145: The king of San Francisco huddled to warm up, sealed the domain overseas, and pointed to the southwest!

The road in front of Zhu Di is actually very clear!

That is to cooperate with the old man and Lao Jiu to finish singing this big drama!

Now he is like a fuse, as long as his side can smoothly take Mobei with the help of the imperial court and Lao Jiu, then the other clan kings and brothers will inevitably follow suit!

At least those ambitious and restless clan kings will definitely choose this road of sealing overseas!

In addition to the special existence of Lao Jiu, he Yan King Zhu Di was equivalent to being the first person to eat crabs among the many clan kings!

If he can successfully capture Mobei and get huge benefits from it, then under the eyes of other clan kings, there will inevitably be a second and third to stand up!

He plays a leading role!

And from the moment he decided to go to Mobei, he actually had no way back, he could only follow the pit that the old man and Lao Jiu dug for him, one way to the end!

In addition, Beiping Mansion will definitely not be able to keep it, and it is only a matter of time before the domain is moved!

In that case, it is better to fight for more benefits for yourself as soon as possible!

This is Yan King Zhu Di's truest thoughts at this moment!

At the same time, these clan kings who are accompanying the old man in Hanzhong Mansion for the New Year are also of different minds, all thinking about whether to divide overseas, and if they really want to be sealed overseas, where should they choose the most suitable?

On the first day of the new year, all the clan kings will take their wives and children to the Han King Mansion to kowtow to Zhu Yuanzhang for the New Year!

The lords who came to Hanzhong this time would basically leave after fifteen years, which meant that they had half a month to make a decision!

But in fact, even if they are not willing to lead troops to expand their territory, it is only a matter of time before they are sealed overseas!

Because all the fiefdoms of the clan kings will be moved, the difference is actually that they are beaten down by themselves, or they are given to you by the imperial court!

And Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li also allowed these clan kings to huddle together!

For example, these clan kings can unite and build a large piece of land together, and then thirty percent of this can be divided among these clan kings themselves!

This is much better than going it alone, and it is also much more friendly to those clan kings who are happy but not good at martial arts!

For example, Lao Wu Zhu Yu, is a simple literati, and his hobby is also medicine, let him lead troops to expand the territory, that is simply a joke!

But he can choose to huddle with the old fourth Yan King Zhu Di, or find other brothers!

Although he is not good at fighting, he can at least help in other ways.

And the clan king, who is really capable of leading troops to fight, is more willing to monopolize military power and control the entire battlefield situation, and is more willing for other cooperative brothers not to participate in the war, as long as he stays in the rear to do logistics supplies!

Therefore, after paying homage to Zhu Yuanzhang, the second Zhu Shu, the fifth Zhu Wei and the seventeenth Zhu Quan found Zhu Li together.

Zhu Li was chatting with Zhu Biao here, and when he saw that the three brothers had come over, he simply turned into a five-party talk!

"Big brother, Lao Jiu, the three of us have discussed it and are ready to divide overseas!"

"But Old Seventeen is the master, and we and Old Fifth are responsible for pressing him and providing logistical supplies!"

Qin King Zhu Shu directly said the intentions of the three.

Zhu Shu himself also has a certain degree of military literacy, but his personal ability is not outstanding, not to mention the old five Zhu Yu, he is a literati!

Among the three of them, only Old Seventeen had the best military literacy, and he was also the youngest!

Ning King Zhu Quan is just lacking experience and precipitation, and his ability is definitely not lacking!

So the three brothers discussed, the three-person alliance will be led by Zhu Quan, Zhu Shu is responsible for the coordination, as well as logistical matters, and Zhu Yu is responsible for the governance of the territory that has been beaten, to put it bluntly, it is to clean up the mess!

These three brothers have a clear division of labor!

"Okay, since you have all assigned tasks, we have no opinion here, and then we have to look at Lao Jiu!"

Zhu Biao agreed with a smile, and then turned his gaze to Zhu Li.

"I also have no problem here, then let the Daming Royal Bank allocate funds according to the standards of the three clan kings, and the Hanzhong Army will be responsible for the training of the army, and the weapons and equipment will also be provided by the Hanzhong Army!"

Zhu Li also nodded very cheerfully and agreed.

"Where did the army come from?"

"Use (agej) our existing guards battalion?"

Zhu Shu asked. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"The army will be recruited from the imperial army, and at the same time, all the guards of the clan kings will be integrated into other imperial army forces, that is, your original team will be directly replaced!"

"From soldiers to weapons and equipment, it will be brand new!"

Zhu Li explained slowly.

Upon hearing this, both Zhu Shu and Zhu Yu's gazes couldn't help but turn to Zhu Quan!

The two of them are fine, and there are not many guards that were originally accepted, but Zhu Quan is different, and he can hold the elite of 80,000 Yan Sanwei in his hand!

According to this meaning, Duoyan Sanwei does not belong to Zhu Quan!

"I'm okay with that. "

Zhu Quan saw that his brothers were all looking at him, but he shrugged his shoulders indifferently!

Compared to Duoyan Sanwei, he wanted an army like the Hanzhong Army!

Whether it is that body of armor or that sharp weapons and equipment, the combat effectiveness formed is no longer comparable to the three guards!

What about the three guards?

It's not enough to see in front of the Hanzhong Army!

"Old Seventeen is atmospheric!"

"If it were us, we really couldn't bear to be let go like this!"

Zhu Shu couldn't help but give Zhu Quan a thumbs up!

"In that case, when you go back, you can start making preparations!"

"As long as the army training is over, you can go out at any time!"

"But before that, you have to think about where are you going to fight?"

Zhu Li reminded with a smile at this time.

"Lao Jiu, in your opinion, where is the most suitable for us?"

Zhu Shu hurriedly asked Zhu Li.

"If I had to choose for you, I would choose the Southwest!"

"From Jiaotoe to Siam, you can all use this area as a target to conquer!"

"But to attack this area, it is best to advance by land and sea at the same time!"

Zhu Li continued to explain.

"Still going from the sea?"

Hearing this, Zhu Shu and Zhu Wei were both stunned, but an excited look appeared on the face of Ning King Zhu Quan!

"That's right. If you choose the southwest, then the men and horses who will train you, and a part of the navy, will be equipped with a group of warships for you to carry out landing operations from land and sea against the area of Jiaotoe and Siam!"

Zhu Li nodded and explained.

Now the old man has completely handed over the navy to himself, and the shipyard on the side of Chongming Island has also started!

In the future, the sea power will become more and more large!

The Southwest will only be the beginning!

Zhu Li hopes that these clan kings can directly take down the entire Nanyang region, especially the Malacca Strait, which is a key sea route, which must be controlled! .

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