Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 381 The daily life of villains! Humans are just cows!

"Alice, don't worry, tell me what's going on?" Hu Qing also knew immediately why Alice was looking for him.

Before Bella gave birth, she almost lost her life because the child in her belly was not ordinary, it was a hybrid of human and Mel vampire, and there was a mutation, and the child was absorbing Bella's vitality.

According to the plot of the movie, Bella will be fine in the end and give birth to the child safely.

Because Edward will turn her into a vampire.

However, at this time, Bella should not be ready to become a vampire, and she has not even thought about becoming a vampire.

Hu Qing did not want to refuse Alice.

If he could go over to treat Bella, he would definitely win the greatest favor of the Cullen family and Jacob.

Then when the child is born, the royal vampires should come to kill Bella's child, because they think the child is a bloodthirsty demon child!

In the rules of the royal vampires, the bloodthirsty demon child is a disaster star and must be eradicated.

In the movie, the leader of the royal family, Aro, led the army to attack the town of Fox.

At that time, Jacob and his men would definitely think of asking him for help.

Although the Mel vampires in Twilight are not as powerful as the vampires of the original family, the Mel vampire royal family is no less simple.

The original family controls the city of New Orleans, but the royal family of the Mel vampires also controls a small town called Volterra.

A small town seems to be nothing compared to a city, but what if this town is the location of the world's second largest Catholic church cluster?

Moreover, the royal family occupied this church as a palace.

The royal vampires served as priests and bishops, and the leader of the royal family, Aro, was the Pope.

Every year, countless Catholic believers gather here and pray to the Lord sincerely.

But how could those believers know that this is a vampire den, and this time of year is also a carnival day for the royal vampires.

Similarly, the number of royal vampires is not small.

In the movie, the royal vampire army went to the town of Forks. The Quileute werewolves and the Cullens joined forces, and invited many vampire allies, but they could not resist the royal army.

In the end, it was Alice's prophecy that forced the royal vampires to retreat temporarily.

Because in the prophecy, although the royal family can destroy the Cullens and those allied vampires, and make the Quileute wolf tribe pay a tragic price, the royal leader Aro will turn his head down to die together.

When Aro saw the result of this prophecy, he felt that there was no need to use his life in exchange for the destruction of the other party. If he died, everything would be meaningless, so he withdrew decisively and planned to defeat them one by one later.

However, if he met them this time, the royal vampire army would not have to leave.

Alice's voice sounded again; "Hu, Bella did have some problems, and the baby is growing very fast. According to estimates, Bella may be in danger when giving birth."

"I saw the future again in my anxiety. I saw you use a white light to treat Bella, so I called you immediately, hoping that you can come to help us when Bella gives birth."

Hu Qing knew that the white light Alice was talking about was a healing technique, so he asked: "How long will it take for Bella to give birth? As a friend, I will go there."

Alice hurriedly explained: "It should be more than 10 days. I will notify you when the time comes. Hu, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" After Hu Qing hung up Alice's phone, he also summoned the ghost car and prepared to go to Seattle.

Although Nutrilite's holy water rain plan is good, he still needs to confirm the power of this holy water.

Driving out of the castle and heading out of the town, when passing a street, he unexpectedly saw a figure. Wasn't it Catherine who he brought from Falls Town? ?

At this time, the woman was standing at an intersection with a depressed look on her face, and this intersection was one of the boundaries of Hongming Village.

This woman wanted to leave, but unfortunately, a villain like her definitely couldn't leave Hongming Village.

Hu Qing didn't want to pay attention to this woman and drove away directly.

Catherine is just an ordinary person now, so she naturally didn't know that the person sitting in the car passing by was Hu Qing.

Moreover, she didn't care about anything else. She sat down with her hands on her stomach, and her stomach began to growl.

She hadn't eaten since she was brought here last night. As a vampire, it was okay not to eat for a few days, but as an ordinary person, she would be hungry if she didn't eat for a meal.

"You can't leave here either?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Catherine frowned and looked over, and saw a scary man with long hair and a pale face appeared next to him.

Prince Aluda pushed his palm forward and said, "I can't get out either. It's all because of that idiot. He cast some kind of magic here."

He noticed Catherine last night. He was locked up in this town and wanted to leave all the time. He had been studying around the town and naturally noticed Catherine running around trying.

