195: Want to earn oak money

After Zhu Shu took Zhu Li to the sub-realm of the Red Sea, the group of persuaded people still behaved very unruly.

Even, some people say that the culture of the Ming Dynasty is garbage and cannot be compared with their Red River.

For this, Zhu Li just laughed lightly.

"Since you are such thoughtful people, then why don't you do something for the Ming Dynasty, it is not impossible to protect your Red River, just chewing the root of your tongue behind your back, but it makes people feel that they are invincible." "

Although the person in front of him did not speak harshly, the group of people began to shudder.

Looking at the man who seems to be calm, his eyes have a hint of killing at this moment, this situation inevitably makes them feel that some hearts are not taste, it seems that things 720 are becoming more and more troublesome.

With this kind of imposing suppression, Zhu Shu and the problems they did not solve, Zhu Yue immediately continued.

In fact, Zhu Li knew that this group of people just wanted to please some good prizes, and after giving these good heads, they did not dare to do anything more.

After arriving at the camp tent, Zhu Li received a new fold from Zhu Yuanzhang.

It shows that there are some strange things in Mumbai that need to be seen by Zhu Que.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang did not want to pay attention to the pleas of such a small place, but this place in Mumbai is closely related to the Ming Dynasty, and if he gives up, other cities will inevitably attack en masse, which is the best reason why Zhu Yuanzhang must let Zhu Li solve this matter at this time.

Zhu Li shook his head helplessly, his father and emperor gave him some strange things every time, and he really looked like a child.

After carefully looking at this fold, Zhu Li knew how to do it.

The next day, Zhu Li went to Mumbai.

Seeing those ordinary people sweeping over with cold eyes, Zhu Li just coughed.

"Guys, I'm here to show you a way to make a fortune, and you don't want it?"

In an instant, everyone rushed towards Zhu Li, they who had been poor for so many years, finally heard such a sentence at this time, and they all grabbed Zhu Li's clothes.


Zhu Li also quickly released the internal force, (agbg) ejected them, kept a certain distance before speaking.

"Don't worry, these things will definitely satisfy you all. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

At this point, someone began to be unconvinced, "You said that Jean is satisfied, this is impossible." "

Zhu Li directly glared at the man, and in an instant, the man was suppressed by the momentum, and the whole person plopped down on the ground, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Li looked at everyone again.

"Those who want to make money stay, and those who don't want to make money let him roll by themselves." "

"We are willing to make money. "

The people of Mumbai could no longer bear the fixed hardship at this time, and constantly put forward demands on the vermilion.

"As long as we can get us money, we are willing to accept it no matter how much, but only if you don't lie to us." "

Looking at their eyes, Zhu Li couldn't help but smile.

What good is it for me to lie to you, don't forget that the Daming Dynasty has always said the same. "

Everyone was silent, after all, Zhu

The man was indeed unfathomable, so the people of Mumbai nodded their heads after thinking about it several times.

"Follow His Royal Highness!"

In an instant, the atmosphere was set to the highest point.

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