189: Stand across the side, there is meat to eat

After Zhu Li asked for Zhu Di's life, everyone in the court and the public knew that Zhu Li, the prince, had a big heart and was attentive to many things.

If anyone had anything to say about their brothers, Zhu Li would stand up as soon as possible.

Knowing this, the group of nagging ministers did not dare to put one, and swallowed all the complaints back.

Old Seventeen held back a smile, but in his heart, he really regarded Zhu Li as the first king, and this battle could be regarded as a no-brainer.

The second elder, Zhu Shu, now has other plans in his heart.

He went up and put his hand on Zhu Li's shoulder and smiled.

"Lao Jiu, do you say that we will continue to fight overseas now?"

"Target Wokou Country. But this time we did not destroy them, but abused them from time to time. How boring is it to directly extinguish, and it is not fun to get the money they earn out every month and hollow it out?"

Zhu Li's words made the brothers also interested, but Zhu Di was still very strange.

"Ninth Brother, why would you think about dealing with the Wokou Kingdom~?"

Zhu Li smiled slightly, "There is no special reason, but I think they look like livestock." So, you know what to do with livestock!"

Zhu Shu never paid much attention to Zhu Li's intentions in doing things, so he was quite indifferent to this matter.

"Wokou should have died, and Lao Jiu was right. I said Fourth, don't have so many questions, don't ask our baby Ninth Brother's brain stupid!"

Zhu Li also felt funny when he heard this.

No matter how much you ask, you will definitely not become a fool, after all, it is not a waste firewood like Zhu Yunjiang, and it will not be able to withstand the blow at any time.

A plan for the attack was made, and Zhu Li deliberately let the words go out so that the Yin Kingdom knew at the first time.

The leader of the Yin kingdom made arrangements for the battle, and at the same time declared that if he failed, he would commit suicide on the spot.

Zhu Li sneered and took his brothers to sneak attack and invade from the north of the South China Sea, and the Yin people who directly killed cried wolf howls, not to mention that seppuku committed suicide, even if he begged for mercy there, there was no chance.

Seeing that the entire island was about to be destroyed, the leader of the Yin Kingdom shamelessly kowtowed to Zhu Li, begging him to let go of the soldiers here.

"Lean!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhu Shu swept his gaze directly towards Zhu Li, "This bastard actually doesn't care about the life or death of the common people?"

Zhu Li also looked at his fourth brother Zhu Di at this time.

"So, Fourth Brother now knows how I won't let go of this group of bastards, right?"

"'Kill all!'

Zhu Di's eyes were also gloomy at this time.

Although he has a very violent personality, and he also has a good fight with Zhu Yuanzhang, he also advances and retreats properly, but if someone is not considerate enough for the people, then Zhu Di will kill on a big scale.

Zhu Li is going to destroy the Yin Kingdom, but he doesn't want it soon.

To the north of Xiaoyun, there is also a country of the United States, and it can be regarded as they warm each other at present.

If the U.S. country is destroyed at once, the United States will definitely take the opportunity to attack, and then the problem will be big (Li De's).

If you want to get ahead, you must also be fully prepared, which is what Zhu Li has always planned.

To this end, this time Zhu Li spoke.

"Usually, I don't care how you kill people and set fires, but in this battle, we can only destroy two-thirds of the strength of the Yan Kingdom, and the remaining one-third of the old, weak, sick and disabled to maintain this island. "

"Why is that?"

Old Seventeen Zhu Quan felt that killing part of it was not fun, and if it could be solved in full, that would be dashing! .

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