138: The lords of the clan arrived one after another, and the Han King Mansion became more and more lively day by day!

At first, Zhu Yu was still a little unclear.

But after glancing at the "Compendium of Materia Medica", those eyes could no longer be removed!

"This stinky boy, the study of medical skills is going crazy!"

Seeing Zhu Yu holding the medical book with relish, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but laugh and scold.

Only then did Zhu Yu react, and he was a little embarrassed and quickly put away these two medical books like the most precious treasure!

After all, the talent has just arrived in Hanzhong, and before he can say a few more words to the old man, he holds two books and reads them directly, which is indeed too unruly!

"How about the fifth brother, is this gift from the ninth brother satisfactory?"

Zhu Li looked at Zhu Yu's reaction and asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, so satisfied!"

"Old Nine, the fifth brother will not be polite with you, these two medical books will be of great use to me!"

"But Fifth Brother is a little curious, I don't know which doctor can write such a medical book?"

Zhu Yu nodded vigorously and repeatedly, and at the same time asked Zhu Li very feverishly.

When Zhu Li heard this, his gaze subconsciously turned to Zhu Yuanzhang on the side.

The author of these two medical books is Li Shizhen, and if I want to see him, I am afraid that Zhu Yu will have to live to be about 150 years old before 06 lines!

The historical Li Shizhen was only born during the Daming Zhengde period!

He knew, and Zhu Yuanzhang also knew, but there was no way to directly explain this to Zhu Yu!

"That is, the two ancient books that I accidentally obtained, who wrote them, it is no longer known!"

Zhu Li smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"This... That's a shame!"

When Zhu Yu heard this, he looked disappointed.

"Okay, old fifth, I see that you are a demon!"

"When you get to Hanzhong, what are you still studying these medical things, when you return to the fiefdom, you can study as much as you like! Don't let the father and the emperor and Lao Jiu see the joke!"

Zhu Shu muttered dissatisfiedly on the side.

"What the second brother said!"

Zhu Yu also felt that he was a little too much, and answered with a wry smile.

"Old two, don't say old fifth, your own ass shit is still Lao Jiu to help you wipe it clean!"

"Tell me, how are you doing in Huai'an?"

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted softly at Zhu Shu at this time.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Shu's old face was somewhat unable to hang up!

In front of Old Fifth and Old Nine, the old man is a little deliberately exposed!

"Father, it's a celebration to let the brothers come to the New Year picture, let's not mention the unhappy things, right?"

Zhu Li directly opened his mouth to help Zhu Shu relieve the siege at this time, and Zhu Shu cast a grateful gaze!

"Bring our daughters-in-law and grandchildren here and let us see!"

"Look at you, let's get angry!"

Zhu Yuanzhang did not continue to embarrass the two brothers, but directly ordered.

Only then were Zhu Shu and Zhu Yu's family members able to come in and greet Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Old Jiu, the second brother's life in Huai'an Mansion is sad now!"

"Do you see if you can help us?"

Zhu Shu pulled Zhu Li aside at this time, and pleaded with a bitter face.

"Where did the second brother say, what is needed between our brothers, is it not a matter of a word?"

"You want to develop Huai'an Mansion, right?"

Zhu Li naturally understood what Zhu Shu meant, and immediately asked with a smile.

"That's right, this shouldn't be difficult for you, right, we still have to rely on you to govern the fiefdom, but the second brother really can't handle it himself!"

Zhu Shu nodded with a bitter face and said.

"Well, let's have a good chat later, don't worry, although I dare not say that I can help you build Huai'an Mansion into Xi'an Fu and Hanzhong Fu, but it's similar to Yingtianfu, it can still be done!"

Zhu Li smiled and nodded.

"With your words, we can rest assured!"

"Second brother, thank you in advance here!"

When Zhu Shu heard this, he was even more overjoyed!

Since moving to Huai'an Mansion, his life compared to Xi'an Mansion is simply a drop in size!

And right under the eyes of the old man, he did not dare to be presumptuous, and he had to live carefully all day, for fear that he would do something wrong again and be sneaked back by the old man!

In the past, the reason why Xi'an Prefecture was able to develop was completely because it was backed by a big tree to take advantage of the cool!

The development of Xi'an Mansion can be said to have no relationship with him Zhu Shu, and it is completely pulled up by Han King Zhu Li and Han Princess Yang!

"Xie doesn't have to, they are all brothers, broken bones and tendons!"

"However, Xi'an Mansion is now under the rule of the ninth brother, so the second brother can do it without any bad ideas!"

Zhu Li waved his hand noncommittally.

"What else can we think, this matter is no wonder to you, we are not arguing ourselves!"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, we don't feel that we have the face to stay in Xi'an Mansion!

"Now that you are in charge, we are also blessed, how can we have any ideas?"

Zhu Shu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Lao Jiu, you don't know, the second brother is miserable!"

"When I passed by Xi'an Mansion yesterday, I was stunned and didn't want to go in and take a look, saying that I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to come out if I went in!"

At this moment, Zhu Yu also came over and specially exposed Zhu Shu's shortness in front of Zhu Li!

"If you don't talk, no one will treat you as a dumb!"

Zhu Shu immediately glared back.

When Zhu Li heard this, he also couldn't help but look handsome.

"By the way, Lao Jiu, how many medical books do you have like this?

Zhu Yu held the two medical books at this time, and asked Zhu Li with his eyes shining.

"Look at your insatiable 383 son!"

"Don't you think about it, can the medical book that Lao Jiu can give you be an ordinary medical book?"

"Where does it say that there are such medical books?"

Zhu Shu immediately found an opportunity to fight back.

"I asked Lao Jiu not to ask you, what are you in a hurry?"

Zhu Yu disagreed.

"Fifth brother, you look at these two medical books first, Ninth Brother, I will try to help you pay more attention in the future, there is really nothing else now!"

Zhu Li shook his head helplessly.

However, Zhu Li is not without other medical books, and if he takes out the Taoist set of things, it can be said that it will be more precious than the two books given to Zhu Yu!

But if Zhu Yu didn't even eat these two medical books thoroughly, then those medical books given to him were useless!

"Well, then the fifth brother will thank you in advance!"

Zhu Yu was somewhat disappointed when he heard this, but Zhu Li had already said no, and he couldn't continue to force it!

On the evening of the day, the Han King Mansion was quite lively!

There were more than a dozen people from the two big sons of King Zhu Shu of Qin and King Zhu Yu of Zhou, plus Zhu Li's family, as well as Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhou Guifei, and nearly twenty people ate a reunion meal happily!

In the following days, another clan king arrived in Hanzhong one after another.

The Han King Mansion is also getting more lively day by day! .

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