139: Triumphant, the kings of the clans shocked the might of the Hanzhong army!

On the cement road outside Luoyang City, the brigade was moving quickly.

This is the team that came out of Ying Tian, led by the luxurious carriage where Prince Zhu Biao was, and his Crown Prince Ceremonial Guard!

In addition, there are some other little princes, all of whom are also in the same carriage as Zhu Biao!

Lü and Zhu Yunjiang were alone in a carriage.

As for Zhu Yunxi, it is also a single carriage!

Now Zhu Yunxi has completely let himself go!

He is now not only an imperial grandson, but also the king of Wei personally appointed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and his status is now exactly the same as Zhu Yunjiang, and there is no one who is higher or lower!

The only thing that suffers is that Zhu Yunjiang is one year older than him, and he still has to call Zhu Yunjiang a brother, but that's all!

As for the stepmother of the Lu family, Zhu Yunxi doesn't bird her now!

In front of Zhu Biao, he may still save some face for the Lu family, but when Zhu Biao is not there, he will not pay attention to the woman of the Lu family at all!

As for the Lu family, she couldn't care about Zhu Yunxi at all now, she might have thought that Zhu Yunxi would be a stumbling block on Zhu Yunxi's way to advance, and at this moment she knew that the biggest enemy was actually the old man and the Han King Zhu Li!

This is not an existence of magnitude at all, where to reason?

Moreover, the cement road is on this side of Yingtianfu, and it is only from Yingtianfu to the Anhui realm, and the long road that follows has made the Lu mother and son suffer enough, and their bodies are about to fall apart!

For a pampered existence like them, such a long journey and rush is simply a sin!

Fortunately, after arriving in Luoyang, they went on the cement road that had been repaired, and the feeling that they were about to turn all their internal organs upside down was relieved a lot!

"Mother, it is said that after Luoyang, you can reach Xi'an in five days and Hanzhong in seven days!"

Zhu Yunjiang sat in the carriage, his eyes full of worry.

"Son, are you thinking about how your imperial grandfather will treat you after you arrive in Hanzhong?"

Lu Shi looked at Zhu Yunjiang's worried appearance, and suddenly asked.

Zhu Yunjiang was silent, obviously Lu's words hit his heart!

"Don't worry, my mother won't be so impulsive anymore!"

"My mother can do without anything, but not without you!"

"You are all my mother's hope!"

"Son, you must be angry!"

Lu Shi caressed Zhu Yunjiang's face and instructed in a soft tone.

However, this soft-tone words were pressurized when he heard Zhu Yunjiang's ears!

He has become the king of Wu, how can he fight for anger?

Continue to fight for the position of the prince who has no hope?

You don't need that Ninth Uncle to make a move by himself, and he can't pass the pass of Laozi!

On the other side of Zhu Biao's carriage, a group of princes also gathered around Zhu Biao, excitedly discussing everything that Hanzhong would see on this trip!

They had all heard about how Hanzhong Mansion was from other people before, but they had never seen it with their own eyes!

It's all some children, and they are naturally curious about this!

In addition to Crown Prince Zhu Biao, the only prince who is a little more stable is Zhu Quan, the old seventeenth Ning King who is about to take office!

Zhu Biao had seen the prosperity of Hanzhong and Xi'an Mansion when he was on his western tour, otherwise he might have been the same as these younger brothers!


Hanzhong Province.

Today is a special day!

Because the Hanzhong army of the Western Expedition to the Eastern Chagatai finally returned!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li's father and son, including a large group of princes and imperial grandsons who had already arrived in Hanzhong, all came outside the city on this day to welcome the soldiers who returned in triumph!

However, only Qin Wu came back, and Yang Hui still remained in the Western Regions!

After all, this victorious return to the dynasty is different from the past!

In the past, the northern or western expeditions, all the victorious battles returned, that is, to simply defeat the opposite side!

And this time, it is to directly occupy the entire Western Regions!

After the battle, someone still needs to stay in the Western Regions to preside over the overall situation, to put it bluntly, it is to clean up the mess!

In this regard, Yang Hui is more stable and more suitable than Qin Wu! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is also the reason why Zhu Li chose Yang Hui.

In addition, Qin Wu and they came back this time, and left a large amount of equipment and supplements in the Western Regions for Yang Hui, and the ten Hongwu cannons and the remaining arrows were all left!

And when the Hanzhong army that returned in triumph, under the leadership of Qin Wu, appeared in everyone's sight, those clan kings and imperial grandchildren who had never seen the Hanzhong army were all stunned!

They had never seen such an imposing army, although there were only 10,000 people, but the oncoming sense of oppression was enough to compare with the elite division of the 100,000 imperial court!

This is the real elite, and it is also the elite of the elite!

"Lao Jiu, you Hanzhong army can!"

"Where did you get all these armor on them?"

Chu King Zhu Zhen asked with a look of amazement.

Zhu Zhen's fief is in Wuchang, which is really not far from Hanzhong, and you can reach Hanzhong by going upstream along the Han River!

"'I made it myself!'"

"It seems that Sixth Brother's pro-army can't be used, right?"

Zhu Li said of course.

Hearing this, the other clan kings all showed strange faces, and their eyes subconsciously glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang, after all, this privately built armor, that is a crime to kill the head!

What's more, Zhu Li is still the king of the clan!

The sin of the clan king in privately creating weapons is not as serious as the hidden armor at home!

You must know that in the Ming Dynasty, armor was an absolute scarce commodity!

However, everyone did not see any dissatisfied look on Zhu Yuanzhang's face, as if all this was taken for granted!

This also made these clan kings and imperial grandsons show thoughtful expressions.

"Father, the sons and daughters think that if the armor of the Hanzhong Army can be equipped in large quantities, it will definitely be a huge improvement in the combat effectiveness of the imperial court army!"

As soon as Zhu Zhen rolled his eyes, he proposed to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Do you know how much this suit of armor will cost to craft?" asked Zhu Yuanzhang noncommittally.

If he could, wouldn't he want the whole army to change into such armor?

But even emptying Daming's current treasury is impossible!

Can't afford it!

Daming lions million, all replaced with armor, that cost is a terrifying astronomical amount!

"It's that the children are not thoughtful, this armor will not be cheap, but there are still many water bandits in the Chudi of the children, if the soldiers can change into such armor, it will definitely greatly reduce the casualty rate!"

"I wonder if the children can ask the Ninth Brother for some to go back to the guards patrol?"

Only then did Zhu Zhen say his intentions.

To put it bluntly, I am hungry for the equipment of the Zhu Li Han Chinese Army, and I also want to change it for my own guards!

But this kind of thing, if Zhu Yuanzhang didn't nod, it was for him ten dares to do!

Turning around for most of the day, that is, to test the old man's mouth! !

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