtyard entrance!

She is waiting, waiting for when Zhu Biao will appear!

In the past month, Zhu Biao has only returned to the East Palace twice, but she sits here and waits every day, hoping to make Zhu Biao change his mind!

"Mother, it's going to get dark, let's go back to the house for dinner first!"

Zhu Yunjiao appeared beside Lu Shi with a haggard look and gently persuaded.

On the contrary, Lu Shi didn't seem to hear it, and he didn't mean to deal with him at all.

Zhu Yunjiang was helpless, and could only stand on the side and wait quietly.

At this moment, the figure that the mother and son dreamed of suddenly appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

It was Zhu Biao, who had just returned to the East Palace!

Lu Shi's originally wooden eyes were dull for a few seconds before he reacted, and then the whole person rushed directly towards Zhu Biao!


Zhu Yunjiang's side didn't have time to be happy, he wanted to salute Zhu Biao, and when he saw his mother's gaffe, his face immediately changed!

But his speed was a beat slower after all, and he couldn't directly catch Lu Shi!

"Crown Prince!"

"The prince's concubine knows that it is wrong!" (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"All mistakes are the fault of the concubines, for Yun Jiong's sake, forgive us this time, right?"

Lu Shi threw himself directly at Zhu Biao's feet, holding one of Zhu Biao's legs and began to cry!

"What kind of system does crying and crying be?"

"Yun Jiao, help your mother up!"

Zhu Biao suddenly frowned, and ordered Zhu Yunjiang in a dissatisfied tone.

Only then did Zhu Yunjiang hurry forward and wanted to pull Lu Shi away.

"Don't touch me, if the prince does not forgive the concubine, let the concubine kneel and die here!"

Lu Shi pushed Zhu Yunjiao all over, and said very stubbornly.

"Okay, since you are happy to kneel, then kneel!"

"You say you know it's wrong, then you tell me what you're wrong about, and how do you change it in the future?"

Zhu Biao waved his hand impatiently, but still asked.

"Concubines shouldn't covet that position, and concubines shouldn't instigate Yunjiang to rob things that shouldn't belong to him!"

"The concubine said so, can the prince still be satisfied?"

Lu Shi said with a bit of self-deprecation in his tone.

"Hmph, even if you are still a little self-aware!"

"And what about the future?"

Zhu Biao snorted coldly, and he heard a wave of resentment from Lu's mouth!

Although he said that he had admitted his mistake, he was obviously not convinced in his heart!

What is something that should not belong to Zhu Yunjiang?

If he Zhu Biao becomes the emperor in the future, the position is Zhu Yunjiang's, in fact, it is not wrong!

It's not something to do!

Is this said purely to answer him as an old man?

"In fact, the concubine knows that she is deeply sinful, and she has nothing else to ask for!"

"The prince feels uneasy, you can punish and dispose of the concubines as much as you want, but please let Yun Jiao go!"

"Yun Jiao, he is innocent!"

Lu Shi smiled sadly.

You think we don't know what's going on in your mind?"

"Maybe we'll make you completely dead!"

Zhu Biao snorted coldly in disapproval.

How could he not see this careful thinking of the Lu family?

It is nothing more than to transfer the contradiction and take all the blame on himself, only hoping to get Zhu Yunjiang out!

For this woman, as long as Zhu Yunjiang still has hope, it means that she also has hope! .

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