159: Destroy the Nanban Sea bandits

When Zhu Li returned to the sea barracks, the second elder, Zhu Shu, also rushed over.

Looking at his nervous appearance, Zhu Li knew that things had changed, and it was probably not a good sign.

Sure enough, Zhu Shu said that some Nanban sea bandits have been frantically moving at sea in the past few days, and although it has not yet had any serious impact on a few of them, there are countless people around whose interests have been violated.

Zhu Li thought for a moment and immediately prepared for battle.

According to the activity trajectory of the Nanban pirates, Zhu Li formulated a night attack plan.

During the day, the Daming army sang and danced as always, and did not show abnormalities.

The Nanban pirates were also relieved, thinking that it was okay and moving crazy again.

However, the so-called happiness and sorrow also come from this.

At midnight, Zhu Li's men and horses instantly swept up the sleeping Nanban pirates.

At that moment, a burst of flames ignited on the surface of the sea, quickly burning all the harming guys.

Zhu Li also did this in order to avoid future troubles, except for the family members of the Nanban pirates, the other ones were not left to prevent a comeback.

Zhu Di was very satisfied with his younger brother's approach, and his statecraft and military talents did not delay each other.

After solving the Nanban pirates, Zhu Li also spent some effort to appease these women and their children who were captured by the thieves.

Childish and innocent, Zhu Li still arranged for them to return to Daming's ship.

However, these people felt that they could not go back to see their relatives and refused to leave.

It is no wonder that these people have disappeared at home for many years, and suddenly returning is also a stimulus for normal people.

However, if these people continue to live on the island of thieves, they will not be able to live independently.

In order to solve this problem nearby, Zhu Li directly settled them on the territory of the Java State.

With Zhu Li's words, the people of the Java Country accepted these women and children as soon as possible.

After settling these women and children, Zhu Li found that the island of the thief seemed to be a little unusual, so he led his troops to see it.

When I got there, I was surprised to find that the island is rich in minerals.

Although this technology cannot refine many useful things now, it cannot be wasted.

Oak led people to mine it personally and transported two million catties of minerals.

Zhu Shu was a little puzzled, what effect can the black rumbling ore do?

However, the next moment he knew how to use it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Li personally taught the refining technique to the craftsmen, from which he refined a lot of rare fuel oil.

These fuels can replace ordinary candles, light with oil lamps, and then illuminate.

As soon as this item came out, many small countries asked for technology, but Zhu Li directly refused, but agreed to sell oil lamps.

For a time, the oil lamp was in vogue in the sea again, and Zhu Li's hand could not stop.

This is simply a master in the world!

Old Seventeen Zhu Quan heard about the oil lamp and immediately asked people to write a letter to Zhu Li.

Zhu Li was also not stingy and gave away 100,000 for free, which was also to facilitate the old seventeen to have a good sight shake when fighting.

Zhu Shu looked at it, that old seventeen can be regarded as opportunistic, no, (Li Wang Zhao) he also wants to go!

No, Zhu Shu smiled and stepped forward, but Zhu Li directly spoke.

"'Second Brother Don't worry, your proper share will be sent to the jurisdiction of you.'"

Zhu Shu couldn't be more happy in his heart, and went up directly to press Zhu Li's shoulder.

"Or not to say it's a family. Don't worry, the affairs of the sea area will definitely take care of the brother! "

Although Zhu Shu is always said to be the king of straw bales outside, but now, here in Zhu Que, he has an indispensable role! .

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