176: Use in the right place

Zhu Shu didn't understand this truth, but Zhu Di understood it very well.

He knew very well in his heart that once the tiger talisman was seen by the other brothers, it would definitely set off a lot of storms.

Zhu Yuanzhang may not have done this just to support Lao Jiu, but also to give all the princes in the imperial court a ~ test.

If someone is lustful and attacks his brother, then embarrassed, even if it is his own son, Zhu Yuanzhang will kill without hesitation.

Zhu Li also knows everything, but at this time, he can't go to say something to his brothers in the imperial court, otherwise according to Old Zhu's violent temper, he may kill him, - a massacre.


There was a lot of turmoil in the imperial court.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang said that he wanted to keep it secret, he intentionally or unintentionally told Qi Tai and others the news, he just wanted to see if Qi Tai and others would take risks at this time and really attack their son.

Zhu Li had already guarded against Qi Tai in the morning, so when he got that someone from Jingshi had already sent a killer, he immediately arranged for the opposite person to deal with it.

In less than three hours, all of Qi Tai's people were killed, but Qi Tai this guy is very cunning, and he has to argue in front of Tie Zhengzheng's evidence, if it were not for Zhu Li's precautions and left a confession paper, it is estimated that it would be difficult to let him fall under the law.

There are two less guys in the court who have been brainwashing the prince, and Zhu Li is also a lot relieved.

In fact, he didn't have to kill this group of people, but Zhu Yunjiang's later changes were all caused by these bastards.

Without this group of old stubborns, Zhu Li really wants to change Zhu Yunjiang's brain and let him be a submissive citizen who keeps to himself.

In Zhu Li's opinion, Zhu Yunjiang's character is not to be an emperor who is shaking in the wind and rain, it is better to live the life of an idle cloud wild crane, so that he is comfortable.

To this end, Zhu Li also repaired the book to Zhu Biao, hoping that Zhu Biao would let his nephew Zhu Yunjiang come to his side to study.

Zhu Biao was overjoyed by Zhu Li's proposal and directly agreed.

Although the other ministers around Zhu Biao felt that Zhu Li might have ulterior motives, they could not stop Zhu Biao from believing Zhu Li, so they sent someone to send Zhu Yunjiao to Zhu Li's side on the same day.

Zhu Yunjiang looked at Zhu Li timidly, and for a while the inferiority complex came up again.

Zhu Li immediately went up and patted him on the shoulder, and couldn't help but scold.

"Seven-foot man, how can you be so timid, you are a member of the royal family, don't lose the face of the royal family!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Yunjiang was extremely ashamed, "Uncle Nine Emperors, I am a mediocre person, I can't compare..."


Zhu Li sighed and stopped Zhu Yunjiang from continuing.

This product seems to have been brainwashed very powerfully, how to take out that set of wrong ideas instilled by Huang Zicheng.

However, now it is good to let him be by his side, in addition to giving him courage, the more important point is to have an extra helper.

According to calculations, Zhu Yunjiang is not a worthless person, and some of his benevolent policies are still worth emulating, compared to Zhu Yuanzhang's killing results, Zhu Yunjiang's benevolent government has also played a role in those years.

Zhu Li swept his gaze over again and spoke.

"I said nephew, the imperial uncles are now ready to expand their territory again, what do you think can be done to stabilize the political situation?"

Zhu Yunjiang glanced at Zhu Li cautiously and bent down again to salute.

"Please forgive your nephew for talking a lot, An Nei will take the outside first, and it is right for the imperial uncles to continue to expand their territory, but if they can not kill, it is more popular, this point, the ninth imperial uncle makes the nephew admire the nine!"

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