137: Zhu Shu: I'm afraid that if I enter Xi'an City again, I won't be willing to leave!

On the twentieth day of the twenty-fifth month of the Ming Dynasty, the brothers Zhu Shu, the King of Qin, and Zhu Yu, the King of Zhou, arrived in the northwest together!

After the King of Qin relocated to Huai'an, it was not far from Kaifeng, Zhu Shu's fief, and when Zhu Shu passed through Kaifeng, he invited Zhu Wei to go on the road together!

The old man allowed all their clan kings to take their heirs to Hanzhong Mansion to celebrate the New Year together, how could they be missing the two brothers?

Arriving outside Xi'an City again, Zhu Shu's heart was full of mixed feelings!

It had only been a few months since he left, and now the changes in Xi'an Mansion were so great that Zhu Shu was almost unrecognizable!

The development of the Northwest Land, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe it with each passing day!

"Second brother, it is really incredible that Xi'an Mansion has developed to such a state today!"

"It's a pity!"

"187" Zhu Hui sat on the carriage, looking at the flower-like scene in Xi'an Mansion today, and couldn't help but sigh with a look on his face, and his eyes looked at Zhu Shu on the side with a little deep meaning.

The reason why it is a pity is naturally a pity that Zhu Shu played a good card directly!

Backed by Hanzhong Mansion, Xi'an Mansion can be said to be the first to get the moon near the water!

On the surface, the relationship between his Qin King Zhu Shu and Han King Zhu Li is also the most ironclad among many clan kings!

But that's it, because of what he did, Zhu Shu couldn't even keep the fiefdom of Xi'an Mansion, and was directly moved to Huai'an by the old man!

Even if you give Zhu Shu ten Huai'an, it can't stand up to the attraction of a Xi'an mansion!

"Old Fifth, don't rub salt on our wounds!"

"We sound harsh, and it hurts even more to watch!"

Zhu Shu also had a look of desire to cry without tears, and simply waved his hand, turning his head and not daring to look at Xi'an Mansion more!

"You're not going into town?"

Zhu Yu asked with some surprise.

Although it is still noon, it is okay to continue to hurry, but Xi'an Mansion is also Zhu Shu's former fiefdom, and he doesn't go in to take a look when passing by, which still makes Zhu Wei a little difficult to understand!

"We're afraid that if we enter the city, we don't want to leave!"

Zhu Shu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Okay, let's continue to hurry, get to Hanzhong early, and you can meet Father Emperor and Lao Jiu!"

"I guess the other brothers are not as fast as us!"

Zhu Wei did not force it, although he was full of curiosity about Xi'an Mansion, and he also wanted to go in and see, but in the end, Xi'an Fu was still not as good as Hanzhong, and if he wanted to see anything, he would go directly to Hanzhong to see it!

As Zhu Yu said, he and Zhu Shu were indeed the first among the many clan kings to arrive in Hanzhong Mansion!

At noon the next day, the two had already arrived outside Hanzhong City.

When they saw the current Hanzhong City, Zhu Shu and Zhu Yu were even more shocked!

If the changes in Xi'an Mansion have exceeded their expectations, then the current development speed of Hanzhong Mansion has shocked them!

"The last general will see His Royal Highness King Qin and His Royal Highness King Zhou!"

Just when the two were still shocked, Geng Qing had already brought a group of guards to the car of the two kings!

"Geng Qing, I haven't seen you for a long time!

Seeing Geng Qing again, Zhu Shu was also stunned, but then laughed.

Since Lao Jiu's death, he has not seen this personal guard beside Lao Jiu in the past, and when the old acquaintance meets again, it still gives Zhu Shu a very wonderful feeling!

"You are Lao Jiu's personal guard Geng Qing?"

Zhu Yu looked Geng Qing up and down curiously.

"Back to His Royal Highness King Zhou, the last general is Geng Qing!"

Geng Qing responded again without humility.

"I've been listening to the second brother since I came, how did the three henchmen around Lao Jiu go, but now I have seen one!"

Zhu Yu also smiled and nodded.

He could naturally feel the momentum on Geng Qing's body, which was not weak at all compared to those Huaixi Xungui!

"King Zhou is over-prestigious!"

"The King of Han sent the last general to welcome the two kings into the city, first take the two to the place where they stayed, and then go to the Han King Mansion to meet His Majesty!"

Geng Qing arched his hand, and then directly said his intentions.

"Then there will be Lao Geng Qianhu leading the way!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhu Yu nodded politely and smiled.

Zhu Wei was originally a man of letters, and his biggest hobby was not only studying medical skills, but also dancing and ink, more like a humble gentleman!

Soon, the second king directly followed Geng Qing to the tallest landmark building in Hanzhong City.

The design of this building is actually similar to the design of the five-star hotel in later generations!

It covers an area of about 100,000 square meters and is 23 stories high.

Although the installation location of the elevator is reserved in the building, Zhu Li has not yet had the idea of equipping the building with an elevator at the moment, which will have to wait until the generator and elevator are all made out in the future!

And this whole building was temporarily closed to the public during the New Year, and has become a place used by Zhu Li to entertain all the royal clansmen!

The guest room area from the third floor to the eighth floor has been arranged, and even if there are empty rooms, they are not ready to open to the public!

As for the higher-level guest rooms, it is really difficult for these royal clansmen to climb, and they are basically all empty0...

King Zhu Shu of Qin and King Zhu Yu of Zhou moved in first!

They didn't come by themselves, they brought their wives and children with them.

Everyone in the two big sons was directly stunned by the magnificent building in front of them!

After everyone had settled down, Geng Qing took Zhu Shu and Zhu Wei directly to the Han King Mansion.

Over here, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li were already waiting in the courtyard.

When Zhu Shu and Zhu Wei came to the Han King Mansion, the first time they must be to greet Zhu Yuanzhang!

After the etiquette between the monarch and the father and son was completed, Zhu Shu's gaze was directly on Zhu Li's body!

"Lao Jiu, you have been hiding your second brother so hard in recent years!"

"We said back then, how can someone as powerful as you suddenly say that death is dead!"

"I didn't expect you to actually play this trick!"

Zhu Shu came directly to Zhu Li, and a fist smashed directly on Zhu Li's shoulder, expressing his dissatisfaction!

"Second brother said laugh 1.3, ninth brother, I have my own bitterness!"

Zhu Li smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Lao Jiu, don't come unharmed!"

Zhu Yu also smiled and said hello to Zhu Li.

"The fifth brother is still demeanor!"

"By the way, this time I also prepared a gift for the fifth brother, I hope the fifth brother can like it!"

As soon as Zhu Li's words fell, someone directly sent the things prepared by Zhu Li to Zhu Yu.

"These are..."

Zhu Wei took a closer look at it, it was actually two books!

One book reads "Compendium of Materia Medica" on the cover, while the other is "Eight Veins of the Odd Scripture"!

These two books are written by Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty in history, especially the "Compendium of Materia Medica"!

With King Zhu Yu of Zhou's enthusiasm for medical Dao, it was naturally appropriate to send him such a medical skill! .

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