190: Playing with Your Heart? Looking for Death

"Once killed, how is the industry here?"

Zhu Li didn't think that there were people in the Ming Dynasty who took the initiative to survive in places where the clan had been extinct, which was simply making people's hair stand up.

Coupled with the fact that the eating habits here are completely different from those of the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that the common people will starve to death in less than three days.

In the long run, this place in the country of Yin will be completely wasted.

"Then Ninth Brother, you can also tell me your opinion!"

Zhu Shu was in a hurry, after all, he couldn't earn silver and couldn't attack, which made several royal brothers suffocate to death.

"Calm down. "

Zhu Li waved his hand towards Zhu Shu, Old Five, Zhu Yu, and Old Seventeen, appeasing their frizzy tempers.

"It's time to stabilize your mood. You guys are so anxious, when it spreads, others still think that a few of our brothers quarreled about 820, how cost-effective will it be then?"

Zhu Di also immediately showed his demeanor, and immediately helped Zhu Li suppress Old Fifth and Old Seventeen.

"A few of us are all sons, but to say how it is going at a time like this, it is really dashing." Today, Mo said that the ninth brother wants me to wait for quiet, even if it is my life, we will be as happy as food, right?"

This is absolutely ruthless!

Although Zhu Li thought that this person would definitely stand on his side, he did not expect that people promised so simply, and even guaranteed with their lives.

The second and third brothers were dumbfounded.

A good old fourth (AGFC), this can be regarded as a precursor, let Lao Jiu see his good, and compare other brothers!

This trick is really a thief!

Or how to say that this old fourth is really a poisonous snake old fourth, and it is really not authentic.

Zhu Li actually appreciates this method.

As long as it is not aimed at himself, it doesn't matter what psychological tactics Zhu Di wants to play.

It can be said that Zhu Di's existence has largely saved Zhu Li from worrying about the small calculations in the hearts of other brothers. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhu Di looked at the group of people on the island and looked at them, and immediately reminded Zhu Li a few words.

"I said Ninth Brother, how are the rest of these people going to clean up?"

Zhu Li swept his gaze towards these men, women, and children, and spoke directly.

"Let them continue to live, anyway, except for one male in each family, take everything else!"

This is only to prevent the island men from cutting off, but at the same time, it also reduces the possibility of their rebellion, after all, no matter how powerful the bonobos are, they will not be so vicious as to let the women fight.

This kind of thing is going to get out, and that's absolutely amazing.

Sure enough, knowing that Zhu Li had compassionately left them a way back, the group of bonobos took the children to bow down, completely forgetting who made them like this.

Zhu Li didn't bother to look at these woko, turned around and left.

In fact, he is a door spirit in his heart, those little wokou can't be called people at all, what they do is despicable and shameless, since that's the case, it's better to kill it directly than to have fun.

When he left the kingdom, Zhu Li also had the head of their leader hang on the gate of their country, and he was not allowed to take it off for ten years.

You know, this trick is enough to make that group of little wokou not forget today's shame, and at the same time, it will also give them a great sense of threat.

What Zhu Li wants is that they live and be tortured, and then they can't help but die, and even if the United States wants to use the topic to play, it is not something they should deal with.

"I really understand Ninth Brother's mind now. "

Seventeen Zhu Quan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Ninth brother is simply a king!"

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