160: Join forces to expand your territory

After rectifying the bandits, Zhu Li began to prepare for the development of agricultural products.

The land in Java is relatively humid and not suitable for growing all the rice of Daming.

But eating those aquatic products all the time, but there is no staple food, will also cause the human body to not adapt, and it will be very harmful in the long run.

In order to test which kind of rice ear can grow smoothly in Java, Zhu Que specially asked people to find dozens of rice varieties from the Ming Dynasty and plant them on the ground, but only three plants survived, and the quality of these three plants was really poor.

Zhu Li is now thinking, if the wetness of the land here is the only reason, then would it be better to change the soil for him?

In order to confirm his conjecture, Zhu Li quickly began to study the land, so that how 533 could become a little drier.

After making a nutrient solution, he poured it into it, and after several days of repeated trials, he finally allowed the rice ears to grow normally.

People from Java came to see the excitement, not knowing what this sapling-like thing could do.

Knowing that they would have such a reaction, Zhu Li took the opportunity to educate the villagers on these islands about the benefits of growing rice and what kind of food it could make.

Just saying that he didn't practice the fake style, Zhu Li took out the grain brought from the Ming Dynasty in advance and distributed it to these people one by one to taste. (agce)

After the group tasted it, they began to beg Zhu Que to give them fresh ears of rice, no matter how much it costed.

Zhu Li was waiting for this sentence, but in matters related to survival plans such as wheat ears, he also gave enough face to the people of the Java country, three taels of silver and one ear of wheat.

Zhu Yu admired Zhu Li even more at this time, this kid's talent is simply against the sky, and it is jaw-dropping at any time.

To be honest, if the wheat ear transplant is such a thing, if it is changed to someone else, eighty percent is stillborn, but it can be replaced with a vermilion oak, but it is a success, and it makes another profit by using this matter.

This kind of wisdom, to say that it is for the king is not excessive.

Zhu Li felt that these were not enough, and thought that the two small islands nearby were still relatively big-headed.

He has been observing the people on the two small islands these days, which are still relatively rough.

It can be said that they may launch attacks on the surrounding realm at any time and anywhere.

In this way, the defense system that was hard to build will be disintegrated by them.

Therefore, since the country of Java has been taken, the remaining few places should also be solved. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With this idea, Zhu Li immediately discussed with his brothers.

The second elder, Zhu Shu, also smiled directly and patted his chest.

"You can fight if you want, we must absolutely support you, brother don't talk nonsense, we can go out now."

"That's not in a hurry."

Zhu Li directly smiled and waved his hand.

"This matter is still up for debate, especially for those who are rough, we must choose one move to win, and we must not let our forces be damaged."

In Zhu Li's opinion, being able to subdue the opponent without using his own strength is the real king.

In the final analysis, it is necessary to find out how these two islands treat the people, and if they are cruel and unkind, then they can be overthrown with the help of the power of the people.

Zhu Di also felt the same way.

"Ninth Brother said very reasonably, these barbarian people don't know how to respect at all, if you can start with people's hearts, it will definitely be beneficial!"

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