146: The sword points to the core area of the toe

In Xuzhou City, Zhu Li, Zhu Quan and several other clan kings gathered to discuss future plans.

Zhu Li's gaze swept over everyone and he cleared his throat: "Everyone, now it's time to give our plan a clear goal. Based on our previous discussions, everyone tends to split overseas, right?"

The lords nodded in agreement.

Zhu Li continued to explain: "It is indeed a good choice to divide overseas, overseas areas are rich in resources~, and there is great potential for development. "

"Moreover, we can expand our sphere of influence by joining forces and jointly build a strong Nanyang power." -"

Zhu Quan suddenly interjected: "Ninth brother, I think we need to have a clear target area. For example, we can start with the intersecting toes and expand outward step by step. "

Zhu Li nodded and said, "Very good, the cross-toe is a good starting point, occupying the cross-toe, we can further develop to Siam, Malacca and other places." In this way, we will be able to control the Strait of Malacca and become the maritime hegemon in the South Sea region!"

Zhu Shu said approvingly: "I agree with my brother's opinion, start with the toes, and then gradually expand outward. However, our military needs to be prepared and start training now to prepare for future battles. "

After hearing this, Zhu Quan said excitedly: "That's right, we have to make preparations in advance! The training of the army is very important, we must allocate funds to the Daming Royal Bank, let the Hanzhong Army be responsible for the training of the army, and at the same time the Hanzhong Army will provide weapons and equipment." "

Zhu Li nodded and praised: "Good idea, while we are training, we must also start preparing the sea army." We need a strong navy to support our campaign. "

Zhu Quan immediately said: "Ninth brother is willing to be responsible for the construction of the navy. Now that the old man has completely handed over the control of the navy to me, and the shipyard on the other side of Chongming Island has also started, the navy is bound to gradually grow. "

Zhu Di said categorically: "In that case, let's start acting quickly! We must have firm confidence and determination, only in this way can we turn our dreams into reality!"

Zhu Li smiled and nodded: "Yes, we have to move towards our goal step by step. The future of Daming is not limited to the Central Plains, we can also look to a broader field. The Southwest Region is just the beginning, our goal is the entire Nanyang Region!"

Everyone present couldn't help but nod their heads one after another, they were full of expectations for the future. Together, they raise their glasses to celebrate this important decision and prepare for the upcoming conquest.

Zhu Li put down his wine glass, stood up, and under the gaze of the lords, he walked to the map of the room, pointed to the intersecting area above, and began to explain the next plan of action in detail.

"Brothers, our goal is to occupy Jiaotoe, an important strategic area. To ensure our victory, we need to develop a detailed plan and divide the work. "

Zhu Li began to assign tasks, and he arranged for Zhu Shu to be in charge of unifying the training of the army and ensuring that the soldiers' combat effectiveness improved.

At the same time, he assigned Zhu Quan to urge the Daming Royal Bank to allocate funds as soon as possible to ensure that the army was adequately equipped. Zhu Di is responsible for communicating with the local people and winning their support.

"In addition, we need military intelligence to reconnoiter the intersecting area and understand the number of enemies, their arms and their defensive measures. "

Zhu Li continued, "This important task is entrusted to Brother Zhu Xu, and you have to send a reliable reconnaissance team to Jiaotoe to grasp all the key information. "

Everyone followed Zhu Li's instructions, accepted the task one after another, and said that they would fully cooperate.

"Finally, we need to strengthen internal alliances and cooperation. "

Zhu Li looked at the brothers and said firmly, "Whether in the Jiaotoe Campaign or the future conquest, we must advance in a united attitude. Only in this way can we win and realize our dreams. "

Everyone responded in unison, saying that they would never deviate from Zhu Li's instructions and teachings.

Zhu Li smiled and thanked everyone for their support and expressed his confidence in the ability and courage of all the brethren.

He realizes that the battle ahead will be an arduous journey, but he believes that together, everyone will create a brilliant future.

The kings of the clans raised their glasses again in unison and saluted Zhu Li.

Their eyes are full of determination and trust, and they are ready for the next challenge, and the journey to chase their dreams is about to begin.

Zhu Li looked at the firm eyes of the lords, and his heart was full of pride and emotion.

He knew that the next battle would have a profound impact on the future of Daming, and he had a heavy responsibility as the leader. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He walked back to his seat, sat down quietly, and began to silently think about what needed to be done next.

At this critical moment, he needed to develop a detailed and organized strategic plan, as well as communicate and coordinate with other lords.

A few days later, Zhu Li held a strategy meeting outside Xuzhou.

After preliminary preparations, the lords of the clans attended on time. Zhu Li stood in the center of the conference room, his voice small but full of strength, "Brothers, it's time to officially set off. "

He pointed to the map on the table, a hint of enthusiasm evident in his words.

"We will start from Xuzhou City and head towards Jiaotoe. We need to deal with the cities and villages we pass through. Our goal is to occupy the toes, but we also want the livelihood of the civilian population. "

Zhu Li explained the details of the strategy and the implementation plan one by one: "We will divide into several armies and launch attacks from different directions at the same time, using the scattered forces in the war to gain the opportunity to win." "

The lords listened attentively, nodding their heads in agreement from time to time.

"Before we can attack Jiaotoe, we also need the support of the local people. "We want to show our sincerity and goodwill, but also explain our goals and vision to them. "

He proposed to send emissaries to various places to communicate with local officials and the population and win their support and cooperation.

"Finally, we need to pay attention to the geographical environment and climatic characteristics of the intersecting region. Zhu Li solemnly reminded, "We must obtain this information in advance so that we can have a clear idea in battle." "

The meeting lasted several hours, during which everyone actively discussed and put forward constructive comments. Zhu Li patiently listened to everyone's opinions and encouraged them to express their opinions.

Finally, the meeting came to an end.

The kings of the clans left the conference room, their hearts full of ambition for battle, and they all understood that this was an ambitious conquest, but also to realize their dreams and the future of Daming.

Zhu Li quietly looked at the door of the conference room and the sky in the distance, and his heart was full of expectation.

He was convinced that as long as all hearts were united, they would be invincible.

With a confident smile on his face, he is ready to take the first step on his journey and meet the challenges and glory of the next.

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