The other party looked the same as when he was first brought here.

"Who are you?" Catherine frowned at Prince Aluda.

Prince Aluda asked back, "Does it matter who I am? What you should care about now is how to survive here, and then slowly study how to leave here. Well, we have the same experience, and I don't mind cooperating with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Prince Ajuda saw a couple with a child walking past not far away. He immediately walked over, condensed two dark energy balls with his hands, and then threw them up in his hands. Keep spinning in circles, like a sophisticated acrobatic technique.

When the children saw this scene, they clapped their hands happily, and their parents smiled heartily and gave Prince Ajuda some change.

All the parents in the town know that a performance artist has come to the town to perform acrobatics for children. As long as the children are happy, parents don't mind giving each other a little change.

Catherine watched this scene with astonishment on her face!

"Let's go, I'll treat you to pizza!" Prince Ajuda shook the change towards Catherine.

Hu Qing quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department, and Nutrilite immediately brought Hu Qing the holy water they made.

Hu Qing put the holy water in his inventory and knew the quality of the holy water.

The holy water produced by the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department using that special ore is of high quality and can have an impact on the level of the demon leader. Even if it is not fatal to the vampires of the Founding Family, it can be restricted without any problem.

Once there is a rain of holy water in New Orleans, all those vampires will definitely be trapped, and then he can harvest experience like crazy.

The week passed quickly.

Hu Qing also followed Nutrilite on a transport plane and set off for New Orleans. At the same time, he also notified Ellen and the others on the other side.

Whether it was for agreeing to avenge JO and Ellen, or for experience, the vampires of the Founding Family were dead.

New Orleans is a port city that was inconspicuous at first. The first residents were composed of rowing slaves, hunters, gold diggers, cleaners, and the women were all prostitutes.

I don’t know when it started, but New Orleans began to develop rapidly. Now it is one of the largest port cities and the largest tourist city, and its economy is even more prosperous.

Everyone is marveling at the development of New Orleans, but no one knows that all this is fueled by the ancestor family, and vampires are the masters of this city.

As the most popular tourist city, New Orleans receives the most tourists from petty bourgeoisie families who have achieved economic freedom.

The Delly family is such a petty bourgeoisie family. Delly has a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter.

After arriving in New Orleans, he took his wife to the most famous Harbor View to enjoy the sea breeze at night.

"Daddy, daddy, I want a glowing balloon!" the little girl shouted, holding a white short-tailed rabbit.

This short-tailed rabbit was also bought here in New Orleans, and it seems to be a specialty here.

"Good girl, you and mom are waiting here!" Delly smiled and walked towards a store.

This kind of luminous balloon is specially made and looks beautiful at night. Many people bought it in the port.

Just after Delly left, something suddenly felt wrong with the short-tailed rabbit in the little girl's hand. He struggled to get rid of the little girl's hand and ran towards an alley.

"Tutu!~" The little girl was anxious and immediately chased after her. Delly's wife also followed.

But as soon as the mother and daughter entered the alley, two figures appeared behind them, and then their eyes became blurred.

Then, the two figures directly bit the mother and daughter's necks and began to suck their blood.

These were obviously two vampires. After Gulu Gulu sucked a lot of blood, the two vampires flashed and left the alley.

After a while, the mother and daughter's eyes regained clarity, but their faces were obviously pale and weak as they were given a meal by two vampire pavilions.

The short-haired rabbit stopped running and stayed quietly beside the little girl.

"Where's Bunny, where's Bunny?" the little girl still cried ignorantly.

The mother felt something was wrong and felt dizzy. She quickly picked up the short-haired rabbit on the ground and pulled her daughter out of the alley.

In the dark, the two vampires watched this scene with amused faces.

"The blood of young women and little girls is more delicious."

"Yes, it would be better to have more of this delicious food. I think we can suggest giving more discounts to this kind of people."

The two vampires looked at the mother and daughter with very satisfied faces.

They vampires are the masters of this city, and humans are just their food.

Just like humans raising cows in captivity and selecting high-quality milk.

This human being is the cow they raised in captivity, and they are naturally better able to choose delicious blood.

Human beings are the most arrogant creatures. They think they are at the top of the food chain, but they don't know that they are just the same as those cows.

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