140: Solve the problem of the clan king, just seal all of them overseas!

After Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Zhu Zhen's words, there was no surprise on his face.

What his son was thinking in his heart, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knew everything!

"We have no problem with this!"

"And you, if you want armor, just discuss it directly with Lao Jiu, he is willing to give it to you, we have nothing to say!"

Zhu Yuanzhang not only agreed to Zhu Zhen's request, but also made his attitude clear to all the clan kings!

This is also equivalent to a kind of decentralization in disguise!

It is equivalent to telling all the sons that if they want, they can directly find Lao Jiu without the consent of this old son!

For a while, all the clan kings couldn't help but look at each other!

Before coming to Hanzhong, they were guessing in their hearts whether the old man really planned to pass the throne to Lao Jiu, and now it seems that it is already eight or nine!

"Lao Jiu, the father and the emperor have said so, you also get some armor for the sixth brother!"

Zhu Zhen was waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang's words, and immediately said to Zhu Li.

"Yes, a set of light armor 50 taels of silver, heavy armor 80 taels of silver, give money and say anything!"

And Zhu Li's answer here is even more crisp!

"So expensive?"

"Lao Jiu, we are all brothers, shouldn't you earn your sixth brother's money?"

Zhu Zhen's eyes widened in an instant!

Light armor 50 taels of silver, heavy armor 80 taels of silver, get 170 hundreds of sets of tens of thousands of taels of silver!

"Sixth brother said and laughed, this is already the cost price, if it is really to be sold as a business, it is impossible to sell it for less than one hundred taels!"

Zhu Li shook his head seriously and explained.

When Zhu Zhen heard this, his mouth twitched unconsciously!

Is this still the cost price?

What about bluffing, right?

According to this algorithm, all 20,000 people in the Han Zhong Army wore armor, and the cost alone would be as high as more than one million taels of silver!

Who can afford this?

Of course, one million taels of Zhu Zhen must be able to get it, and he is also the king of a land, how can he lack a million taels of money?

Whether you are willing or not, reluctant to spend such a large cost on the armor of the army, that's another matter!

It's like a rich big boss with hundreds of millions of assets, and if you want to change the work clothes of your employees, you will definitely not directly take millions of them, right?

"Then let's think again!"

Zhu Zhen felt that he had hit a soft nail, and could only shrug his shoulders wordlessly.

Even if Zhu Li can cut the price in half, he feels expensive!

Directly quote such a price, it is clear that there is no intention to sell to them (agce)!

"Sixth brother, do you know how much our Hanzhong Army spends every year?"

Zhu Li asked with a serious look at this time.

"We really can't guess this, you tell us about it?"

When Zhu Zhen heard this, his heart moved.

He also wanted to know how much silver it would cost to create such a king master!

"The fixed annual military expenditure is three million taels!"

"This is only the military expenditure of 20,000 people!"

Zhu Li directly reported a number, which made all the clan kings unconsciously round their eyes!

A military expenditure of 20,000 people a year will cost 3 million taels!

It is equivalent to 150 taels for a Hanzhong army!

You must know that the entire Daming army of tens of millions of troops, a year's military expenditure is at most a few million taels!

After all, how much is the tax revenue of the Daming treasury for a year?

Even now that the Daming treasury has been filled, the tax revenue in recent years has only been more than ten million or two a year!

And 30% of them were handed over from the northwest!

In other words, the annual military expenditure of the Hanzhong Army is almost on top of the military expenditure of the entire imperial court army for the whole year!

Are you sure you mean it?

"Lao Jiu, let's obey!"

"If we Wuchang have half of your wealth in Hanzhong Mansion, even if it is a hundred and two sets of armor, we will buy it with gritted teeth!"

"Who makes us poor!" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction!)

Zhu Zhen shook his head at this time and smiled bitterly.

It's really more popular than the dead!

"It's okay if you don't have money, you can take a loan!"

"If Sixth Brother borrows military expenses from the Daming Royal Bank, we can give you a partial interest reduction!"

Zhu Li said at this time.

Upon hearing this, not only Zhu Zhen, but also the other clan kings suddenly became interested!

And Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have nothing to do with himself, and he didn't hear it at all!

In fact, what idea Zhu Li was fighting, he knew very well, these were all discussed and discussed with Zhu Li before!

"Lao Jiu, you're not happy with Sixth Brother, are you?"

"What kind of royal bank can you still lend money directly to the lord?"

Zhu Zhen's eyes were bright, and he stared at Zhu Li and asked.

"That's right, the Daming Royal Bank does provide lending business, especially for the clan king, which is only a lot more!"

"However, if the lord borrows from the Royal Bank, he must meet some conditions of the Royal Bank!"

"The money for this loan has been issued, but it has to be used in real terms!"

What Zhu Li wanted was this effect, directly hooking up all the interests of all the clan kings!

"What conditions?"

As soon as Zhu Zhen heard that there were still conditions, he immediately asked.

"To put it simply, it is not necessary to take out a loan!"

"For example, Sixth Brother, you are really short of money, it is used for the governance and investment of the fiefdom, then as long as the Daming Royal Bank sends someone to conduct a field investigation and calculates, the corresponding payment can be issued!"

"At the same time, Sixth Brother's side must also return this batch of money to the Daming Royal Bank within the specified time!"

"Another example is the problem of this armor, if it is a loan to buy armor, as long as the sixth brother proves that his guards really need armor, then it is no problem!"

"But a few water bandits, it seems that there is no need for Sixth Brother's Guards to wear armor, right?"


When Zhu Li said this, he paused directly!

"Unless what?"

Zhu Zhen subconsciously asked.

"Unless the sixth brother is like the fourth brother today, he wants to fight on the front line and help Daming open up the territory, then it is another matter!"

"For example, the fourth brother is attacking Mobei, if he needs it, as long as he opens his mouth to ask the Daming Royal Bank for a loan to purchase armor, I have no words on my side, and I will do it for him immediately!"

Zhu Li explained with a serious face.

Upon hearing this, all the clan kings, including Zhu Zhen, immediately looked at each other!

"Okay, you brothers will discuss this matter by yourself!"

"If any of you want to help Daming open up the territory like Lao Jiu and Lao Fourth, we won't stop it, and we will definitely let Lao Jiu support you!"

"And the imperial court and Lao Jiu's side will support you, asking people to give people, asking for money to give money!"

"However, seventy percent of the territory and interests that were laid down will go to the imperial court, and you will keep three percent for yourselves!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also directly spoke up at this time.

If you want to solve the drawbacks of the feudal domain, it is undoubtedly the best choice to arrange these clan kings to go out and expand their territory, or to seal the domain overseas!

This is also what Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li have discussed before!

This father and son sang and reconciled, which is nothing more than brainwashing these clan kings! .

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