158: Send troops to Lingnan, kill with one hit

At this time, Zhu Li received a letter from Zhu Yuanzhang, meaning that in the vicinity of Lingnan, a group of anti-thieves swaggered through the city under his name, spreading the false words that he wanted to establish himself as emperor.

Zhu Li naturally will not show mercy to this kind of person who dies.

Quickly handing over the affairs of the sea to several clan brothers, Zhu Li led his troops to Lingnan.

Once in Lingnan, Zhu Li's army directly killed the leader of the thieves and bandits with the power of destruction and decay, and at the same time put things right, and returned all the property stolen by these bastards.

Not to mention, Zhu Li also let people tie up this group of thieves and hang them on trees, so that those ordinary people whip out.

06 This approach made the people worship this ninth prince Zhu Li even more, and at the same time hated this group of people who slandered Zhu Li, and one person and one knife directly led to the thieves.

Looking around, Zhu Li also discovered why there were many thieves and bandits here in Lingnan.

It is full of mountains and forests, which can be said to give those thieves and bandits a good hiding place, but the common people are deeply affected by it.

In this way, it is the greatest harm.

In order to solve this problem, Zhu Li personally led the soldiers to help the people cut down the trees that blocked the line of sight, and at the same time helped them cut the trees into firewood, which was also a clear compensation to the local people.

The common people immediately applauded, and one after another took out the fruits of the mountain land to Zhu Que.

Zhu Li looked at the fruit and felt that he could help them again, take local materials, help them beat the fruit into juice, and at the same time let the soldiers transport it to the city to sell.

In a short time, the soldiers earned hundreds of taels, and Zhu Li gradually dispersed the money in the order of old, weak, sick, and disabled first.

When he left, the common people also praised him, saying that Zhu Li was the chosen son of heaven and a fairy under the gods.

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Li, who had returned to the dynasty, he happily walked down from the dragon chair and took his hand.

"Lao Jiu, you did a good job in this matter, let's say, what reward do you want?"

Zhu Li shook his head, he said at the moment that the problem in Lingnan was not really solved, after all, most of the thieves' existence was because the supplies given by the imperial court were not sufficient.

Coupled with the existence of corrupt officials in various places, the common people can get very little.

The money earned from the sea this time, Zhu Li felt that he could allocate one-third of the huge amount of money for disaster relief, which could comprehensively improve Lingnan's economy, which was also needed by a country.

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang fully supports it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a farmer, he understands the sufferings of the world very well, so at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang is full of gratitude to Lao Jiu Zhu Li.

I think that at the beginning, if someone was like his own son and knew to stand out for the people, then there would probably not be Zhu Yuanzhang, who was forced to rebel and claim the emperor.

Thinking about it like this, Zhu Yuanzhang also smiled.

"Lao Jiu, how long are you going to stay in the court this time?"

Zhu Li shook his head. "Father, the sons and daughters still have to go to the outer regions. Today, although the territory is expanded, everything is in ruins, and in addition to the economy, the technology of agricultural products must also be passed on to the foreign countries. "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, but he was somewhat reluctant in his heart.

"Silly son, can't you accompany your father?"

Zhu Li smiled calmly, "Compared to this, isn't it better for the sons and daughters to fight opponents all over the world for the father and emperor, and expand the territory?" Don't worry, when it's time to come back, the children will naturally come back! "


Zhu Yuanzhang was also relieved to let go.

"Then you can feel free to do things boldly. If you have any trouble, feel free to repair the book, and Xin is waiting for you at any time! "。

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