131: Zhu Biao's gamble, helpless choice!

Lu and Zhu Yunjiang were freed.

After such a trouble, Zhu Biao was not worried about what radical actions this woman would do.

Unless she wants to pull her son with her, everything will be lost!

Or maybe the Lu Clan can be absolutely sure of sending Zhu Yunjiang to that position!

But is this possible?

Just with one Lu clan, it is simply ridiculous!

However, what neither Lu Clan nor Zhu Yunjiang expected was that Zhu Biao would actually go to Hanzhong Mansion for the New Year, and what he didn't expect was that he would bring both their mother and son over!

What is this?

In fact, Zhu Biao's idea is very simple, that is, he wants to completely cut off some ~ unrealistic ideas between this mother and son through this trip to Hanzhong!

After returning from Hanzhong, Zhu Yunjiang will be able to go obediently!

If the Lu family really treasures his son and wants to follow Zhu Yunjiang to the fiefdom, Zhu Biao will agree!

The premise is that this woman does not go back on the road to death!

Otherwise, this trip to Hanzhong, I am afraid that there will be no return!

He believed that the old man's eyes would not rub sand!

After leaving the East Palace, Zhu Biao's mood was slightly heavy, he now gave the choice of fate directly to the Lu family himself, and even handed over Zhu Yunjiang's future to the Lu family, which was also a big gamble!

I just hope this woman doesn't make a mistake!

"Crown Prince, the photography team sent by Hanzhong Mansion has arrived in Yingtianfu, and it is currently in Hongxu Temple, and the Ministry of Rites has just sent someone into the palace to inform the news!"

As soon as he arrived at the imperial study room, Wang Chen reported to Zhu Biaoyu.

"Okay, then arrange for them to enter the palace tomorrow!"

"The princes and grandsons and concubines who rule the palaces, take pictures in front of the Fengtian Hall tomorrow morning after the dynasty!"

"After the dispersal of the dynasty tomorrow, let the ministers also stay and shoot together!"

Zhu Biao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he directly ordered Wang Chen.

Early the next morning, the news that photos would be taken after the morning dynasty spread throughout the harem!

The princes and grandchildren who are still in the palace are okay, they are at most a curiosity about unknown things, but for those concubines in the harem, this opportunity to take photos is even more precious!

And they have more to prepare!

I heard that in addition to the group photo of the harem concubines, everyone can only take a photo at most, and they naturally have to dress themselves up beautifully, leave their most beautiful side on the photo, and expect to pass it on forever!

Even Lu Shi, who had just been lifted from grounding, began to live his mind, and began to dress up early in the morning!

Of course, in addition to these princes and grandsons and concubines in the harem, the officials in the court also got the news that they would take photos after the early dynasty!

However, officials below the third grade and below the marquis can only take group photos!

Only officials with the rank of duke and above the third grade are eligible to take pictures alone, and they can only take one photo!

But even so, it was enough to sensationalize the entire court!

So much so that in the early dynasty, everyone seemed a little absent-minded, and they were all thinking about taking pictures, thinking that it would be better to be serious or to behave kindly!

To put it bluntly, they all want to put their best foot forward in this photo!

After all, this opportunity to take pictures is not easy to come by!

Zhu Biao naturally also saw the reaction of this group of officials, so the early dynasty did not last long, so he directly announced the dispersal of the dynasty!

Anyway, he, the crown prince of the prison country, is also presiding over the court meeting on behalf of the emperor, and there is no need to follow too strict rules!

After the dispersal of the dynasty, the large square in front of the Fengtian Hall immediately became lively.

There is one civil and military official, and all of them are left, even if they are lower-grade officials, they are content to think that they can take a group photo!

However, just like in the court, even if you take a photo, the Wen Chen military generals are divided into two camps!

Among the civil officials, such as Liushu Shangshu and Attendants, all officials with more than three grades are eligible to take pictures alone! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

Among the martial generals, such as Lan Yu, Xu Huizu, Li Jinglong and others also have this qualification.

In addition, there are a large number of second-generation nobles who inherited the old viscount after their fathers died!

Xu Huizu, Chang Sheng, and Li Jinglong are representative figures of the second generation of honors!

However, more honorable second generations are only the second ancestors who will only enjoy the shadow of their ancestors, and the inherited titles are not much higher, but one is more delicious and lazy than the other, and arrogant and domineering!

And after knowing that they were going to take photos today, these military generals also put on their uniforms directly, ready to take pictures of their most majestic appearance!

The armor of the Ming Dynasty is generally around forty or fifty catties, which is relatively light!

If it is heavy armor, you can add another twenty or thirty pounds, but not everyone can wear it!

Of course, not everyone is qualified to wear it!

Lan Yu and a group of Huaixi Xungui wear forty or fifty pounds of armor, then it is the same as nothing, they have long been used to it on weekdays!

They all dress like this on the battlefield!

However, for those second generations of honorable and well-bred honors, wearing forty or fifty pounds of armor is no different from asking for their lives, and they are all tired and listless!

"Hmph, let you train more on weekdays, it will give us all kinds of excuses!"

"Now I can't even wear armor, expecting you to go to the battlefield, I'm afraid I'm going to laugh generously!"

"Let's put our chests up one by one!"

Lan Yu glanced at the lazy second generation of honorable nobles, and his face immediately became gloomy, and he scolded mercilessly.

When a group of second-generation people heard this, their faces suddenly changed, and they hurriedly straightened their bodies and gritted their teeth to hold on!

No way, their arrogance is only aimed at ordinary people, in the face of Lan Yu, this fierce person, they have no temper at all!

If you dare to disobey, you will really be beaten!

In contrast, the civil servant's side is much simpler!

Wearing imperial clothes one by one, the main concern is whether you should be kind or serious when taking pictures of yourself!

Everyone was discussing in private, and the entire large square outside the Fengtian Hall was even more lively!

"The prince has arrived!"

With a loud shout, Zhu led a group of princes and grandsons and concubines in the harem to appear in front of the Fengtian Hall.

This time, there were three photographers sent from Hanzhong, that is, there were three cameras!

After Zhu Biao met with these three photographers, the shooting officially began!

One of the photographers naturally specialized in serving the harem, while the other two, one went to the civil official group to shoot, and the other went to help Lan Yu's group of martial generals take pictures!

In this way, no one will delay!

Zhu Biao himself also took three photos first, and when he saw his appearance in the photo, even if he was as calm as him, he couldn't help but feel a sword.

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