194 The decisiveness of the Oak

The second elder has always been obedient to Zhu Liyan, so he directly waved his hand in this matter.

"Listen to you, let's go now!"

The bandits north of the Red River were desperately burning and looting, because they knew that once the Ming Dynasty's Zhu Li arrived, they would be unloaded one by one.

For this reason, they have no regard for life and death, and continue to forcibly rob the people's property.

Just as they were about to destroy the people on the entire island, a throwing knife directly cut off the arm of a bandit's head, causing the man to cry out in pain.

"Who is it?"

The bandit's head turned around and met Zhu Li's cold eyes.

Looking at Zhu Yue wearing the royal family's python robe, the man suddenly trembled, this murderous prince finally came, it seemed that he couldn't dodge.

"Stupid guy!"

At this time, Zhu Yue walked forward step by step, looking at those mourning situations, and drew his sword and directly split the other party's head with his palm.

Although the process is somewhat violent, for the slaughtered people, this is simply a god.

Therefore, everyone kowtowed to Zhu Li.

Zhu Li immediately winked at the second elder, asking him to settle it all.

The second elder, Zhu Shu, was also cheerful, and waved directly at them.

"Since you feel that you must obey what the Heavenly God says, then hurry up and do it now, the Heavenly God has asked you to work well and contribute to Daming on time every year. "

"No problem. "

At this time, everyone responded to the call and showed that they would fully support the arrangement of the gods.

After that, back to the camp tent, the second elder Zhu Shu also had some excitement, and asked Zhu Li why he didn't sell barbecue here.

"Stupid. "

Zhu Li shook his head at him.

I've already inquired, and the people north of the Red River have long known about juice and barbecue, so this trick doesn't work at all. "

"When did you investigate?"

Zhu Shu was directly stunned.

He had never seen his ninth brother go out.


Zhu Li didn't have time to continue to toss other things, now that the northern region of the Red Sea has been conquered, the culture of this common people also needs to change.

People in the waters of the Red Sea have not received the knowledge of the school, which is equivalent to anyone can stir up right and wrong from it, so what is the use of occupying the island.

In order to solve this matter, Zhu Li also constantly read the etiquette notes of Daming, and at the same time managed to recruit three thousand Daming children who were granted culture.

"'That's not bad!'

It was the first time that Zhu Shu had seen such an amazing class where everyone accepted knowledge, and all the original worries disappeared.

Although this could not reverse these old and stubborn thoughts at once, Zhu Li knew that as long as these people who loved the island the most and did not like to kill, it was good to memorize those rules.

"Ninth brother!"

Thirteen's anxious voice interrupted Zhu Li's thoughts, and Zhu Li (Li Dehao) stood up directly.

"It's not for you to continue to stare at the situation on the sea, why did you go and return?"

It's good not to mention this, there is no way to mention it, the old thirteenth person and the person who claims to be the emperor of the sea on the sea surface got into a fight.

Originally, this person also proposed that as long as Zhu Li and them retreated, they could...

"So you can say so?"

Zhu Li's smile gradually became obvious.

"Second brother will take me now, I really want to meet the person who does not measure himself for a while." "。

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