177: Take Xiaozhu to see

"Since the virtuous nephew can comprehend, then Uncle Jiuhuang will not be stingy, and we will visit Nanyu at night today!"

Zhu Yunjiang had never done such an earth-shattering event, and he was terrified for a while.

"Uncle Huang, have you considered this matter?"

"Weigh what?"

The second elder, Zhu Shu, really hated Zhu Yunjiang's abrasive personality, and roared directly, but as a result, Zhu Yunjiao was even more daring, and immediately bowed his head.

"Second brother!"

Zhu Li shook his head helplessly.

Although Zhu Shu's personality is suitable for marching and fighting, this temper is a little bit and is definitely not suitable for commanding everything.

This time, he originally planned to take Zhu Shu with him, but in order to avoid a direct conflict between him and Zhu Yunjiang, he could only let Zhu Shu look at the island, and Zhu Di and Zhu Quan took Zhu Yunjiang and himself to attack Nanyu at night.

Nanyu is a large place, covering an area of about 3,000 kilometers, and fruits and vegetables are necessary for life on the island, which is suitable for making juice.

Because it was a disguise, Zhu Yunjiang was also a little bold and looked around.

This kid, who has lived in the besieged city in all directions since he was a child, has never seen this kind of flower world, and his face shows absolute joy for a while.

It turns out that life can still have such a situation!


Zhu Li smiled directly at Zhu Yunjiang, "This court and outside, what place makes you more happy?" "

"Naturally outside!"

Zhu Yunjiao suddenly showed a look of joy, and his dull appearance also improved a little.

In fact, Zhu Li does not necessarily have to take Zhu Yunjiang to progress together, and it doesn't matter if he is left aside.

But if the Ming Dynasty wants to develop, it must take a long-term view, and every prince and grandson can compete with each other, so as to be conducive to future achievements.

Zhu Yunjiang was also like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden at this moment, full of all kinds of curiosity about the entire Nanyu, Zhu Di felt inappropriate, and immediately leaned into Zhu Li's ear.

"Lao Jiu, Zhu Yunjiao is just an imperial eldest grandson who is not deeply involved in the world, in case..."

Zhu Li let out a light laugh.

Who doesn't know that this kid will definitely make a mistake, but he still wants to let this kid have some problems, so that those who want Zhu Biao to let Zhu Yunjiang give Zhu Yunjiang completely cut off this stupid idea.

Sure enough, Zhu Yunjiang accidentally knocked over the fruit stall of the Nanyu people, and was directly grabbed by someone 0...

The Nanyu people looked at Zhu Yunjiang, feeling that he was not from this place, and immediately wanted to Xingshi to ask for guilt. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Li directly took out two hundred taels of silver and threw it over, his gaze coldly swept towards the person who was ready to find fault.

"See clearly, what the master has is money!"

At this moment, the man who just wanted to be wordy, at this time, immediately retreated with a hippie smile, and don't mention Duomeizi in his heart.

Two hundred taels of silver, that's enough for him to eat for a long time!

After walking out, Zhu Di couldn't help it.

"Yun Jiao, your Ninth Uncle is helping you, but you can't act recklessly like this. In case you alarm the officers and soldiers here, you want to kill us? "

Zhu Yunjiao stopped talking all of a sudden, but Zhu Li acted indifferent.

"It doesn't matter, who can be sure that 1.2 will not make mistakes when they first arrive. I think Yun Jiao is a bit human at this time. "

Zhu Li's trick hit the cow across the mountain, so that Zhu Yunjiang couldn't even say half a word, obviously mocking him for not hearing things outside the window, like a nerd, but gave a little face.

Zhu Di completely lost confidence in this nephew at this time, even if he had a close relationship with his eldest brother, he couldn't like this nephew.

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